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Welcome to the Onyx Region of the MIGHTY MAGISWORDS world! As members of households with magiswords, you have all been given one of three basic magiswords. You have decided to journey together to collect the overwhelming number of magiswords in this region!



1) Watch Mighty Magiswords on the CN website for a basic overview. You can also go to the Vine and CN Anything versions of the franchise to get bonus info!

2) Each magisword can only be used once per battle. A maximum of 5 magiswords can be used in the battle, so the first 5 posters (or less, depending) get to be shown in the battle.

3) I am the only one that can give details of the battle. The battle's contents will be based on Mighty Magiswords logic.

4) Anyone can join at any time, but every player has to start with one of the three basic magiswords and earn others.

5) You can relinquish your magiswords to another player on the condition that the relinquisher cannot play again.

6) You, the player, can only use one magisword per battle.

7) Suggestions for the journey can be sent to me by PM. The game world is not set and will be dictated by player's choices, suggestions, and my own theorycraft. Various magisword battles will expand upon the setting; once a setting is set during a battle, it has to be acknowledged further in the journey (for example, a city made of brick will remain made of brick until the city is exited).

8) Magiswords are earned by defeating enemies. Only one player can win any given battle. While most enemies are unique, some enemies will be found repeatedly and multiple players will be able to get the enemy's magisword. Hah, kidding! This isn't how the MM world works! Sometimes there can be multiple magiswords, no magiswords, and sometimes you'll face puzzles instead of enemies! Most times, though, there ARE enemies and someone will have to defeat them - but another player could grab the magisword instead! Choose the best magisword to get the prize, not just the best magisword for the situation! ^^

9) Even if something doesn't make sense to you, it will not be retcon'd if it follows Mighty Magisword logic.

10) The gamemaster (me or anyone I choose to replace me) cannot be a player in the game as long as they are the gamemaster. The gamemaster must act as an impartial party.

11) The magiswords in this game and the ones in the main series may be significantly different, although many themes and gimmicks may be shared.

12) You can chat with other players by using quotation marks during magisword selection. Be nice!

13) If you want to play a freelance version of this game where you can use any magisword you want at any time, play the version in my Status Updates!

14) Be creative.


Existing magiswords and their users:

Feather Duster ()

Stop Sign ()

Boing-Boing ()


You have arrived at Brickville Pier, a bridge/pier hybrid made completely of large stones!

After getting off the ship that has carried you for weeks, you stretch for 10 whole minutes. When you finish and look around, you find that a few other people in the area are staring at you. Like you, they also have magiswords!

Having all become buddy-buddy, the group walks across the bridge towards town. All of the sudden, a black octowhale rushes at the bridge, its teeth clanging in anticipation of its meaty meal! You move your hand to your Knapsack of Spacial Distortion and grab the basic sword you chose back in your homeland:

a ) Feather Duster Magisword

b ) Stop Sign Magisword

c ) Boing-Boing Magisword


Edited by Rezilia
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I choose you, Stop Sign Magisword, in hopes of stopping the black octowhale in its tracks so that we may have safe passage!

Quick question about the giving of Magiswords to other players. If you have three and give someone else two of the three (and keep the third) then can you still be in the game?

Edited by DarkSpite
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