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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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I would definitely appreciate it if reading the diary became optional. Reading the diary doesn't bother me in and of itself, as I'm a player with an outside perspective who consistently breaks into peoples' houses and steals stuff lying around. What bothers me is that you had no choice in the matter, and you get called out for it even though you literally cannot progress through the game without doing so.

It'd be one thing if it was a gray issue, like, say, needing critical information (which is somehow spelled out in a diary...) and you just so happen to stumble across that entry, which Titania just so happens to catch you reading. But in-universe there's not even a good reason for doing it. It's a random invasion of privacy that kick-starts another giant quest for an HM and we're made to feel like we need to atone for something. This incident probably didn't help Titania's shaky reputation in the fandom (seriously, almost half the complains in that "Things you DON'T like about Reborn" thread are about the diary thing), so I'm glad the scenario will be altered.

But in terms of the rest of the reputation points... ehh after all the time spent in my save files, I don't feel like restarting them just for those reputation points.

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A rep system? Well Desolation already makes me question choices, I can only imagine what Reborn will be like!

As for the diary, I also find it being optional should be a choice. I really didn't want to read it, but it makes you anyway. The scene could still play out the same, without you actually reading it.

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The scene could still play out the same, without you actually reading it.

Lol yea..

Titania:Were you reading my diary?

You: No (You didnt)

Titania: Dont bother lying.

that would be the greatest *******.. and i would laugh at it :DD

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jesus k christ 10 pages of responses settle the down y'all
...or don't. that's fine too.

not to be greedy this update or anything but,
Give us the Super Rod!!!!!!!!

I'll think about it.

Just kidding, it's already decided.

Honestly, I was expecting the Mega Ring in Episode 17, but to be truthful difficulty wise I can work with. Believe me when I say Ciel is probably the hardest leader to make difficult due to flying type having so many weaknesses (many of which has a x4) and being a defensive leader. The only mega that may be broken is believe it or not: Heracross.

This is actually the opposite of what was the case in the online league; flying stall was one of the strongest teams because although it had many weaknesses, it had strong ways to cover those weaknesses.
However, in-game AI doesn't.. know how to stall so lol. I don't think any amount of AI work I can do will make up the necessary predictions.
Also of note, stall was not the strongest flying team concept we saw in the league. Naturally, I had to save the other one for later...

I am concerned about Heracross and Pinsir, but we'll see. I'm taking small comfort in the fact that it takes a very lucky person, or a lot of soft resets to get their megas, so I'm hoping they don't completely stamp out other options.
Of course, I'll do what's necessary when it comes to.

I'm really excited for the EP.16 and waiting eagerly to play it! However, I'm wondering, since I've already put 130 hours into my save file and don't want to have anything "awkward" happening... I wonder, what is included in these awkward things? At least in my mind, it seems like some common candies would reduce the overleveled pokemon of already existant save files to the acceptable new levels of EP.16, so, it seems like a matter of, say, buying 50 common candies, which is not a big deal...

Right, it's the over-leveled issue. It isn't insurmountable. Just awkward.
Also, not just level-cap, but it would drop some "difficulty" for previously-existing save files, since the player's levels at end-game might end up higher than the opponents'.

(give me all of cain's jewelries too please *O*)

What, his earring wasn't enough for you?

If ame did that she'd have to fire herself for hiring every1 of them.

that's a paddlin'

so it's more of a breather episode.

I wouldn't go that far...

That's why Mysidia references are being removed from E16

It's been a rough breakup

friendship ended with mysidia
now orre is my best friend

Given Magnezone is basicaly a portable sentient chunk of metal that produces electricity, the machine that turns it into a PULSE could be installed on the pokemon, regardless of whether the prototype of that machine remains in the house in Ametrine.

@Ame what do you think about this^?


Hey guys,

Quick question: So, I heard the player character sprites were going to get updated. So, my question is, once E16 is out, how many of you guys are going to restart your Reborn run?

I don't know where this is coming from. Unless my memory loss is more severe than usual, I'm pretty sure I haven't touched those.

Also here are some guesses I have for relationship variable choices

When Julia asks if you're going to challenge the Reborn League: Yes = +Julia, No = -Julia.
Battling Sigmund at Yureyu: +Cain, +Heather, -Sigmund
Battling Sirius instead: -Cain, -Heather, +Anna, +Sigmund
Choosing El over Radomus: +El, -Radomus, -Gardevoir, -Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn
Choosing Radomus over El: -El, +Radomus, +Gardevoir, +Luna, probably also affects Cain and Adrienn
Not burning Noel's field: +Anna (Noel doesn't mind IIRC so I doubt this affects him either way)
Shattering Serra's mirror field: -Serra
Rescuing all 5 officers and exposing Corey: +Shade, probably also affects Heather
Begging Fern to let you out of the cage: Yes = +Fern, -Taka; No = +Taka, -Fern
Battling Taka at the Water Treatment Center: Yes = +Taka, -Titania; No = -Taka, +Titania
Giving Blake the Ruby Ring in exchange for Shelly: Yes = +Shelly, +Blake; no = -Shelly, -Blake
Bennett asking you to leave him alone with Luna: Yes = +Bennett, -Luna; No = +Luna, -Bennett
Charlotte's hostage question: Yes = +Charlotte, +Saphira, -Hardy; No = -Charlotte, -Saphira, +Hardy
When Amaria asks if you trust her in Blackstream Factory: Yes = +Amaria, No = -Amaria
Feeding Titania: Doing it = +, probably even more if it's Blue Moon Ice Cream
Rescuing the caged Pokemon in 7th Street: +Arclight
The upstairs/downstairs probably does things
Being honest with Titania about the meteor grunt and diary, and not telling Amara: +Titania
Telling Amaria: +Amaria, -Titania
(diary will be optional in E16; that might also do something if you don't read it)
Reading Titania's school diary: -Titania

For the most part, those are impressively on point.
Which is fine, it's meant to be fairly intuitive.

