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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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I'm going to try and post here a little more regularly even if it's just with whatever I've worked on day-to-day (unless it's getting repetitive). I definitely won't have something to show for it each day but, at least hopefully it'll colour in these dead periods where the status % really isn't going up.

today i kept working on "that one field," trying to add support for an attribute that changes moves' targetting. i've pretty much been working on it all day and uhh... the current state of things is that the targetting is successfully changed!! ...with the minor side effect, of, the move activating infinitely within the same turn until something dies.

(which is particularly inconvenient when the move does no damage)

it's been a long day

Oooooh. Your words of this new field interest me. Something about changing targets? Perhaps a warpzone field? I can't wait! Also, good luck with programming it~ It sounds like it's an absolute nightmare to get things to work properly so I wish you the best!

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mission accomplished

fixed the error, so "that one field" is now fully implemented. the documentation for it is still going to be hell though OTL

also implemented all of another field, meaning 4/6 are done.

I'm not updating the status thread yet because I do still have to do the documentation piece of all new fields, which is its own demon. But once I get through this, there'll be a pretty good % jump again.

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now to speculate on what that field could be.

Hoo boy, honestly, the field effects are one of my favorite parts in every episode. the sheer detail put into them just makes me so happy and excited.

rip our souls if this is a starry field for anna ;;

then again that doesn't mean we'll fight them in the next episode

considering this is the final episode with new field effects. ^^

I don't think all of the new field effects will necessarily be encountered in the next episode. Amethyst could finish them up now to get them out of the way, but not use them in-game until a later event (like the Elite Four).

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The biggest hope for me, is that I can use the new field in a way that will help fire pokemon, since I run a mostly fire team

You might want to consider using an Amplified Rock Grassy Terrain + Lava Plume/Eruption (and maybe a few more?) team to create a Burning Field to suit your fire team, once the former becomes available in 16.

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these few weeks have been/are going to be really busy for me, so i may not have a lot of time to work on stuff (i have to work every holiday+holiday eve + a week straight, among other misc things)

today is one such example where i was gone for most of the day so i only had a little bit of time to work on a field attribute that forces certain form changes

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these next few weeks are going to be really busy for me, so i may not have a lot of time to work on stuff (i have to work every holiday+holiday eve + a week straight, among other misc things)

today is one such example where i was gone for most of the day so i only had a little bit of time to work on a field attribute that forces certain form changes

"Certain" form changes? Like Blade/Shield form and Zen Mode? So what you're saying is you're making Titania's field most likely? I like the sound of that. Stay sane through your work week though, Amethyst!

..I mean I could also be wrong, but forcing the change of form in something like Rotom seems like WAY too much work, unless you'd just change the forms and not the moveset. ...That seems like hell though holy crap.

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Idk maybe some kind of Legendary form changes of sorts? Would probably fit in fine with the story. Maybe including Giratina/Groudon/Kyogre/Genies/Keldeo/Meloetta/Hoopa? It might fit, I don't know.

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Idk maybe some kind of Legendary form changes of sorts? Would probably fit in fine with the story. Maybe including Giratina/Groudon/Kyogre/Genies/Keldeo/Meloetta/Hoopa? It might fit, I don't know.

Wow that sounds pretty intense.It would make legend hunting crazy.

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Idk maybe some kind of Legendary form changes of sorts? Would probably fit in fine with the story. Maybe including Giratina/Groudon/Kyogre/Genies/Keldeo/Meloetta/Hoopa? It might fit, I don't know.

I can see that too, actually. The thing is Groudon/Kyogre aren't different Forms, they're actual Mega Evo style of things, so unless Amethyst finds a workaround, probably not. That said, seeing Genies transform mid battle would be neat.

Also, is there any difference between Keldeo-Resolue and normal Keldeo other than knowing Secret Sword? Not sure.

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Idk maybe some kind of Legendary form changes of sorts? Would probably fit in fine with the story. Maybe including Giratina/Groudon/Kyogre/Genies/Keldeo/Meloetta/Hoopa? It might fit, I don't know.

what are you talking about XD we don't even have more than a handful of pseudo legendaries, i doubt ame's gonna just drop a bunch of them on us out of no where.

I could be wrong but the only "real" psuedo legendary in my party is metagross. In which i had to RIDE A BULL UP A F***ING LADDER. IT WAS BULL SH*T or something along those lines. I think i've done most all the sidequests for reborn too...

-personally considers a scrafty psuedo-legendary due to all the sweeps that have occurred with him-

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what are you talking about XD we don't even have more than a handful of pseudo legendaries, i doubt ame's gonna just drop a bunch of them on us out of no where.

I could be wrong but the only "real" psuedo legendary in my party is metagross. In which i had to RIDE A BULL UP A F***ING LADDER. IT WAS BULL SH*T or something along those lines. I think i've done most all the sidequests for reborn too...

-personally considers a scrafty psuedo-legendary due to all the sweeps that have occurred with him-

When I was talking about Legendary form changes, it was more speculation on how the ENEMY could utilize them somehow... I know we won't get them till postgame.

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you know what the good thing about putting calls out for the animation team is

i get to do stuff besides animations

it's a nice feeling

mega sprites! most of them will be coming from bazaro. some of them are just going to be redone outright. like these


i'm also planning to have these updated shiny colour schemes backwash into the non-mega shinies of these lines to hopefully get a few less dark/grey shinies in the mix

well since you're remaking some shinys, how about this one for DBZ lovers

yZfFFSl.pngI can make back sprite + megas if this is ok

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Yeah bruh, that was like three months ago.

Worked more on that field today, finished the aforementioned attribute and nothing else is really difficult, I just haven't had the time I need to get it done >~<

Weekends are busy... I've been sick and sleeping too much... Rip :c

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