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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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I'm far too lazy to dig it up, but I know Amethyst(or at least someone on Dev team I forget)posted a screenshot of the Reputation point in the code, with the caveat that we can't actually retroactively get points. Decisions in previous episodes are treated as null and void for this so you basically have to do a new playthrough to get the perfect reputation you want. At least, unless something has changed.

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Here it is. I think Foamy said that the three crossed out names are Lumi(na), Eve(lynn), and Taka.


Also here are some guesses I have for relationship variable choices

When Julia asks if you're going to challenge the Reborn League: Yes = +Julia, No = -Julia.

Battling Sigmund at Yureyu: +Cain, +Heather, -Sigmund

Battling Sirius instead: -Cain, -Heather, +Anna, +Sigmund

Choosing El over Radomus: +El, -Radomus, -Gardevoir, -Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Choosing Radomus over El: -El, +Radomus, +Gardevoir, +Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Not burning Noel's field: +Anna (Noel doesn't mind IIRC so I doubt this affects him either way)

Shattering Serra's mirror field: -Serra

Rescuing all 5 officers and exposing Corey: +Shade, probably also affects Heather

Begging Fern to let you out of the cage: Yes = +Fern, -Taka; No = +Taka, -Fern

Battling Taka at the Water Treatment Center: Yes = +Taka, -Titania; No = -Taka, +Titania

Giving Blake the Ruby Ring in exchange for Shelly: Yes = +Shelly, +Blake; no = -Shelly, -Blake

Bennett asking you to leave him alone with Luna: Yes = +Bennett, -Luna; No = +Luna, -Bennett

Charlotte's hostage question: Yes = +Charlotte, +Saphira, -Hardy; No = -Charlotte, -Saphira, +Hardy

When Amaria asks if you trust her in Blackstream Factory: Yes = +Amaria, No = -Amaria

Feeding Titania: Doing it = +, probably even more if it's Blue Moon Ice Cream

Rescuing the caged Pokemon in 7th Street: +Arclight

The upstairs/downstairs probably does things

Being honest with Titania about the meteor grunt and diary, and not telling Amara: +Titania

Telling Amaria: +Amaria, -Titania

(diary will be optional in E16; that might also do something if you don't read it)

Reading Titania's school diary: -Titania

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It is probable that our interactions with Bennet also affect Serra. I do not understand what happens with Radomus. We only have 1 chance to prove we like him, so that could mean we get to meet him later in the story. Actually that could apply to many of those characters, but some are less obvious than others.

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Also here are some guesses I have for relationship variable choices

When Julia asks if you're going to challenge the Reborn League: Yes = +Julia, No = -Julia.

Battling Sigmund at Yureyu: +Cain, +Heather, -Sigmund

Battling Sirius instead: -Cain, -Heather, +Anna, +Sigmund

Choosing El over Radomus: +El, -Radomus, -Gardevoir, -Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Choosing Radomus over El: -El, +Radomus, +Gardevoir, +Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Not burning Noel's field: +Anna (Noel doesn't mind IIRC so I doubt this affects him either way)

Shattering Serra's mirror field: -Serra

Rescuing all 5 officers and exposing Corey: +Shade, probably also affects Heather

Begging Fern to let you out of the cage: Yes = +Fern, -Taka; No = +Taka, -Fern

Battling Taka at the Water Treatment Center: Yes = +Taka, -Titania; No = -Taka, +Titania

Giving Blake the Ruby Ring in exchange for Shelly: Yes = +Shelly, +Blake; no = -Shelly, -Blake

Bennett asking you to leave him alone with Luna: Yes = +Bennett, -Luna; No = +Luna, -Bennett

Charlotte's hostage question: Yes = +Charlotte, +Saphira, -Hardy; No = -Charlotte, -Saphira, +Hardy

When Amaria asks if you trust her in Blackstream Factory: Yes = +Amaria, No = -Amaria

Feeding Titania: Doing it = +, probably even more if it's Blue Moon Ice Cream

Rescuing the caged Pokemon in 7th Street: +Arclight

The upstairs/downstairs probably does things

Being honest with Titania about the meteor grunt and diary, and not telling Amara: +Titania

Telling Amaria: +Amaria, -Titania

(diary will be optional in E16; that might also do something if you don't read it)

Reading Titania's school diary: -Titania

I'm gonna cry; this reputation system kills me more than the gotdang date mechanics in FFVII.

