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The Fantasy RPG Class Test


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Hello, guys. I'ts me, Solaris. And I'm coming here with a new thread.

Do you want to know what would be your warrior class in a Fantasy RPG game? Here is the test for you!


Post your results if you want!

Here my results:

The War Paladin


65% Strength, 7% Bloodlust, 23% Intelligence, 52% Spirit, 28% Vitality and 13% Agility!

Powerful and noble warriors, War Paladins are both masters of weapons and defensive magic. By imbuing their weapons with light magic, War Paladins can easily and effortlessly vanquish any evil or undead foes. Additionally, they excel at defensive spells which they use to enhance the protective power of their shields. The magic of spellcasters has little affect on War Paladins because of the defensive capabilities of their magical shields. These shields also help protect them against any physical attacks, making War Paladins almost impossible to injure. On top of that, they can use their magic to heal themselves or their allies. The combination of high physical power and high defensive magic make War Paladins one of the top classes. Their only downside is that that they can sometimes lack stealth and can be quite slow; however, the strongest War Paladins have increased their agility enough so that it is not a problem in battle.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

Edited by Ame_Rosa
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This was fun, thanks for showing it to me! Here are my results;

The Elemental Ranger

22% Strength, 25% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 30% Spirit, 18% Vitality and 53% Agility!


Swift and deadly archers capable of amazing precision and accuracy, Elemental Rangers use powerful light and elemental magic to enhance the strength of their arrows and to endow those arrows with special magic properties. For example, an arrow imbued with wind magic can easily slice through everything it pierces, and an arrow imbued with ice magic can freeze a target on impact. In addition, these agile warriors can use their bows to shoot enchanted arrows that can home in and lock on their targets, allowing the Elemental Rangers to shoot anything they desire with perfect accuracy.

Furthermore, these archers are capable of using magic on arrows in mid-flight to split that single arrow into multiple arrows. This incredibly useful ability allows the Elemental Rangers to easily target multiple foes and catch those foes off guard. Normally, these observant warriors will stealthily hide in the shadows and shoot their targets from afar; however, they are not opposed to engage in closer range combat if absolutely necessary. In fact, these warriors can strengthen their arrows with earth magic so that they can use them as daggers at close range, or they can even simply use their elemental magic alone to attack their foes. On top of their ability to use elemental magic, Elemental Rangers are often quite skilled with light magic, which they use to protect and defend the weak from evil, demonic and undead enemies.

Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!

This is a special class that requires a very high amount of Elemental Archery. You scored 72% on this variable!

The Genie, impressed by your choices, has granted you the Hidden Power of Elemental Archery.

Edited by DarkSpite
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This was a fun little bit to do. I'll throw my results in a spoiler.I think it's fairly accurate. I do tend to blend physical and mental powers when I can.

Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test...

The Rune Knight

48% Strength, 23% Bloodlust, 38% Intelligence, 23% Spirit, 28% Vitality and 27% Agility!


Masters of elemental magic and swordsmanship, the noble and valiant Rune Knights are valuable and staunch allies in battle. By using rune magic to imbue their weapons with elemental power, these fearsome warriors can defeat opponents most other warriors can only dream of defeating. Their magic can help them slice through the toughest armor and vanquish the most formidable foes. For example, by condensing wind magic around their blade, Rune Knights can slice through even the most solid and most impenetrable forces. Additionally, Rune Knights can enhance the strength of their own body and armor with rune magic to make it more resistant to enemy spellcasters and warriors. By covering themselves in these powerful runes, enemy attacks simply bounce off of them. In fact, certain runes can even make attacks literally reflect back onto the enemy essentially turning the power of the enemy against them. Furthermore, Rune Knights can use their powerful runes to summon incredible and powerful displays of pure elemental magic that they can use to directly attack their opponents. The most powerful Rune Knights even have some skill with dark and light magic. Although most often honorable warriors, the Rune Knights may turn to the side evil if necessary.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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30% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 42% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 30% Vitality and 22% Agility!


Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.
Congratulations on reaching this high class!
You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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oh god...

Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Hex Blade

47% Strength, 38% Bloodlust, 53% Intelligence, 15% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 5% Agility!


Evil, deadly, and sneaky, Hex Blades bring misfortune and destruction to anyone nearby. Hex Blades are masters of dark magic, chaotic magic, and casting curses, which they use to defeat their opponents. By combining dark with light energy, Hex Blades can unleash a wide array of curses that inflict harm and misery upon anyone who opposes them. In fact, strong warriors will become weak and useless in the face of the powerful and chaotic curses of the Hex Blades. On top of that, Hex Blades naturally cast an aura of shadow and misfortune around them making any foes slightly more unlucky. Conversely, some Hex Blades have high levels of spirit, which actually increases their own luck and makes them more fortunate in battle. By combining misfortune for the enemy and good luck for themselves, deadly enemy attacks simply graze past the Hex Blades, allowing them to turn the flow of any battle in their favor. Although Hex Blades are skilled with dark magic, they may occasionally also be quite skilled with light and elemental magic. For example, some Hex Blades can torment and torture their foes with powerful elemental curses, while others may augment their own dark hex magic with powerful divine magic to produce chaotic results. Even without elemental magic, Hex Blades can easily overcome their opponents with their swordsmanship. Hex Blades happen to be masters with swords and other bladed weapons, which they will often use to mercilessly trounce their enemies.

Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!

This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

Edited by Sinikuro013
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The Star Lancer

43% Strength, 18% Bloodlust, 30% Intelligence, 15% Spirit, 25% Vitality and 40% Agility!


As their name suggests, Star Lancers are masters of the lance and spear-like weapons, which they can augment with rudimentary elemental and light magic. Quick, stealthy, and powerful, the Star Lancers can easily overwhelm even the most ferocious of opponents. Of all the warrior classes, the Star Lancers are unmatched in stamina and agility. By blending in with their surroundings, Star Lancers can use their ninja-like moves and reflexes to quickly and silently defeat their opponents. Star Lancers can move so quickly that it almost appears as if they are creating clones of themselves in battle. With this extreme speed, Star Lancers can attack and eliminate their foes without even looking as if they moved an inch. By combining their agility with their supreme weapon skills, Star Lancers can unleash devasting and virtually unstoppable combinations of attaks. Most often, Star Lancers enjoy spending time on their own and will often travel world by themselves or with a small group of companions; however, they have strong convictions and often have a strong sense of justice. If possible, Star Lancers will actually try to avoid battle, but they are not opposed to slashing down any foes foolish enough to stand in their way.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Creator

∞ Strength, ∞ Bloodlust, ∞ Intelligence, ∞ Spirit, ∞ Vitality and ∞ Agility!


Could...could it be true!? Do my eyes deceive me??? I am truly not worthing of gazing upon you, the Creator, ruler of good, evil, and everything else delicious! Just thinking about it gives me goosepimples all of over! Through the ages, generations of people have chanted your name and worshiped your divine existence. From the fridgid zenith of the highest mountain, to the darkest depths of the deepest ocean, your presence is felt. You are the beginning and the end, everything and nothing, life and death, order and chaos, divine good and sinister evil. Everything in this universe is yours, your creation, your masterpiece, and in each and every one of those creations is a piece of your transcendent celestial soul, breathed into them through your heavenly and demonic incorporeal existence. The world is your chessboard to arrange, create, and play with however you desire. The people of the world are your chesspieces that you create and observe with sadistic pleasure as they build and destroy, succeed and fail, create and annihilate; however, none of these worthless, greedy mortals can ever come close to a fraction of your ultimate, unfathomable powers. Some may wonder how you obtained such limitless power, but the truth is that you never obtained it at all; from the beginning of time to the end of time, you've always had it.

This is the highest class available...but you already knew that.

