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Hello, I just signed in and someone suggested I should introduce myself here so yeah! I guess I'll just talk a bit about me :)

Let's see...

I started playing Pokemon back when Gold and Silver first came out, so I'm a veteran I guess haha

I enjoy a lot of different games but my all time favourite is Dark Souls (the first one, its story is just amazing!)

I consider myself quite enthusiastic but I'm also really shy so I sometimes look a bit weird to others

Aaaaand hmm... Oh yeah! I really hate chocolate. Like pure hatred, I'd literally vomit as a kid if someone tried to feed me chocolate lol

And well, I guess that's it for now! I actually created this account to ask a question about the game but I guess I can participate in the forums now that I have one haha

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STRAWBERRY MILK SHALL REGAIN ITS TRUE POSITION AS OUR OVERLORD! hahaha thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :)

I used to really dislike Silver actually, he was like the only trainer in the entire game not willing to accept me as the better trainer until the very end, and I really hate my skills being doubted (hurts my pride lol) so that pushed me to challenge myself and I actually imposed a restriction on my team building to prove I was better, I could only have 5 members on my team! It's stupid I know but as a kid i felt that made the game waaay harder than it was hahah In the end the sixth member (a geodude I captured to get past Victory Road) ended up winning me the league after beating Lance's Dragonite with Rock throw (it was confused after using Outrage and it hit itself so all I had to do was damage him for like 1 hp lol). What I wanted to say is that now that I reflect on my experience on that game I really appreciate what Silver did, it made me try new and weird paths that would eventually lead me into playing challenges like Nuzlocke so yeah, now I wish he appeared more in the game :/

If I have any question I'll make sure I check the rules and other posts first so for now thanks again! :)

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  On 6/12/2015 at 6:29 PM, Real_Amnz said:

Aaaaand hmm... Oh yeah! I really hate chocolate. Like pure hatred, I'd literally vomit as a kid if someone tried to feed me chocolate lol




how can you not love chocolate? :'(

Fiiiiiine, welcome to Reborn.

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Well met Amnz.

Welcome to Reborn!

Hmm... interesting view on Silver. I do hope you don't have any problems with him though, because...

*Looks at avatar*


And a fellow Dark Souls fan \o/

f u Four Kings

Anyway, do check the Community Rules to the left, and right above the Community Rules, is the search bar. And above that, is the link to the Reborn Server! Do join us there cuz everyone is crazy \o/

I hope you enjoy your eternal never ending permanent holyshitthisisgoingtotakeforevertoend stay in Reborn!

I'll see you around \o/

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