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Tynamo and Misdreavus



So...i want to ask where can you find Tynamo in EP15 since the Trade with the guy at Agate got removed

And also for Misdreavus...i already have done the Gastly event in EP12 and since Misdreavus replaced it...does that mean that i can no longer get it?

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If you want Misdreavus, go back to E14 and play hide-and-seek with her, there's nothing else you can do.

Tynamo is now in an alleyway in Peridot in stormy weather. Very low level, sadly.

Hmmmm i see....welp if anything now you can get Tynamo really early on in the game so..that's nice.I guess that means however that Events do not re-occur. Does it need to be Nighttime to get the Misdreavus or naw?

Edited by OldSoulja
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Yup. It's night time. Bring HM-slaves, it's a long hide-and-seek.

And Tynamo that early is HORRIBLE if you want to use it. It's absolutely useless untill 39, and then it's better not evolved into Eelektross untill 49 if you want it as a special attacker, or 59 if you want it as a physical attacker. It belongs in the "slow" exp group, and that means it sucks experience at the pace of a legendary or pseydolegendary. All while being completely useless for 29 levels, and then outclassed as well by Amphy, Zebstrika, Heliolisk (except Kiki), Manectric and Magneton.

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Yup. It's night time. Bring HM-slaves, it's a long hide-and-seek.

And Tynamo that early is HORRIBLE if you want to use it. It's absolutely useless untill 39, and then it's better not evolved into Eelektross untill 49 if you want it as a special attacker, or 59 if you want it as a physical attacker. It belongs in the "slow" exp group, and that means it sucks experience at the pace of a legendary or pseydolegendary. All while being completely useless for 29 levels, and then outclassed as well by Amphy, Zebstrika, Heliolisk (except Kiki), Manectric and Magneton.

Yes...i do know Tynamo is absolute trash.But i mean that if you even want to use Eelektross you would not need to grind a Tynamo from lv 17 (lvl that Cranivines appear at) To whatever lvl the rest of your team,and i KNOW its a PAIN doing that (especially if you don't have the EXP Share witch i didnt have) Eelektross is one of my Pokes in Rotation and the Phys Set with Coil is somewhat decent despite lacking a good Phys STAB but the accuracy boost from Coil makes moves like Iron Tail and Bounce somewhat usable.

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