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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Given how mega evolution is supposed to be made possible through a strong bond between pokemon and trainer, would it make sense for Lin to use a mega? Especially when she can also use a PULSE instead? And especially when there are only so many non-legendary Mega Dragons to go around(I'd imagine Solaris would get mega-chomp if the villains ever got access to mega evolution)?

Also, Megazard X can't be used on a Dragon monotype team because it didn't start off as a dragon. Not sure if this applies to the Reborn game, just something to keep in mind.

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Given how mega evolution is supposed to be made possible through a strong bond between pokemon and trainer, would it make sense for Lin to use a mega? Especially when she can also use a PULSE instead? And especially when there are only so many non-legendary Mega Dragons to go around(I'd imagine Solaris would get mega-chomp if the villains ever got access to mega evolution)?

Also, Megazard X can't be used on a Dragon monotype team because it didn't start off as a dragon. Not sure if this applies to the Reborn game, just something to keep in mind.

A bond can have many forms love is just one of them, a mutual desire for power and domination can from a strong bond as well.

Pulse while strong come with severe downsides and will hinder her in the long run. The muk used couldn't sustain it shape for long and was close to dead. Also pulses machines aren't very mobile either. So I think a mega would suit her better.

The charizard X is an option since noel as a gym leader, was allowed to use his clefable,so they aren't to severe on the monotyping.

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You know what'd really be funny? If Ame saw this:

You know what would be funny? If all those areas we've been shown get destroyed not long after we re-enter the city. (like, after a gym battle, Lin comes in and rips the city a new one.)

And decided it was an excellent idea, so she added another few months to mapping Reborn for E16. As if remaking a majority of the pre-Agate overworld wasn't enough. DO IT ALL AGAIN, FOR THE JOKES.

Or Lin could just have Terra turn Reborn into a brilliant, ascending of ray of colours. Complete with screaming.

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Couldn't she just kill Adrienn instead of fighting her if it really came down to it?

Perhaps, but that would mean there's yet another death/ "death" in the game. Unlike the others, this one wouldn't be shown in Shade's gym. Pokemon have wounded people before, so that much can happen without it messing up Shade's insight or prophecy or whatever it should be called.

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Couldn't she just kill Adrienn instead of fighting her if it really came down to it?

Somehow I feel like we're not going to see the death of anyone who didn't die during league times, with the exception of Lin. (And with the exception of characters who were never part of the league.)

Not saying they couldn't, but I can't help but think they won't.

As for Adrienn vs Lin, it is said that a strong trainer can come out victorious even with a type disadvantage, and I'd assume Lin is a far more powerful trainer than Adrienn. Her trainer text should be a good indicator of what type of character she is.

Everything so far builds her up to be very powerful, so even if trainers like Adrienn have an advantage, that alone isn't enough to beat her.

(I'd think everyone who has done a monotype can agree that types aren't everything.)

Edited by Ama
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whats the plan for the remaining animations? do them all in e17 or spread them over the last 3 episodes

spreading them out is the plan

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You know what'd really be funny? If Ame saw this:

And decided it was an excellent idea, so she added another few months to mapping Reborn for E16. As if remaking a majority of the pre-Agate overworld wasn't enough. DO IT ALL AGAIN, FOR THE JOKES.

Or Lin could just have Terra turn Reborn into a brilliant, ascending of ray of colours. Complete with screaming.

I bet if Ame read that, her reaction would pretty much be "Hahahahahahahahaha... No."

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You know, I would die of laughter if Solaris didn't have a Mega Garchomp as that's very, very feasible. There is zero evidence to even say he'll have a mega given the only trainer in the game with one (minus the Techie Johnathan incident) is a gym leader which are more or less the big, climatic tough fight of the episode. There is like no argument to even say Solaris is required to have one because his team is tough. Give him a field that boosts all his Pokemon (aka infinite Sandstorm), and he'll do so much damage.

