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Pokemon Reborn: Pokemon Nicknames.

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In my currently incomplete playthrough of Reborn I have been nicknaming every Pokemon I have obtained after Reborn users. EVERY. SINGLE. POKEMON.

Here is what I have so far:

Box 1:

Ama the Farfetche'd, Azery the Pacharisu , Azery 2.0 the Pacharisu, Hilda the Plusle, Wendel the Teddiursa, Alexus the Gulpin, Rupe the Hoppip, Ikaru the Beautifly, Silver the Swirlix, Amadun the Ducklett, FraRPetO the Cleffa, Void the Glameow, Jericho the Plusle, AbbeyStreet the Happiny, Pyon Kyuu~ the Trubbish, D.Skitty the Skitty, Shadow Tack the Mankey, gbhg the Budew, Eternal Edge the Noibat, Praisolite the Mareep, Fezzdog the Lillipup, Hukuna the Carnevine, Rosesong the Petilil, Assery the shiny Arbok, Clarawr the Lunatone, T-war the Voltorb, Dan the Kricketune, Zephoria the Emolga, LidaRose the Smoochum, Enigma the Crustle.

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Box two:

OFIHilda the Carvanha, Vinny the Ditto, Alexus Jr. the Phanpy, ZuZu the Azurill (In game trade), Amethyst-A the Arbok, King Murdoc the shiny Magcargo, Ashworth the Chatot, Zephyr the Ponyta, Colin the shiny Litleo, Pinlopple the Bidoof, Bibsy the shiny Bouffalant, Kuro the Sudowoodo, Swimming95 the Tauros, Amethyst-B the Confagrigus, Amethyst-C the Buneary, Sonic112233 the Pansear, Abbey the Numel, KittehMiss the Espurr, Alexus Jnr. the Blitzle, Ikaru Snr. the Tynamo, Alexus the Snubbull, Hildra the Onix, Rose the Vanillite, Lida the Paras, Azery Snr. the Bronzong, Dobbeh the Seel, Jerry the Carbink, Baz the shiny Dustox, Sazane the Ariados, Ama the Solrock

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Box three:

Kaito the Lotad, Mikzal the Abra, Acqui the Swoobat, Amethyst-D the Jigglypuff, Kirito the Loudred, Jericho Jnr. the shiny Golem, S.Roxas the Electrode, Pyrrhon the Cynadquil, Amethyst-E the Lickitung, Lost Lore the shiny Sandshrew, Lost the Rogenrola, Kurostune the Misdreavus, Reevee the Nidorina, Zephyr Jnr. the shiny Druddigon, Kuro Jnr. the Clefairy, HILDRAWR the Hariyama, Bhatt the shiny Claydol.

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>tfw two cute birds are named after me

When will Azery finally be a duck o:

Edit: Wait since when am I a Solrock? I missed that! Solrock is cool~

I name all my Reborn 'mons, usually randomly.

Which means I just either pick some name that pops into my head, or I make one up from scratch.

Though with some I just have to name them after specific things.

I especially like to name them after/reference Reborn characters, kinda like Shelly except half the time it seems to end up being Meteor names :'D

I've got Luminous (Lumi) the Espeon, Eventide (Eve) the Noivern, Star (Tara) the Dewgong, Eclipse the Absol, a shiny Staraptor named Zero, and a shiny Houndoom named Sirius.

As for the characters we're allied with: Anna the Froslass, Caine the shiny Scolipede (she's female, I don't think Cain would mind), Aya the Skrelp (still gotta train her) and I might name my Volcarona Charlotte because it's a Firebug huehue.

Edited by Ama
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Many of my pokemon are nicknamed in Reborn lol

Here are some from memory:

Hooke (Spoink), Miura (Tauros), Aventador and Dennis Rodman (Boufffalants), Hippop (Hoppip), Zidane (Scrafty), BlueBalls (Azurill), Brock (Croagunk), Woody (Sudowoodo), Helium (Drifloon), MilkperGallon (Miltank), CarbonMonoxide (Litwick), 8C (Bronzong), Megahorns (Piloswine)

Some nicknames are obvious, some...not so much.

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