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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Episode 16's development, while it was always stated that it would have had a long development time has been plagued with health issues alongside that IIRC. Hopefully if those health issues are resolved, the development of future episodes will be shorter.

Buuut, then again implementing Gen 7 Pokemon may take forever and a half...

Gen 7 won't be implemented until the final episode or so

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Considering the huge amount of time that this episode spent on recreating the entire of reborn city as well as making hundreds of animations I would put so serious money on the rest not taking as long. To be fair I have no idea how long the next episodes will be so I can't be sure about any of this speculation.

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I remember for earlier episodes like 11 or 12 the wait would sometimes be 3-4 months. From what I've seen of the remaking of the city though, the wait is worth it. I was really just expecting to see some construction stuff put up everywhere, and some minimal work done to the city. But all of this remodeling is so incredible! I really want to see the final product and I will patiently for it.

Ame did say this would probably be the longest episode to add so I doubt the others would take as long. And even the Gen VII stuff may not take too long as long as she can let a select number of people in the community help implement it. However, I know she likes to take on certain tasks on her own. (Bless Her). So I don't know how it will go. But I'm willing to wait for one of my favorite games I've ever played!

Edited by Zane0144
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If we all donated at least $2 or $5 I think the development would be faster. Maybe a patreon?

There's already a Paypal donation link on the Reborn game download page, so there's no real need for a patreon.

I can understand how you'd miss it, though.

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Since action will most likely take place in rebuild Reborn City, probably none

Do you guys think we might do 2 gyms this ep? We already visited Amaria's gym,so we might go back to her anytime :D

That would be nice. Not every gym battle needs 45 minutes of game play before.
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I don't think we'll be having two gym battles in this episode. With the amount of work that has been put in already through the remapping and so on, I can see us having one gym leader (most likely Adrienn) and a PULSE (most likely whatever caused the earthquakes in Yureyu).

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Since action will most likely take place in rebuild Reborn City, probably none

Do you guys think we might do 2 gyms this ep? We already visited Amaria's gym,so we might go back to her anytime :D

which two do you think im guessing 1 would be adryans aka fairy

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Ame did say there would be an episode with 2 gyms, but I don't think it'll be E16. Ame said the story portion will probably be shorter than E15's, and I imagine it'll be more focused on showing Reborn reborn and the sidequests.

guessing that the only gym in the city qill be our next stop then

guessing if they give us two badges in one episode it would either be rock and water or either of those two and dragon. i doubt i would be steel, and fairy since fairy would most likely be next.

Edited by sandy
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Hey guys! I started playing Reborn with Episode 15 and finished it a few days ago... So I had a very long part to play through and now it's the first time I have to wait for the game to continue :( It's not that I wouldn't have anything to do actually, like learning for my exams for example xD Now I'm collecting some event pokemon that are left and training my team... I have no imagination, how long a single episode is because I played all of the last ones together. And I'm wondering how much of the entire game we already have? How many episodes will there be at the end??

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I don't know how long the entire game will be in episodes, aside from that there'll be 18 gyms in total. Usually there's a gym or two in this release, probably one in this one, but nobody but the beautiful but mysterious developer really knows.

[late night commercial voice] HOWEVER, I have some good news for you! There's tons of other fangames on this site, so in the torturous wait, so go try one of those, 100% satisfaction guaranteed or you money back!


YOU SAY THAT NOW, WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE MY i like you too man, and I agree. no matter what this update contains, I'll slobber all over it like a dog on a meat counter. Ame knows her shit

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