As for Lin, I'm predicting Mega Garchomp for her team. She's obviously going to be tougher than Saphira (likely having Salamence, Hydreigon, Garchomp, and Dragonite). Heather will likely have a Mega Salamence so having two Mega Salamances doesn't make sense.

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Mega Garchomp would be pretty disappointing for Lin, it's massively weaker than Mega Salamence. Doesn't make sense thematically either, someone who is all about power wouldn't use a second-rate Mega which is inferior to its normal form.

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Why should Lin be assumed to be a dragon type master? She may well have a Mega Gyarados or Tyranitar or Sharpedo if she is a Dark one. Or, more plausibly (and to avoid overlapping) she may just have a diverse team with a non-draconic and non-dark Mega. Like, Aggron or Gengar or Charizard (Y, maybe) or Aerodactyl or anything really.

Or she may just view her Pokemon as tools and consequently not be able to unlock Mega evolution at all, and simply use a bunch of ridiculously powerful regular mons.

Mega Garchomp seems to fit Solaris, and Mega Salamence might be Heather's. Mega Charizard X fits Saphira, maybe, since her field boosts both fire and Dragon types. This is assuming that megas are not repeated, so it's plausible that Lin and Saphira have similar megas (since there seems to be some connection between Lin and...idk. Everyone seems to find her name 'familiar')

I'd laugh if either of these two pulled a Mega Ampharos though. All those intimidating dragons, and the ace is revealed to be a cuddly fluffy sheep of destructive cuteness.

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Why should Lin be assumed to be a dragon type master?

Because she was a dragon type leader in the Reborn league and so far no-one has changed type.

I'm thinking mega chomp for Lin as well but I can't be sure.

I'd also laugh if she had mega ampharos.

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Oh, I forgot that. Well, then, Lin will have the Cuddly Deathsheep for sure :]

Seriously, though, it's not to be underestimated. Massive SpAtk and if it runs a defensive set with RestTalk and Dpulse/Vswitch it is very hard to kill.

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That's true, a lot of characters seem to have a connection to Lin in some way, especially the orphanage folks. All of them have some vague memory of Lin, but...

"Vague" is somehow removed when you're with Laura in the story line diverge where Saphira gets kidnapped by Sirius instead. In this part of the story, Laura talks about a young girl named Lin in the orphanage who was always quite mean to the kids, breaking her crayons, pranking Sigmund, etc etc, until one day, she got taken by Sigmund to the ECT chambers and was never seen again..

Whether this is the same Lin we see or not is still unknown, but I can't wait for these questions to finally be answered. ^.^

A part of me is also hoping there might be a PULSE Hydreigon of sorts for Lin. x.x

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Secrets and sacrets! Don't shoot me, but somehow I feel that an evil person with a backstory loses a lot of the 'evilness' factor. I mean, does everything have to be explained and humanised?

Like the exposition about Sirius was sufficient and yet still retains some mystery: He poisoned off Corey's wife to get his hands on the ring, got his eye punctured by Corey as retaliation...and that's it. He's evil, yes, he mysteriously knows about Anna and Noel and their parents, and he is implied to have actually been the one to burn down Belrose Manse. For reasons of his own, probably merely for power, he clearly sides more with Lin than with Solaris, calling the latter's ideals of purifying the ancient city foolish.

In my view, that's the ideal bad guy for you. Sinister, hints of his evilness revealed by other people, and not too much backstory so it retains the mystery factor. The moment you say he was bullied in childhood and abused etc etc it loses a lot of that mystery factor, since we start to understand the chap. Understanding breeds empathy, or at least acknowledgement, and the understandable is never mysterious.

Of course, I'm just woolgathering. I'd not be unhappy at all to have light she'd about Lin and Sirius and Solaris and everyone else, but I'd be equally happy to just leave their origins in mystery. Bad guys are more terrifying if you don't fully know why they do what they do, or if at least they're not humanised to the extent where it becomes another case study for a psychoanalytics class.