The Genie has not granted you any power because you cannot be granted that which you already have and that which you yourself have created...but again, you already knew that. You're finding this quite amusing aren't you?

lol just joking, but this was my real class:

Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Classless

0% Strength, 0% Bloodlust, 0% Intelligence, 0% Spirit, 0% Vitality and 0% Agility!


Somehow you completely failed at achieving a class. How in the world did you manage that!? O_o But I guess it makes you sort of unique? A jack of all trades and a master of none, you are the Classless!

This is a very low level class. Actually it's not even really a class at all, but you can go ahead and pretend it is.

If you would like a different class, try being more consistent with your answers. Or you could try shooting for The Hero class which requires all of your skills to be nearly equal.


Edited by Sinikuro013
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The Night Walker

15% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 27% Intelligence, 32% Spirit, 37% Vitality and 70% Agility!


Combining incredible martial arts skills along with their stealth, Night Walkers make deadly adversaries. Swiftly and easily locating pressure points, Night Walkers are able to subdue opponents of deadly strength and ferocity. By targeting the pressure points of their opponents with concentrated energy, Night Walkers can seal off the flow of energy within the bodies of opponents thus weakening them physically and also making them incapable of using any spells. Night Walkers literally imbue their fists with shadows by combining powerful light and dark magic striking fear and horror into all who stand before them. By unleashing blasts of shadow energy, Night Walkers can easily overwhelm any opponent. Furthermore, Night Walkers are supremely talented with a bow, and by hiding in the shadows and augmenting their arrows with shadow magic, Night Walkers can easily snipe their opponents with an unavoidable shot. Thus, Night Walkers have both incredible close combat skills and amazing long ranged abilities. Using their powers, Night Walkers have been known to take down entire battalions of warriors by creating armies of clones out of the shadows that are capable of physically damaging opponents. In addition, Night Walkers can use both shadow and moon magic allowing them to use the darkness of night to their advantage. Although they use shadow and moon magic, they are not necessarily evil, and even though their darkness is often misconstrued as evil, they may be seen using their powers for good. In fact, most Night Walkers fight for the side of good rather than evil, and they prefer peace and tranquility.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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My result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Silent Wanderer
40% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 18% Spirit, 28% Vitality and 52% Agility!


Oftentimes Silent Wanderers can be very introverted and enjoy being alone, and this may be misconstrued as a sign of evil. Some people may even find Silent Wanderers strange and unusual, but they know in their hearts who they truly are and what they truly believe. With their strong convictions, stealthy nature, and skill with weapons, Silent Wanderers can be deadly foes. Although they are skilled with a sword, Silent Wanderers often prefer to silently snipe their enemies with a bow or set hidden traps to defeat their opponents. By hiding in the shadows, Silent Wanderers can use their bow to take down entire groups of warriors without ever revealing their presence. Thus, Silent Wanderers are incredibly talented with not only close ranged swordsmanship but also with long ranged archery. When travelling, Silent Wanderers leave no footprints making them impossible to track, and in close combat they are so swift and agile that they hardly make a sound. Oftentimes, this makes it nearly impossible to predict and read their movements allowing the Silent Wanderers to easily defeat their opponents. Although they do not actively seek battle, they will not hesitate to defend themselves or their honor. Finally, since these warriors are so comfortable in nature, many have become skilled with wood magic, which can have devasting magical side-effects on all foes who dare oppose the Silent Wanderers.


