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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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  On 12/4/2015 at 4:22 AM, Commander said:

You underestimate what could be accomplished by creative minds. I suppose this episode would be the last section of impossible battles as Players' Pokemon would be almost too strong without fakemon. The difference between 80-100 might not be super big, but a 6 vs 12 could easily curbstomb a player seeing as your opponent has twice as many Pokemon. Trust me, impossible battles are far from dead.

Oh yeah, I didn't think about a 6 vs 12 battle. That would be painful.

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It's more complicated than that due to some script complications. Plus, I want to do it myself for two reasons. One is so that I can continually check everything and make sure there are no errors. Two is that there is a constant goal here of rephrasing this information as clearly and concisely as possible, so I think it's best if, since I'm the person who understands fields the best, I'm the one rewriting their descriptions.

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Hm, a double battle would 6v12 could be a very good way to have an impossible battle. Lin and maybe Sirius? Those 2 versus just us could be a nightmare

Also may I say how thankful I am to all the dedication you put into this game Ame. You always put your heart into everything you do :)

Edited by Zane0144
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If we want a more fair 12v12 battle, we have a few options if we had to fight, say, Lin & Sirius. I would love to team up with Taka. Hell, if Lin's power-hungry machinations become too at odds with the more religious side of Meteor's goals, I could even see Solaris or El temporarily helping us against her. Although I find it hard to tell where El would fall in regards to that.

Aside from my wish of teaming up with Taka or Solaris, I'm gonna say I reckon a 6v12 against Lin seems unlikely. Mostly just because.. I dunno, Lin doesn't seem like she plays nice with others. I doubt she'd want to battle alongside anybody, she no doubt thinks she's MORE than capable of dealing with us herself.

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It would be cool to team with taka... cept for one thing... his chatot, if i recall chatter is an area wide move and that's the only move that honestly scares me throughout his party. Darn thing has like 1000000000000% chance to confuse. If we do wind up in a 6v12 situation id actually prefer it to be a 12v24 situation, the team would heal you after each run >.>

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  On 12/5/2015 at 4:31 PM, Leon99 said:

It would be cool to team with taka... cept for one thing... his chatot, if i recall chatter is an area wide move and that's the only move that honestly scares me throughout his party. Darn thing has like 1000000000000% chance to confuse.

Chatter always confuses as of Gen 6.

It would be cool to team up with Taka, I think. I certainly hope he becomes more active in helping us (provided he does and Solaris doesn't just flat out kill him) instead of just saying "Mrrrr I quit" and walking off.

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  On 12/4/2015 at 11:58 PM, Jericho said:

Ame give us an animation. :x

giving me orders, who the hell do you think--


This Nightmare animation comes from Mde, and I was a huge fan as soon as I saw it. It's rounded out by a new Nightmare sound, which is nothing but a wicked cackle.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 9:34 AM, Amethyst said:

giving me orders, who the hell do you think--


This Nightmare animation comes from Mde, and I was a huge fan as soon as I saw it. It's rounded out by a new Nightmare sound, which is nothing but a wicked cackle.

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amazing fit for this move

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Great job on the animation mde. On the subject of difficult battles, we can always bring back the multi double battles like in E15, but this time it's the player against 2 people with a total of 12 mons. And a field effect on top of it.

Edited by biboo195
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I know I'm kinda late for this but

  On 11/25/2015 at 3:41 AM, Amethyst said:

What I've been going through lately is making the images for a new feature that was very briefly announced on the showdown server approximately forever ago... I suppose I'll announce details of it at a later time, but here's what the images themselves that I'm working on look like:

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  On 12/4/2015 at 9:59 AM, Amethyst said:

This system will replace the upper floor of the library, the website detail, and the included text file-- though they may or may not vanish until E17, we'll see.

So would that mean that system will be the only in-game way to see what field effects do what? If so, I'm hoping there's a more detailed view of these, would suck to be left with just "Certain Attacks ^ x2". And I had to go to the text file anyways to see what that thing under WoW's accuracy is (that no Pokemon can be frozen), cause I couldn't make out the symbol, so that's also a thing I think should maybe be shown differently.

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The stars on the right side indicate which items can be selected for lists/explanations.

Noted about the status. If that's a common concern it can be redone.

But yes, this will be the only way in game, or out of game barring third party archives. This is because each field's description will be unlocked by finding collectibles in the overworld or (potentially) from sidequests (they won't be that hard to get and in general will be accessible before major battles on each field). But in order to make the process of discovering those rewarding, it's important that the information is actually worth something-- not just something that can be looked up in three different other places.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 12:48 PM, Amethyst said:

The stars on the right side indicate which items can be selected for lists/explanations.

Noted about the status. If that's a common concern it can be redone.

But yes, this will be the only way in game, or out of game barring third party archives. This is because each field's description will be unlocked by finding collectibles in the overworld or (potentially) from sidequests (they won't be that hard to get and in general will be accessible before major battles on each field). In order to make the process discovering those rewarding though, it's important that the information is actually worth something-- not just something that can be looked up in three different other places.

Maybe we could get a guide from each gym's help machine, since they basically tell us what the fields do anyways.

For the holy field we could find something in a book in the Subseven Sanctums (whatever it's called) just to reward people who actually bother to read the books

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  On 12/6/2015 at 9:34 AM, Amethyst said:

giving me orders, who the hell do you think--


This Nightmare animation comes from Mde, and I was a huge fan as soon as I saw it. It's rounded out by a new Nightmare sound, which is nothing but a wicked cackle.

