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Whose Your Ace?

Raviel the Phantom

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In almost all games, the gym leaders and Elite 4 Members have an ace Pokemon. Pokemon Reborn is no different. Yet, we don't usually thing of us as players having an ace Pokemon who we rely on when we're in a pinch. Whose yours?

My ace is either Charizard or Liligant, both have bailed me out more times than I can count.

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When it comes to all of my team members, no one pulls their weight like Nautilius the Noivern and Gundam Epyon the Metagross. In many battles, Nautilus provides a rich myriad of options from Air Slash flinch hax to Super Fang to Flamethrower or Roost. I've never been second guessed whenever I have used this Pokemon. Gundam is the exact same way. With two STABS, priority, and a great coverage move, I have yet to hate using this guy too.

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Blaziken. Although he fills in a backup role only.

I avoid setting up Bulk Up + Speed Boost on all gym leaders because that would ruin the fun. I only do this after I run out of strategies with my other 'mons

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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Most deffinitely Gardevoir. Whenever i don't have a pokemon to take on something with high defense or high offense i use it, because i can either set up with calm mind or take almost everything out in one hit from a 31 Sp.atk IV and modest nature Gardevoir.

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Hmm... that really depends on the situation but if all else fails usually my infernape Vegeta, camerupt Francine, mawile Chomp Irwin, or escavalier Galahad can usually take care of it. I don't really have a set team though, just have a posse of a couple dozen trained mon I choose from.

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In Reborn? I would have to say hands down Charizard. If it was Pokemon Rejuvenation, however, I would have to say either Charizard or Torkoal. I mean, Torkoal is a defensive beast. Either way, the fire burns strong in the end.

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For my 1st run, definitely my Accelgor and Sceptile. Accelgor's stupidly high S.Atk and awesome speed easily win me games, 1 Bug Buzz is enough to #RECK Terra's Giovanni the Nidoking. While Sceptile have lots of "Blade" skill, like Night Slash, Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, etc which provide a lot of thing you could do, alongside high S.Atk to set up Leaf Storm

In my current Dark-monorun, its pretty much Greninja and Honchkrow.

Greninja being Uber pretty much said what is so good on him, while Honchkrow destroy any fighting type I'm against with Brave Bird/Swagger+Foul Play combo

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This guy. While everyone did something, and Swalot killed many with its toxic, this was sure the guy that took hits and destroyed the opponents when I was in a tough spot. I will probably use him in every walkthrough I make because I simply adore him :)


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On my main file, it's a tie between Durant for sweeping literally every gym leader after I got it, including Charlotte, and Gourgeist for easily walling and killing every physical non-Fire type, it even soloed Garchomp.

On my second file, my dream that started when I first saw the toxic lake was realised; Swords Dance Tentacruel, and it's been doing work.

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I have to say Manectric. Damn, that thing is powerful. It can easily abuse the first TM available, TM 57 Charge Beam, through STAB and a solid Special Attack. Furthermore, it learns Discharge ​very appropriate for the Discharge Pokemon via level up be 30 even if you evolve it, allowing you to easily abuse certain fields and completely bypass the effects of others through reliable para-hax. Once Noel is defeated, if you payed careful attention to your IVs earlier, Manectric becomes even more dangerous. By complete chance on my current run of Reborn, I obtained a Manectric who has HP Ice, making it even more dangerous than before. I never once even picked up an Electrike before Reborn but now that I have, it's been on every team since. Y, AS, and in every other fan game I've played since. Manectric has stayed a loyal electric dog.

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Defensive wise: Pachirisu. Nuzzle + Electro Ball got us out of tough battles. And she's pretty fast so it's almost a given.

Offensive wise: Arcanine or Swampert. Heavy hitters in the squadron and with wide move coverage, they both are taking souls in battle

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Before my breeding/training program, Crobat was the guy who almost always was decisive (except a few gyms with unfavourable matchups). It solo'd T3RR4WR's Garchomp (I made some bad calls that fight, so it had to), with all the hax it could create combined with a strong Acrobatics.
Now I have 6 aces on my team, and a couple on rotation...although Azumarril keeps suprising me how maniacally powerful it is (and how easy it levels up)...

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Honestly speaking my ace depends on the match that I'm in. For the Terra battle it was definitely my Greninja, for others it was Noivern and Mamoswine. That is what I personally like about my team. All the pokemon have potential to be aces.

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It's almost always my amazing Delphox, the Dread Dormammu. Great moveset to hit both offense and defense, high special attack and speed due to actual EV training, and just generally very powerful. Psychic took out T3RR4 last episode super easily due to the field effect, and he's also the reason I was able to take out Seel's Mega. Attacked with Psyshock twice, it used Hyper Voice, which was made weak by its ability, and then it died.

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Cain the Arcanine and Glenn the Greninja always end up getting me out of the mud, to be honest I also depended a lot on a Walrein I trained as a water TMX slave (I know, I can make them forget now, but still didn't want to keep searching for Heart Scales) on the last couple chapters.

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