I didn't really feel like the other class suited me so I took the quiz again and I felt like this suited me better :P

The Iron Blademaster
48% Strength, 10% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 15% Spirit, 35% Vitality and 42% Agility


Swift and deadly, the Iron Blademasters silently roam the earth in search of the strongest warriors to test their skills against. These sword masters use the shadows and darkness to aid them in battle and augment their already astounding power. While these warriors may be quiet out of battle, the use of dark and shadowy energy makes them ferocious and energetic fighters in battle. In fact, they have been known to swiftly and mercilessly shred their foes to pieces, like a vicious animal; however, most of the time these agile warriors are peaceful, silent, and maintain their composure. Indeed, when out of battle, it is quite rare for these warriors to get angered, and they are most often seen in a state of peace and tranquility both with themselves and with forces of nature around them. In fact, these warriors will often meditate to harness the energy within their body and bring their wild mind to a calm state of equilibrium. In this state of perfect harmony, these warriors become so silent that they essentially vanish from existence, and simultaneously their power rises to unfathomably savage yet controlled levels. By focusing these energies, Iron Blademasters are able to unleash blasts of power from a distance their sword and fists. In fact, Iron Blademasters happen to be masters of many forms of martial arts, and by combining these martial arts skills with their sword skills, they can easily and swiftly annihilate or incapacitate almost any foe. These warriors happen to be so strong that their fists are said to be as tough as iron, and rumor has it that they can literally punch through solid stone! In addition, by channeling their energy in precise ways through their bodies, Iron Blademasters can transform from a human into various wild beasts. Transforming into various animals can give the Iron Blademaster major advantages in and out of battle.

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The Battle Warlock

47% Strength, 15% Bloodlust, 55% Intelligence, 32% Spirit, 10% Vitality and 22% Agility!


An expert with both magic and a sword, the Battle Warlock is certainly a balanced and deadly class. Battle Warlocks are quite skilled with a sword and can effortlessly combine this prowess with the art of magic, allowing them to create powerful and deadly combinations that no other class can. Battle Warlocks excel in an unusual element that no other class can utilize: metal. Being so unique, their metal magic often catches their foes offguard providing the Battle Warlock with an easy victory. Battle Warlocks can even use their metal magic to transform the shape of their own weapons mid-battle to confuse and disorient their opponents. On top of that, anyone who attacks the Battle Warlock with metal weapons and armor stands no hope of winning. A slash of an opponent's blade will simply melt harmlessly off the Battle Warlock, and an opponent's protective armor can be morphed by the Battle Warlock into a spikey prison of death. With the unique ability to morph metal into any shape they desire, Battle Warlocks are fearsome and powerful warriors. Although Battle Warlocks specialize in metal magic they are also proficient in the other basic elements. Indeed, the Battle Warlock's most powerful spell combines fire and metal magic by summoning powerful, fiery meteors from the sky that rain down mercilessly on all who dare oppose the Battle Warlock.

Congratulations on achieving this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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My result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Silent Wanderer

40% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 18% Spirit, 28% Vitality and 52% Agility!


Oftentimes Silent Wanderers can be very introverted and enjoy being alone, and this may be misconstrued as a sign of evil. Some people may even find Silent Wanderers strange and unusual, but they know in their hearts who they truly are and what they truly believe. With their strong convictions, stealthy nature, and skill with weapons, Silent Wanderers can be deadly foes. Although they are skilled with a sword, Silent Wanderers often prefer to silently snipe their enemies with a bow or set hidden traps to defeat their opponents. By hiding in the shadows, Silent Wanderers can use their bow to take down entire groups of warriors without ever revealing their presence. Thus, Silent Wanderers are incredibly talented with not only close ranged swordsmanship but also with long ranged archery. When travelling, Silent Wanderers leave no footprints making them impossible to track, and in close combat they are so swift and agile that they hardly make a sound. Oftentimes, this makes it nearly impossible to predict and read their movements allowing the Silent Wanderers to easily defeat their opponents. Although they do not actively seek battle, they will not hesitate to defend themselves or their honor. Finally, since these warriors are so comfortable in nature, many have become skilled with wood magic, which can have devasting magical side-effects on all foes who dare oppose the Silent Wanderers.

I feel like I should have gotten this one :L it was honestly the kind of class I was going for based on what I was choosing

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Tis, what I received.

The Odin Warrior

63% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 23% Spirit, 37% Vitality and 17% Agility!