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I'm gonna cry; this reputation system kills me more than the gotdang date mechanics in FFVII.

I know right? I feel the same.

Sooooo it seems that I'll have to restart my game. Didn't really want to do that, but this reputation system seems interesting enough to make me do that.

Also here are some guesses I have for relationship variable choices

When Julia asks if you're going to challenge the Reborn League: Yes = +Julia, No = -Julia.

Battling Sigmund at Yureyu: +Cain, +Heather, -Sigmund

Battling Sirius instead: -Cain, -Heather, +Anna, +Sigmund

Choosing El over Radomus: +El, -Radomus, -Gardevoir, -Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Choosing Radomus over El: -El, +Radomus, +Gardevoir, +Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Not burning Noel's field: +Anna (Noel doesn't mind IIRC so I doubt this affects him either way)

Shattering Serra's mirror field: -Serra

Rescuing all 5 officers and exposing Corey: +Shade, probably also affects Heather

Begging Fern to let you out of the cage: Yes = +Fern, -Taka; No = +Taka, -Fern

Battling Taka at the Water Treatment Center: Yes = +Taka, -Titania; No = -Taka, +Titania

Giving Blake the Ruby Ring in exchange for Shelly: Yes = +Shelly, +Blake; no = -Shelly, -Blake

Bennett asking you to leave him alone with Luna: Yes = +Bennett, -Luna; No = +Luna, -Bennett

Charlotte's hostage question: Yes = +Charlotte, +Saphira, -Hardy; No = -Charlotte, -Saphira, +Hardy

When Amaria asks if you trust her in Blackstream Factory: Yes = +Amaria, No = -Amaria

Feeding Titania: Doing it = +, probably even more if it's Blue Moon Ice Cream

Rescuing the caged Pokemon in 7th Street: +Arclight

The upstairs/downstairs probably does things

Being honest with Titania about the meteor grunt and diary, and not telling Amara: +Titania

Telling Amaria: +Amaria, -Titania

(diary will be optional in E16; that might also do something if you don't read it)

Reading Titania's school diary: -Titania

I'd also say that answering "no" to Charlotte's question will probably give you some points with Aya as well.

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Here it is. I think Foamy said that the three crossed out names are Lumi(na), Eve(lynn), and Taka.


Also here are some guesses I have for relationship variable choices

When Julia asks if you're going to challenge the Reborn League: Yes = +Julia, No = -Julia.

Battling Sigmund at Yureyu: +Cain, +Heather, -Sigmund

Battling Sirius instead: -Cain, -Heather, +Anna, +Sigmund

Choosing El over Radomus: +El, -Radomus, -Gardevoir, -Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Choosing Radomus over El: -El, +Radomus, +Gardevoir, +Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn

Not burning Noel's field: +Anna (Noel doesn't mind IIRC so I doubt this affects him either way)

Shattering Serra's mirror field: -Serra

Rescuing all 5 officers and exposing Corey: +Shade, probably also affects Heather

Begging Fern to let you out of the cage: Yes = +Fern, -Taka; No = +Taka, -Fern

Battling Taka at the Water Treatment Center: Yes = +Taka, -Titania; No = -Taka, +Titania

Giving Blake the Ruby Ring in exchange for Shelly: Yes = +Shelly, +Blake; no = -Shelly, -Blake

Bennett asking you to leave him alone with Luna: Yes = +Bennett, -Luna; No = +Luna, -Bennett

Charlotte's hostage question: Yes = +Charlotte, +Saphira, -Hardy; No = -Charlotte, -Saphira, +Hardy

When Amaria asks if you trust her in Blackstream Factory: Yes = +Amaria, No = -Amaria

Feeding Titania: Doing it = +, probably even more if it's Blue Moon Ice Cream

Rescuing the caged Pokemon in 7th Street: +Arclight

The upstairs/downstairs probably does things

Being honest with Titania about the meteor grunt and diary, and not telling Amara: +Titania

Telling Amaria: +Amaria, -Titania

(diary will be optional in E16; that might also do something if you don't read it)

Reading Titania's school diary: -Titania

I think it's going to be more complex. People appreciates when you make hard but right decisions or when you do things they're not brave enough to do. Also, I'm sure some characters will get some developement and what they consider right and wrong might change.

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I'm sure there'll be moments in existing places where more options are given to us that can add/subtract rep points. I don't really see how we can get so many points otherwise, unless certain events have a rep value greater than 1, which is quite possible.

