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Some team feedback!


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Was just hoping for some team feedback on my team:

Alakazam (modest)

252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 Hp

Ability - Magic Guard

Item - Mind Plate

Move set - Shadowball, Grass Knot, Psychic, Calm Mind

Nidoking (modest)

252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 Hp

Ability - Sheer Force

Item - Black Sludge

Move set - Sludgewave, Flamethrower, Earth Power, Swagger

Archeops (adamant)

252 Att / 252 Spd / 4 Hp

Ability - Defeatist

Item - N/A (for acrobatics)

Move set - Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Dragon Claw, U-turn

Feraligatr (adamant)

252 Att / 252 Spd / 4 Hp

Ability - Sheer Force

Item - Life Orb

Move set - Ice Punch, Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Crunch

Blaziken (adamant)

252 Att / 252 Spd / 4 Hp

Ability - Speed Boost

Item - Zoom Lens (for Hi-Jump Kick and Blaze Kick)

Move set - Hi-Jump Kick, Blaze Kick, Brave Bird, Bulk Up

Rotom-Wash (loney)

252 SpD / 252 Def / 4 Hp

Ability - Levitate

Item - Brightpowder (until my pick-up crew finds a leftovers)

Move set - Confuse Ray, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Scald

It's probably a little sweep heavy but Alakazam does a pretty good job with special tanking after a calm mind and Rotom is an amazing switch.
I've got a few options in the PC i swap in and out but this is my favourite team.

Was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions or tips or anything!

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Now this is real power. Funny, I did a new spreadsheet of my new team I'm going to build and most likely my permanent team. Nidoking is on my team and the first team I see here after so long is someone using Nidoking has well. Much love mate

Alakazam is good

Nidoking: I plan to run Sludge Wave / Earth Power / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam. I don't think Swagger is a good move for him. Go all out with Atk moves

Archeops: Breed it so it can have Earthquake and replace U-Turn with it (need EP12 for this)

Feraligatr is good

Blaziken: I would replace Brave Bird with Baton Pass...GOD tier Poke

Rotom....IDK seriously. Your EV's spread tells me you want to have a tanky Rotom. I said switch this Poke for something else like Sneasel (won't be able to evolve it until next EP apparently) but he would be a great asset to your team.

NOTE: He most likely derp with Rotom having Scald give the fella a break lol

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Sorry I had just replaced a simipour and it was the dream that made me want it to be real /facepalm - RotomW with scald would be ohmygawd.

I've got a chestnaught in backup, tanky with leech/spiky and wood hammer and a magnezone just in case - i just haven't fallen in love with either of them while i was using them.

The nidoking has been my absolute baby, seems to take the hits and OHKOs when its just needed, probably won't replace him.
I love the baton pass idea for Blaziken, definitely going to do that!

I'd go the tbolt/icebeam way for nidoking but i've found my feraligatr deals with anything ice related and water hasn't been too much of a problem.

Thanks for the awesome feedback!

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I said switch this Poke for something else like Sneasel (won't be able to evolve it until next EP apparently) but he would be a great asset to your team.

If you want to save yourself a heart scale, don't level sneasel up too high yet. There's no tutor for Knock off, and only Weavile learns Night Slash.

Also, doesn't Lonely lower you defense for an attack-raise? Change that to Bold or something at the psychologist. You can also go for Heliolisk or Magnezone if you just want the Electric typing.

Edited by laggless01
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