Masters of multiple weapons and forms of hand-to-hand combat, the Odin Warriors are truly fierce and formidable opponents. Although Odin Warriors may look frightening, they often have a good heart and engage in battle for the right reasons, but make them your enemy and expect to be soundly defeated! Although warm-hearted on the inside, Odin Warriors are tough, cold and ferocious on the outside. With so much power and ferocity, some Odin Warriors may occasionally become corrupt and bloodthirsty. In fact, some Odin Warriors have mastered the art of dark magic and summoning techniques, making them even more dangerous and savage in battle! Regardless of whether or not they are good or evil, their endurance and strength is almost boundless enabling Odin Warriors to take down truly formidable foes. Their skin is as tough as the earth allowing them to block a sword with their bare hands. Spellcasters have trouble against them as well because magic attacks seem to have little effect on this tough natural armor which the Odin Warriors can enhance with moon and earth magic. Besides their defense, Odin Warriors can easily punch through stone walls with their bare hands, or they can even blast through by launching energy from their fists and weapons. With a sword, Odin Warriors can simply slice through giant boulders as if they were made of butter. This combination of defense and strength makes the Odin Warrior an unstoppable force!

Congratulations on reaching this formidable class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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The Phantasmist

25% Strength, 32% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 38% Spirit, 22% Vitality and 18% Agility!


You are the Phantasmist, an unpredictable warrior who uses illusions and chaotic energy to defeat your foes. By absorbing and channeling the energy of the universe, you can augment your strength and distort the world around you. Although you prefer to hide in the shadows and attack from a distance, you are still a fearsome opponent. While you may be powerful, you have not yet fully mastered your skills. To reach the more advanced classes, you must master the chaotic energy of the universe by training yourself in the art of dark and light magic.

This mid-level class is a precursor to the following advanced classes:

The Void Illusionist

The Master Magician

The Chaos Phantom

The Dream Weaver

The Dark Shaman

^ Result: The Phantasmist ^

Huh. I'd probably evolve into the Dark Shaman. I actually dislike Light greatly, yet I have traits that for some reason are deemed good (I call them necessary). I also would not want to get rid of melee weaponry. Swords, spears, and similar weapons hold too much of an appeal for me.

Another choice would be Chaos Phantom. I've always figured myself one that would become a Shade and I am a HUGE fan of The Darkness (superhero), so this would be perfect for me. I despise balance and prefer chaos. Since I already obtained 40% on Chaotic Stability, taking the Chaos Route on Chaos Phantom wouldn't be a problem. I'd also be able to turn my body into dark weapons, like in Infamous, which would fit my melee desires perfectly.



Edited by Rezilia
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'Tis what I got.

Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Holy Sage

13% Strength, 10% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 65% Spirit, 33% Vitality and 20% Agility!


You are the Holy Sage, the bane of evil! Masters of defense and healing magic, Holy Sages are the ultimate users of support spells and light magic. Wise and benevolent beyond belief, the Holy Sage can use swift light based offensive and defensive magic to destroy and defend against demonic and undead enemies. On top of their skill with light magic, Holy Sages are sometimes capable of using powerful and destructive elemental magic. While Holy Sages most often prefer to heal and not to fight, they are not opposed to defending themselves if attacked. However, most of the time they will simply use barriers to trap their foes physically and mentally in prisons of light. In fact, the greatest Holy Sages have such mastery over the light element that they can even create complex illusions to deceive and confuse their foes. With arguably the most poweful defensive and healing magic of all the classes, the Holy Sage is a truly powerful warrior of light.
Congratulations on reaching this powerful class!
You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Grand Bishop

27% Strength, 15% Bloodlust, 42% Intelligence, 55% Spirit, 28% Vitality and 22% Agility!


Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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The Grand Bishop

17% Strength, 15% Bloodlust, 57% Intelligence, 57% Spirit, 27% Vitality and 17% Agility!


Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.

Not surprised to be honest.

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I've taken this before and got what Ika had. This time I got this:

25% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 53% Intelligence, 47% Spirit, 33% Vitality and 22% Agility!


Masters of predicting the future, Grand Diviners are deadly opponents. Using their foresight, Grand Diviners can easily and effortless outmaneuver a foe and launch a flurry of counterattacks before the opponent can even react. Furthermore, by knowing exactly what will happen next, Grand Diviners can plan out their moves and attacks more carefully thus allowing them to better conserve their energy and allocate it to where it's most needed. In addition, Grand Diviners are masters of light based magic, which they can use to attack both offensively and defensively; however, although Grand Diviners are masters of light magic, they are actually most skilled with water based magic. Even though Grand Diviners specialize in water based magic, they are proficient in the other basic elements. However, their mastery over water far exceeds that of any of the other spellcaster classes allowing them to manipulate the water more skillfully and effortlessly. For example, Grand Diviners can more easily transform water to ice and steam, and they can even manipulate the water within the blood of an individual to control them like a puppet. By combining light magic with water magic, they can use water to heal and cure themselves and their allies. Their most powerful spell completely freezes any opponent in a giant, unmeltable sphere of ice.
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Fear me for i go this

The Dark Rogue

28% Strength, 37% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 27% Spirit, 22% Vitality and 43% Agility!


Bask in your infamy! You are the Dark Rogue! Dark Rogues almost solely walk the path of evil, though perhaps you are one the few who has strayed to the side of good. Dark Rogues who are on the side of light wander the earth acting as a sort of vigilante to the people they encouter. Despised by both law enforcement officials and evildoers, Dark Rogues on the side of light can find comfort in knowing they are loved by everyone else. Those on the side of evil are loved by nobody :( Although Dark Rogues may be withdrawn and introverted loners, they can be loud and ferocious in battle. Although they are fierce warriors, they use their stealth and shadows to their advantage to slay any and all opponents. With an arsenal of useful explosives and tools at their disposal, Dark Rogues are capable of steathily disarming or setting a multitude of traps. They can even use their summoning abilities to easily summon an elaborate trap directly to their location. Using their mastery of dark magic, Dark Rogues can literally transform themselves into a shadow making them nearly impossible to kill and defeat. Dark Rogues can manipulate the shadows to envelop their opponents in darkness and insanity or they can surround their blades with those shadows allowing them to pierce through the toughest and sturdiest armor. Most Dark Rogues have trouble controlling their greed and bloodlust, so it would be wise to stay far away from these warriors; however, perhaps you are one of the few strong ones who can.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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The Star Glider

13% Strength, 22% Bloodlust, 50% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 47% Vitality and 23% Agility!


Using a powerful and ancient form of combat, Star Gliders appear to effortlessly slide across the ground as they move and attack. In fact, Star Gliders are actually hovering slightly above the surface of the ground using their powerful mastery over electromagnetism. Since their feet never touch the ground, the movements of Star Gliders are nearly impossible to predict, making Star Gliders extremely formidable adversaries. By using powerful rune magic to control electromagnetic fields, Star Gliders can manipulate terrestrial and cosmic plasmas! In addition, they have limited control over metals, and will often use magnetism to create shields and weapons out of any metals in the surrounding areas. Occasionally, Star Gliders may be skilled at controlling the energy within their own bodies, and they'll use that skill to undergo various minor transformations. For example, some Star Gliders possess the ability to transform and harden their own skin, making them more resistant to damage. Other Star Gliders who aren't skilled with transformation can simply condense metallic particles around their body to form a strong protective layer and enhance their defenses. Star Gliders are also quite skilled with powerful elemental magic and light magic, making them even more dangerous opponents in battle! By combining this incredibly powerful magic with their superlative combat skills, Star Gliders can release powerful blasts of electromagnetic energy, making them almost impossible to best in battle.

Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!

This is a powerful mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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