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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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  On 8/27/2016 at 4:53 PM, WaruAthena said:

Considering everything that the protagonist has seen/gone through, I'm surprised nobody in the game has taken them aside and asked if they were alright. Watching Pokemon being tortured, children being tortured, suicide, a murder and another suicide..

I wouldn't be surprised if they needed to snuggle Cain or something.

The character that I am kind of RP'ing in-game has already endured both physical and emotional trauma where the only thing keeping him going and not just completely breaking down is both a desire to see the region restored and the simple support and encouragement by his own Pokemon.

This would be where I complain about silent protagonist not being expressive, but I've been there already.

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  On 8/27/2016 at 10:18 PM, Alexandre said:

I love how my strategy involved two items. I'm sorry guys. Ahm... quick question, can't remember: Has shuckle been used by the bug type gym leader?

No (luckily)

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  On 8/28/2016 at 6:55 AM, Calvario said:

Have any of you guys lost the focus sach item?

I have been looking for it and I think it just dissapear from the game.

focus sahs is one time use item
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  On 8/28/2016 at 3:16 AM, SHIA said:

imagine if we have some sort of fight with the leaders again in the future (ame please make this true)

i hope shelly has an assault vest escavalier under rain for fire attacks

I think there is something planned, since some ask for a rematch at some point (I think it was either Julia or Shelly).

Besides, Commander already has something like that in his CoM.

  On 8/28/2016 at 7:54 AM, Njab said:

focus sahs is one time use item

I think he never found it in the first place and wrote "lost" instead of "missed". That or, as you said, he already used it.

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  On 8/28/2016 at 3:21 PM, WaruAthena said:

How about the rivals, or the other characters? I hope we get to battle Cain every now and then.

I wouldn't mind a Roaming Rival concept where occasionally you can run into Cain and others on various routes and areas and re-challenge them, with their teams varying a bit from area to area, though even a static one would work well, even if it doesn't really feel natural.

Maybe a few random events like Meteor stragglers occasionally appearing in a random area and you can chase them away? Would be a nice excuse to not remove the amazing Meteor/Meteor Admin battle music.

Edited by Anstane
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I am literally so excited for Episode 16. I've spent so many nights playing this game, totaling about 100 hours from episode 1 until 15. The plot, the characters, the story... Just EVERYTHING is so well thought-out and mind-twisting and just absolutely AMAZING. I truly applaud all the work, Ame. I don't think you get as much appreciation as you should, but I enjoy this game to the maximum capability that I humanly can. It is actually, addicting!! People at GameFreak and Nintendo better be on their toes because this game definitely surpasses any further Pokemon games that will be created. I have played all versions of the actual Pokemon games, and they do get eventually SOOO boring and just makes me want to quit. However, this game is absolute gold, and I think everyone can agree with me on that!!! I will wait as long as necessary for each and every single episode. I hope you do continue you work Ame, for years to come... Episodes that will be in the 20s, 30s, and maybe even 40s? I can easily spend over 1,000 hours playing this game!! And I think many others can as well. Thank you again SO much Ame. You are the reason for this game, and I really can't thank you enough for allowing the public to enjoy it to its fullest extent. Love you!!!!

- Jacket

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  On 8/28/2016 at 10:38 PM, Jacket said:

I am literally so excited for Episode 16. I've spent so many nights playing this game, totaling about 100 hours from episode 1 until 15. The plot, the characters, the story... Just EVERYTHING is so well thought-out and mind-twisting and just absolutely AMAZING. I truly applaud all the work, Ame. I don't think you get as much appreciation as you should, but I enjoy this game to the maximum capability that I humanly can. It is actually, addicting!! People at GameFreak and Nintendo better be on their toes because this game definitely surpasses any further Pokemon games that will be created. I have played all versions of the actual Pokemon games, and they do get eventually SOOO boring and just makes me want to quit. However, this game is absolute gold, and I think everyone can agree with me on that!!! I will wait as long as necessary for each and every single episode. I hope you do continue you work Ame, for years to come... Episodes that will be in the 20s, 30s, and maybe even 40s? I can easily spend over 1,000 hours playing this game!! And I think many others can as well. Thank you again SO much Ame. You are the reason for this game, and I really can't thank you enough for allowing the public to enjoy it to its fullest extent. Love you!!!!

- Jacket

Not trying to burst your bubble, but as insane as 40+ episodes would be, Ame has stated before that there is only going to be 19 episodes.

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  On 8/28/2016 at 11:43 PM, Zane0144 said:

I just realized, Sun and Moon are adding IV boosting! That means we may get it here too right? :)

X and Y included 100% XP Share too, but I haven't seen anything like that in Reborn yet. So if IV boosting is too OP, I don't think we'll be seeing it.