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That looks amazing. Maybe making the background less 'smooth' (like gen 3-haze, maybe) for the move might enhance the feeling of discomfort, though.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 12:48 PM, Amethyst said:

The stars on the right side indicate which items can be selected for lists/explanations.

Noted about the status. If that's a common concern it can be redone.

But yes, this will be the only way in game, or out of game barring third party archives. This is because each field's description will be unlocked by finding collectibles in the overworld or (potentially) from sidequests (they won't be that hard to get and in general will be accessible before major battles on each field). In order to make the process discovering those rewarding though, it's important that the information is actually worth something-- not just something that can be looked up in three different other places.

Yeah, no, I half-guessed as much. It's just that, on those screenshots, the first field's "Certain moves" thing doesn't have a star while the second one's does.

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Well nevermind about Shofu learning how field effects now. Knowing him he'll never find a single one of those collectibles, after all he's played the entire game without finding a heart scale.

By the way, if you leave any of them in the city when you go to Agate, the changes to the place when you return won't make them inaccessable, would they? If that happened, I'm not sure that would be good game design.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 4:33 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Well nevermind about Shofu learning how field effects now. Knowing him he'll never find a single one of those collectibles, after all he's played the entire game without finding a heart scale.

By the way, if you leave any of them in the city when you go to Agate, the changes to the place when you return won't make them inaccessable, would they? If that happened, I'm not sure that would be good game design.

You mean like, a hidden Green Shard in a rock?

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  On 12/6/2015 at 4:33 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Well nevermind about Shofu learning how field effects now. Knowing him he'll never find a single one of those collectibles, after all he's played the entire game without finding a heart scale.

By the way, if you leave any of them in the city when you go to Agate, the changes to the place when you return won't make them inaccessable, would they? If that happened, I'm not sure that would be good game design.

It seems like a lot of work to make them available both before and after Adrienn's reconstruction efforts. Maybe they'll be found in areas that likely won't be affected by the changes(e.g. indoors or in alleys and other areas that are out of the way)?

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  On 12/6/2015 at 4:33 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Well nevermind about Shofu learning how field effects now. Knowing him he'll never find a single one of those collectibles, after all he's played the entire game without finding a heart scale.

By the way, if you leave any of them in the city when you go to Agate, the changes to the place when you return won't make them inaccessable, would they? If that happened, I'm not sure that would be good game design.

Ha! Truer words were never spoken.

Speaking of which, I hope the event Pokémon in the city won't become inaccessible after the renovation (Zangoose, Zorua, etc.). That would make me sad.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 3:53 AM, Foamy said:

Ha! Truer words were never spoken.

Speaking of which, I hope the event Pokémon in the city won't become inaccessible after the renovation (Zangoose, Zorua, etc.). That would make me sad.

As I vaguely recall, at least a few of the event Pokemon are accessible later, but I would still like to see Events slightly altered for the sake of people who either A)forgot to do them or B)just didn't care to and now want to go back. I'm sure since the event mons aren't supremely overpowered, Ame will probably make some sort of compromise here. I'm not sure how it'll all work out, but I have faith. Maybe. Probably.

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I would just like to discuss something:

1) Shades gym and later events.

In Shades gym you see 4 events happening. Corey jumping off the Beryl bridge. Amaria jumping off the waterfall, Kiki being offed by the Garchomp and someone being lazer beamed.

Now when you get to the water treatment center he comes to you and says 2 of the 4 visions are real and 2 fake, But 3 have already happened at the point. What gives? Am I maybe just misinterpreting?

2) Next gym leader for ep16. I believe it will be Amaria. Why? Because when you team up with her in the peridot facilty her pokemon are like level 80 which just happens to be the next level cap. With the way the story is going, I honestly think it will be her next, then hardy, then Titania and finally Adrienn.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 7:14 AM, Genesis said:

I would just like to discuss something:

1) Shades gym and later events.

In Shades gym you see 4 events happening. Corey jumping off the Beryl bridge. Amaria jumping off the waterfall, Kiki being offed by the Garchomp and someone being lazer beamed.

Now when you get to the water treatment center he comes to you and says 2 of the 4 visions are real and 2 fake, But 3 have already happened at the point. What gives? Am I maybe just misinterpreting?

2) Next gym leader for ep16. I believe it will be Amaria. Why? Because when you team up with her in the peridot facilty her pokemon are like level 80 which just happens to be the next level cap. With the way the story is going, I honestly think it will be her next, then hardy, then Titania and finally Adrienn.

You misinterpreted Shade's cryptic BS, much like 99% of Reborn players did. Shade didn't say they were "fake", he said that only 2 of the visions foreshadowed would result in death.

Corey is an exception to this because his already happened before you saw it in the Abandoned Powerplant, so it was never "foreshadowed".

As for the next leader, the fight in the Blacksteam Factory happened a long time ago. Gym Leaders are supposed to be training their pokemon and constantly trying to get stronger. It wouldn't be out of the question for Amaria's pokemon to be even a little bit stronger since then(even if Amaria spent a bit of that time unconscious in the Water Treatment Plant). Not only that, but Adrienn was introduced late, so xyr battle could be anywhere in the last 5, really.

While Amaria could still come next, it would make more sense to battle Adrienn next because we'll be going back to the city. Adrienn has been renovating Reborn City, so we'll likely see more areas open to us, and more story too. None of the other 4 remaining leaders are in Reborn City, or have any immediate reason to be there right now, so Adrienn is the most likely leader to come next.

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