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I think ZEL would be mixed on whose side they are on since Lumi would favour Solaris' rule whilst Zero would favour Lin. Eve would be in the middle as her brain would be on Lin's side whilst her heart would be with Solaris since his ideals are less dubious than Lin's ideals.

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I think ZEL would be mixed on whose side they are on since Lumi would favour Solaris' rule whilst Zero would favour Lin. Eve would be in the middle as her brain would be on Lin's side whilst her heart would be with Solaris since his ideals are less dubious than Lin's ideals.

Hmm, it's interesting to think about what they'd do if they absolutely had to choose one of them (as it's quite clear that Eve and Lumi are decidedly not on Meteor's side at all).

From how I interpret Eve, her loyalties lie with nobody but ZEL themselves. She'd try to ensure their survival above all else.

As far as ideals go, she would not agree with either Lin or Solaris.

Now, I think it's clear that the radicalization of Meteor is Lin's work, and that no matter how questionable Solaris' motives may be, he presents the smaller danger.

We know that Solaris and Taka have a clear goal in mind, even though we don't really know the details yet: Cleanse the city so that Reborn can be restored to whatever they think it should be like. After that, Meteor would have lived its purpose.

The whole new world nonsense is clearly Lin's idea, from what Sirius implied. So the whole world-destroying scheme is hers. But it's hard for m to believe she doesn't have a supreme motive. Do you think if she succeeds and the world gets recreated, she'll just go "ah, everybody lives happily and in peace now, bye then"? 'Cause I don't think so.

I'd wager Eve would much rather side with the weird guy who has a strange sense of duty to his distant ancestors, than with the power-hungry sadist that Lin is implied to be.

Solaris needs helpers to reach his goal, and after that he'd have no need for them any more. Lin, through what Laura told us about her, likes having control over people, over their fears especially.

Frankly, I don't see any of ZEL siding with her.

It's strongly implied that Eve is the only person capable of working with the PULSE, which on one hand means that they can't leave Meteor (they wouldn't come very far), but on the other, it also means that Meteor depends on them and cannot risk their lives like it's happening with other members.

If it's true that ZEL are the only ones who know the science behind the PULSE, then that's pretty clever on Eve's side - she's effectively making sure that Meteor can't kill them as long as they need her knowledge, but if through some circumstance they are killed, nobody might be able to pick up their work (or at least there would be a delay in Meteor's plans as they struggle to find themselves some new scientists).

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Secrets and sacrets! Don't shoot me, but somehow I feel that an evil person with a backstory loses a lot of the 'evilness' factor. I mean, does everything have to be explained and humanised?

Like the exposition about Sirius was sufficient and yet still retains some mystery: He poisoned off Corey's wife to get his hands on the ring, got his eye punctured by Corey as retaliation...and that's it. He's evil, yes, he mysteriously knows about Anna and Noel and their parents, and he is implied to have actually been the one to burn down Belrose Manse. For reasons of his own, probably merely for power, he clearly sides more with Lin than with Solaris, calling the latter's ideals of purifying the ancient city foolish.

In my view, that's the ideal bad guy for you. Sinister, hints of his evilness revealed by other people, and not too much backstory so it retains the mystery factor. The moment you say he was bullied in childhood and abused etc etc it loses a lot of that mystery factor, since we start to understand the chap. Understanding breeds empathy, or at least acknowledgement, and the understandable is never mysterious.

Of course, I'm just woolgathering. I'd not be unhappy at all to have light she'd about Lin and Sirius and Solaris and everyone else, but I'd be equally happy to just leave their origins in mystery. Bad guys are more terrifying if you don't fully know why they do what they do, or if at least they're not humanised to the extent where it becomes another case study for a psychoanalytics class.

I do agree with you, but maybe some back-story side quests in post game would be fun too.

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