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I think some already asked for something like that and Ame answered that she wanted to pokemon to keep something that makes them unique and not just a set of stats. Since you can change nature, IV won't change. Now maybe to stay close to the canon games the psychologist can be changed for an IV changer, but I don't think we'll get both

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Hold up a second there with the whole Exp and IV caps thing. Let's not turn them away or reject the idea just because it's not in Reborn right now. Hardcore doesn't have this problem as much, but training a new mon bogs down both games and using the Exp Share pretty much guarantees you're underleveled. Since the exp share is available so late in the game, it'd actually not really hurt it that much if the pokemon holding the exp share gains 100% of the experience vs the normal 50% it does. It's hardly broken compared to giving 100% exp to all Pokemon. Yes, you could possibly manipulate it to have all your Pokemon grow faster, but level caps are a thing.

If you would've said something about adding the ability to change IVs 5 minutes ago, I would've turned the idea down right away. I looked at how you were able to do it and it was through something called a Golden Cap. While I don't like the Golden Cap itself (personally I would make it +10 to all IVs...which is still insane), I like the idea of being able to boost your IVs. It's just like stat enhancers in Fire Emblem. Giving smaller version of these caps throughout the game (maybe a soda shop or invisible items) that give +4 IVs would acknowledge a hidden fault to Reborn. IVs apparently matter to players because even I have started resetting a bit when a mon has crappy IVs. This would certainly be a welcomed change so I wouldn't have to worry about being IV screwed. That's just me.

Edit: I didn't realize we were talking about X&Y's exp system and thought GF got smart and changed it. I basically only look at Sun & Moon news once a week if at all so I'm way behind there. Still think 100% exp share (instead of 50%) to one mon is not a terrible idea.


Anyways, gym leader matches and CoM are centered around two completely different concepts. CoM is mostly a pseudo imitation of the league in-game in which I can do things that break reality normally (if the 4th wall wasn't enough as is) as it's pretty much meant to test your team and see how strong you really are. While it could be post game, I decided its going to be unlocked after receiving all badges. Gym leader rematches merely focus on a single leader being really difficult though that's easier said then done once everything is available. I don't know if Ame is giving them only the X-league teams for rematches (I mean it'd save me work on my modding stuff).

I don't know how expansive Reborn's postgame will be which I have a feeling we're going to cross the level cap due to that. While the player leveling is fine from what I've been calculating in future episode leaders, there's one thing I did not think about: the champion's levels. Yeah...I kind of did not think about that until a week ago so I already know I'd be in trouble if I only allowed Hardcore to be at 100 (so opponents will be above 100 while you can only go to 100 type situation), but Reborn has 5 levels (more like 3 now) on me. I just would rather have a well paced game that breaks the level cap rule than a rushed 1/3rd of a for the sake of keeping the levels proper. It'd also be fun giving competitive people headaches trying to comprehend above 100. Pokemon has always focused on collecting mons and now skew more towards being a battle sim sacrificing much of their RPG elements. Reborn is a RPG and longer than most.

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  On 8/28/2016 at 11:42 PM, The God Fist said:

Not trying to burst your bubble, but as insane as 40+ episodes would be, Ame has stated before that there is only going to be 19 episodes.

Well, maybe she may end up changing her mind about that? I actually didn't know she only said 19 episodes will be made max. Could you show me where she stated that, because I'm curious... But either way, at least we are having more episodes, which mean the excitement is still building up for future gameplay content!!

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  On 8/29/2016 at 6:25 AM, Jacket said:

Well, maybe she may end up changing her mind about that? I actually didn't know she only said 19 episodes will be made max. Could you show me where she stated that, because I'm curious... But either way, at least we are having more episodes, which mean the excitement is still building up for future gameplay content!!

She's said it plenty of places on the forums (she might have said it somewhere on this topic but unsure) and I think she said it in an interview she did a few years ago on YT. Typically an episode contains a few new areas plus a leader. Either episode 17 or 18 will contain 2 leaders and episode 19 will contain the final leader, elite 4 and postgame content. She did say though that she might do future updates for bug fixing or what not but Ame will focus on Starlight after finishing episode 19.

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  On 8/29/2016 at 6:25 AM, Jacket said:

Well, maybe she may end up changing her mind about that? I actually didn't know she only said 19 episodes will be made max. Could you show me where she stated that, because I'm curious... But either way, at least we are having more episodes, which mean the excitement is still building up for future gameplay content!!

The story is already written. Each chapter (or episode) has specific content. For there to be more than 19 episodes, Ame would either need to extend the story by putting something inbetween two episodes. For that to be made correctly, it would have to not mess with the already established story and characters, but also provide enough content for it to justify a whole episode for it. Creating an extra episode full of sidequests and almost nothing contributed to the story is something Ame wouldn't do because it is just tedious and feels like its cheating the player from the whole experience.

Come Gen7 and Episodes 17 and 18, the development team will probably find time to implement all the new pokemon, which means spriting them, coding them, and finding where to put them in the map. The last part is the easiest one since more creatures to play with means a more balanced way of building your teams and filling the yet undiscovered areas with uncaptured or rare creatures. Coding could also be done relatively fast. Spriting is a hard.

Reborn has over 40 hours of gameplay, plus sidequests, and the goal to catch'em'all is also feasible, so you have stuff to do. Unless you are one of those who do speed runs and finish an episode in a day, you'll have material to enjoy.

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