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Ame also said it's not always what we do in certain situations, but also what we do on the field/overworld. So there could be quite a few that aren't obvious and hard to notice. That's why I included things like shattering Serra's field (based on her dialogue I don't think she'd like that) and reading Titania's school diary.

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There should be a way for them to find out. What if I read all 4 diaries? They will never know. However, if I did certain sidequests I might influence their behavior. For example, Shelly would be pleased to see me get that Kriketot, and Amaria would like to know I saved a Squirtle from the Wasteland. Not sure how Kiki would feel about that other shady situation in the wasteland but I'm pretty sure Hardy is going to like us if we use a Rock type to beat Fern with.

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You guys are putting way to much though into this to the point I think a bunch of you guys are gonna be disappointed. Though it could be the fact that the whole rep idea is a concept I never cared for in the first place which is pretty obvious based on my philosophy of story and game making. I'm guessing it's mostly gonna be slight dialogue changes and nothing is hopefully missable because Reborn is not a game that really isn't too replayable due to its grand scale causing it to be a double edged sword. That's a debatable topic that I would be more than happy to go into detail, but I'll refrain due to off-topic shenanigans.

As for everything you guys just said that could raise and lower the reputation points, you barely scratched the surface. Losing a battle could easily lower the rep points by one for each lost and the number shown is merely the limit of how low it can go. That whole thing Ame showed could do a 180 as numbers are just numbers so don't take it as fact. Just remember that nothing is official until the game is up for downloads. And seriously not even scratched the surface of how rep points could be raised or lowered.

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Hey guys,

Quick question: So, I heard the player character sprites were going to get updated. So, my question is, once E16 is out, how many of you guys are going to restart your Reborn run?

Wait... WHAT?!

Daaaaammnnnnn. I already started a new playthrough!

Well, I guess I will check up what's new, if there are some alterations, but I may reset again.

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It does not seem likely that someone can put too much thought into something, yet merely scratch the surface. The outcome of a battle may be irrelevant to the reputation system, especially as far as gym leaders are concerned. Otherwise there is no reason for them not to have the same minimum value. As for the rivals and team Meteor, it's obvious they matter. Apart from the battles, sidequests and dialogue options, what is there?

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You guys are putting way to much though into this to the point I think a bunch of you guys are gonna be disappointed. Though it could be the fact that the whole rep idea is a concept I never cared for in the first place which is pretty obvious based on my philosophy of story and game making. I'm guessing it's mostly gonna be slight dialogue changes and nothing is hopefully missable because Reborn is not a game that really isn't too replayable due to its grand scale causing it to be a double edged sword. That's a debatable topic that I would be more than happy to go into detail, but I'll refrain due to off-topic shenanigans.

I don't really see why we would be disappointed. I don't know about the others, but I love when my in-game actions change how the characters treat me, even if it's just small or subtle dialogue changes. Of course I'd love if you did something more complex than that, but I can only imagine how much work that would be. And I have other reasons to restart the game anyways

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I feel like most of the relationship points will come from pre-existing alternate dialogue choices )can't think of any rn, but ik they are there)

But of course that doesn't mean there won't be any new ones.

Heard reading the diary will be optional in ep 16, so I guess there may be a different ''outcome'' to explore.

Outcome between these ('' '') because something will lead up to the same events, but reasons/dialogues will be different.

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Will fern like us more if we choose snivy? If he starts to like us more he'll ruin my signature Pokemon

Probably not, he'll likely think more of himself, and think less of us since, since in his eyes we'll imitate him.

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I could see picking Tepig raising Victoria's charisma or whatever, but we won't know what any of this stuff does for a long long time and by that point I'm pretty sure everything will be debunked to death at what the best possible choices are. Won't say much else about it.

Speaking of the diary, it never bothered me to read it, but there was poor indication that it was supposed to forward the plot kind of does. Maybe an indication that we should go read a book would help (and hell, breaking morality is kind of part of how video games work for sake of storytelling). It'll be interesting to see how Ame got past that little issue as well as if it does affect anything given we originally weren't even going to have an option.

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You know what I really really want?

To read the diary and know what comes after the "Regardless-" where Titania interrupts us if we read it. And the option to read it when we go back to the mansion if we chose not to read it in Ep16 when Titania/Amaria are both down the waterfall.

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