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The region near Reborn....

Daniel Blackworth

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In the Grand Hall, there was a woman who said that there was a region not quite far from Reborn and that it was devastated and all, what do you think about her statement, and what do you think could it be all about?

Follow-up: Do you think there's a chance we could go there? Or, what if, it was actually a region that Team Meteor destroyed?

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Isn't the Mysidia Region, the one with the railcave with Eevee in it?

Maybe, someone else wanted to create a game that existed in the same universe as Reborn, and asked Ame to make that reference. why not?

Ah that is a possibility.

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Pokemon Mysidia was an affiliated site/server from way back in the day. Like us, they had their own league, and like us, their admin was making a game based on their community, taking place in the Mysidia region. I don't know what became of that project, if anything, but the site and server eventually fell into decline and were retired. A number of their members came here afterwards. The reference was part because we were sister communities, and part in hopes that their admin would finish his game someday.

I probably should remove those references though, since this has gone past a community project. Noted.

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