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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Out of all the White remixes so far, this one has to be my favorite!

Try saying this 5 times fast. No, really, try it.

try saying it five times slow as heck


same as with Idlethoughts, this is my first update to wait for (e15 just kinda showed up one day) and either way I'm not even halfway through the game yet.

also HS has started updating again so...

whatever updates, updates i say. I trust you'll knock it out of the park again!

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Hey Ame is back and the progress moved as well! Now I can go to sleep peacefully.

White Peridot is another example of awesome Ame's work. So let's make a new word for it - its AMESOME!

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Oof, I'm sorry to hear about the health problems, Ame. I know how health problems can get in the way of things, physical or otherwise, so I wish you(and anyone else on the dev team dealing with health issues!)the best. With that said, the White Peridot theme sounds absolutely lovely! As others have said, Peridot has always been a good theme, and this is the logical next step. Keep up the good work, and get well soon!

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I got a quick question. I seem to recall that someone mentioned the pokemon sprites being updated/remaked.

Does this also mean that the shines get new colors? Since I want to train my shiny nidoran but don't really like his shiny colors.

So if I wait untill the new episode does his colors change when evolving?

Thanks in advance

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As mentioned, most of the upcoming changes to shiny sprites pertain to the Mega Evolutions. Sorry to say, but I don't see Nidoran changing much anytime soon...(shiny Nidoking is pretty cool though)

But if you're determined, the sprites themselves aren't hard to change at all; just go Data > Graphics > Battlers in the Reborn Game folder.

There's even a few custom sprite services lurking around Reborn, if you don't want to make the sprite yourself.

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I really like the new remix so far. It's probably my favorite out of all the new remixes!

Speaking of which, I really can't wait to open up more places to go to in the city. By the looks of it we might have access to the Togepi building again in the Coral Ward, though the event might be changed.

I remember that one weird question that asked what phone does Shade use. o_O

I may be wrong though. That might not be the question..

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I remember that one weird question that asked what phone does Shade use. o_O

I may be wrong though. That might not be the question..

It was what kind of ipod he uses. This question was actually based on an old conversation in the server from when the online league was still active. Someone asked if anyone had an ipod, and Shade responded "4G...Jailbroken..."

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These kinds of things make me wonder what Shade's other activities are other than being a cryptic ghost who always knows what's going on. He seems like the guy to like bowling. I hope we'll get to know more of these tidbits in the future episodes.

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Try saying this 5 times fast. No, really, try it.

Pshaw, easy. After the one from persona 4 that's cake.

This seems to keep happening to you, Ame. Do you have some sort of medical condition or something?

Uhhhh ish. It will probably always be a recurring problem or at least something I have to keep in mind.

Jasper is done, so Beryl's the last city ward left. Admittedly it's a doozy... but that's okay!

Also almost done with all of this episode's animations. There's just a few stragglers left. Have a Twineedle, courtesy of Smeargle.


In the end, we've remade about 235 animations. Counting stuff like multi-hits and animations when used by the enemy, those were spread across about ~275 files. Coming to the end of this, we have over 400 files for those same 235 animations. That's not really meaningful so much as it is a fun fact, but what it does imply is that ~130 of those now have enemy-use animations when they didn't before, and that means better quality overall.

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Also almost done with all of this episode's animations. There's just a few stragglers left. Have a Twineedle, courtesy of Smeargle.


In the end, we've remade about 235 animations. Counting stuff like multi-hits and animations when used by the enemy, those were spread across about ~275 files. Coming to the end of this, we have over 400 files for those same 235 animations. That's not really meaningful so much as it is a fun fact, but what it does imply is that ~130 of those now have enemy-use animations when they didn't before, and that means better quality overall.

I can't help but think that the back and forth is a little bit too distracting but maybe that is just me. Also does this means that some movse will still not be animated at the release of episode 15 (since you finished all this episode's animations)?

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Being that I am still a fetus among the fan base XD, I honestly feel like I haven't waited at all. Although, there are other factors that share the responsibility for that such as 2016 being the year I graduate which equals a hell of a lot of planning, my computer needs a new external hard drive because it originally didn't come with one and isn't necessarily overloaded, but the files that were downloaded are (which wreaked havoc on the poor thing) and I found other cool Pokémon fan games (that my laptop can handle since the pc is all but dead, literally since it won't even go to the home screen). The ones that I find are reminiscent of how lengthy and well-made Reborn is, so I literally just found some free time to check on the update status here.

So Ame, you're doing great~! I was actually expecting this to take longer than it has and I can't wait to see and experience the new content :D Get well soon!

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Also does this means that some movse will still not be animated at the release of episode 15 (since you finished all this episode's animations)?

Yeah, no moves that didn't have animation before have animations now.

In E16 we were redoing the existing ones, then in later episodes we're going to make animations for the other moves. Trying to make animations for 621 moves in one episode would be absolutely ridiculous, and would take forever.

Twineedle looks nice Smeargle! Great job on it- it is a great animation!

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Animations are down to the single digits, there's only one ward left, and the hype is BUILDING. Keep up the amazing work guys, I can hardly believe that there's only 1/3 of the episode left to go.

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I'm just going to be the guy that says...

If 98% of animations are complete, and there are 8 left... then doesn't that mean you've done 392 of them?

Regardless of maths, these animations are coming out awesome; massive props to everyone involved in this; you really help make the game more realistic!

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