That said like, really guys, I don't want anyone to feel like they have to reset their file just for rep points because to reiterate I am not promising to do anything with them at all. I am putting them in now because I should have a long time ago, and in case I decide to do things with them in the future. It'd sting if you restarted and I never actually did that.

However, it might be interesting to restart for other reasons anyway so shrugsville

As for the diary, I also find it being optional should be a choice. I really didn't want to read it, but it makes you anyway. The scene could still play out the same, without you actually reading it.

Yeah, that's basically the case. Don't expect a whole different story branch or anything.


okayyyy hi im back!!! it has been a long several weeks but i am very excited to get myself back on track with a normal schedule (i use the term loosely). as I expected and mentioned before, I did not have very much time to work on development since my last post.

That doesn't mean I don't have anything to post now though.

For instance, catch these sick animations.
Bug Buzz comes from Smeargle, and Circle Throw from mde (with some bonus script-fixing undertones by the one and only Mar-Cellist. whole crew's here.)


#bye felicia

edit: oh dear god somehow the forum has destroyed the formatting here horribly and i cant fix it send help

maybe i sort of fixed it?


The animation team has continued to work diligently, and mde in particular continues to be king powerhouse here. Thanks to their efforts, the block of animations for E17 is almost done already. So that's super nice. Of course, there's plenty more to do + 7th gen eventually... but still, they are way ahead of schedule. Or well, maybe I'm just behind schedule. Either way.

I've started drafting the next sidequest dungeon that Ikaru will be helping me with. That'll be the last sidequest area I have to do for this episode, however, it won't be available just yet. Still, I planned to get that work out of the way so I don't have to worry about it in the future.

Another sidequest I started and finished in the last couple weeks features a canon Pokemon character making a cameo.

Finally, today I started the long-awaited finale of the Magikarp quest.
Or is it the finale?

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I just LOVE that Circle Throw Animation! it's almost always funny to see the enemy get thrown off-screen... or even into the screen in some cases!

[EDIT]: I also see that we're gonna be up against someone with not one, but two Shuckles...

Edited by K_H
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The animation team has continued to work diligently, and mde in particular continues to be king powerhouse here. Thanks to their efforts, the block of animations for E17 is almost done already. So that's super nice. Of course, there's plenty more to do + 7th gen eventually... but still, they are way ahead of schedule. Or well, maybe I'm just behind schedule. Either way.

Any chance to see the animations originally planned for E17 in E16 instead?

Great work with the animations!

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All of the animations shown so far are great, and I wonder if we'll get moves like brave bird or flare blitz animated in EP16 and how awesome they'll be. That said, I am quite curious about the sidequests and all their possible rewards. With the mega ring knockin' on Reborn's door, a few more mega stones are very likely rewards, new pokémon too, of course. However, I believe that the concern regarding endgame difficulty might result in Amethyst being somewhat economic in terms of rewards, which is good for the game, but bad for my heart... gimme Scyther pls :(.

Reputation stuff could play out in so many interesting ways. Just imagine if after a few raids on Meteor, GGardevoir starts talking about your actions on TV, affecting certain npc's reactions when you interact with them or, when you rescue a pokémon, a few citizens could offer you intel on items and other mon locations leading to new quests and events.

Overall, I'm really looking forward to whatever experiences Episode 16 might bring.

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Another sidequest I started and finished in the last couple weeks features a canon Pokemon character making a cameo.

My money's on Bugsy.

Shelly tells her brother to go to hell and then crushes him.

Because he uses a Kakuna and a Metapod in official gym battles like an idiot.

So it's either that or Steven Stone shows up.

He's in everything nowadays.

Edited by DerogatoryTrainer
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Plus in the computer world, an NPC said once Terra met Steven Stone on a plane and he said she got game.

Then again, that same NPC also claimed her hair was insured for thousands of dollars a la Mean Girls. I doubt he's a credible source of information... but then, Terra probably knows more than she lets on. That's why her hair is so colorful and big -- it's full of secrets. Like the future.

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However, it might be interesting to restart for other reasons anyway so shrugsville

Ame, why are you making this so hard? :(

Also, I feel like by now, getting magikarp isn't worth, but that's just my opinion.

Nice job on the animations as usual!!

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STORY JUST WENT UP BY 10%!!! :feelsgd:

Prior updates (90%)

  • #################### | Field Updates (100%)
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  • #################### | Scripting Updates (100%)

New content (78%)

  • #################### | Mapping (100%)
  • #################### | Music Updates (100%)
  • #################### | New Field Effects (100%)
  • #################### | Eventing (100%)
  • #################### | Sidequests (63%)
  • #################### | Story (10%)

Total Completion:

  • #################### | (84%)
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