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Fern in Beryl


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You know, with the grasshole becoming a part of Team Meteor as of two chapters ago, this just came to my mind. On Beryl Ward there was a PULSE Tangrowth causing major destruction, and the first one got orders to restrain anyone who interferes (except for us, but we seemed to be the weak link, at least next to Florinia then and Amaria). Now, I don't doubt they could pull something similar on round two, but Fern went by without being attacked!, Hell, he could go back and forth without even being bothered by the goons.

So, what? Was he in cahoots with them from that early? Did he say he didn't care about them and could blow up stuff and he won't interfere? I am still confused.

Ok, due to apparent misunderstandings, I'm going to rephrase. He was moving freely on Beryl without anyone doing anything to him, even taunting us as we were caged by those Nuzleafs, and he also participated on the destruction of the first factory (without much interest, but still), and no one stopped him, as far as we know, not even a grunt.

Edited by leocain
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Are you specifically referring to Obsidia Ward? And how Fern got to his Onyx Ward trainer school? Most likely he just walked on through and if ZEL tried to stop him he'd just say "hah, later loser" and walk right on past.

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I always assumed that Fern didn't actually move through Beryl until the PULSE was dealth with. Ame is not that clever to make it look like Fern been part of Meteor since Beryl/before. If anything, she probably doesn't even remember that situation anymore.

/me whistles

Also, spoiler tags?

Content related to past episodes. Only Episode 15 content is marked with the

tag, and Fern joined Team Meteor in episode 13.

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There were lines of dialouge Fern had on the Beryl Bridge, Lapis Ward, and on Route 1 that indicate he began his journey to compete with us. He began to collect badges and expect admmiration based on his accomplishments in return. I don't think he had any interest at all in attempting to stop Team Meteor.

It is an interesting thought though, considering Team Meteor is familiar with Fern fighting them, as we teamed up with Fern in the power plant before Sirius attempted to demolish it. So unless he was operating on his own, Team Meteor would think of Fern as a threat and would have dealt with him accordingly.

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