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Whose Your Ace?

Raviel the Phantom

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Gyarados and Vanilluxe for my first Save file. But considering the last episode only, MVP can be only be called the IceAge(Vanilluxe)

Golem for my second run. He is just a beast, an animal!

Edited by Kookies
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Hard to pick a definite ace for Reborn, since I can't just go through the game with 3 or 4 overlevelled pokes like the main games. Though when I had a problem, the go-to Pokemon was usually my Greninja since it'll most likely outspeed and at least dent the opponent in question.

Otherwise Magnezone, its helped quite a bit in various battles, and I usually lead battles with my Chandelure...hmm...

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Ugh, I can't decide! Every. Single. One. of my pokemon in my first save got his/her/it time to shine. I can't just pick one that is above others!

As for my current new game, my Roselia Green has been putting in work with that freshly learned Giga Drain. Almost nothing can withstand that!

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In my main Savefile,Jericho the Torterra takes lives and does not give a fuck....

but in my second file....I've got a Slayer of GODS as my Ace.....Excadrill why must though be so awesome?

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Mismagius was really coming through for me this last playthrough. Access to Nasty Plot, naturally high speed, and a broad movepool (Mystical Fire, Psybeam, Shadow Ball) really can apply pressure to opponents. It also makes for a strong lead to set up a Trick Room for the rest of your team.

The other ace for me was Sidewinder the Mienshao. Crazy high Speed and Attack make for a great revenge killer. The missed HJK's though... I mean, this game has made me rage before, but I've had some seriously bad luck with missed HJKs. Seriously thinking about going Drain Punch or Brick Break over it.

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Gyarados and Vanilluxe for my first Save file. But considering the last episode only, MVP can be only be called the IceAge(Vanilluxe)

Golem for my second run. He is just a beast, an animal!

You the man. Vanilla Ice is sneaky! Stealth!

I don't have clear-cut mvps because I use large squads, but I always appreciate Swampert, Arcanine, Amphy and Flygon. And in my second file, Vanilla Ice as well.

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I've only played up to before Randomus's gym, but I can always count on my Tangrowth and my Arcanine to pull through.

Honorable mentions for my aces include Blaziken, Flygon, and Crobat.

EDIT: After Radomus, Gardevoir started destroying literally everything. I can see why Ame moved her back to post-poison gym.

Edited by Drymus
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Usually all of my Pokemon put it work, although I do always have that one that's one level above the others that I consider my ace. For the main file, that is Cantus, my Meowstic, who is perfectly capable of holding his own- he's not just relegated to setting up dual screens.

Mind you that the latter of those is a great help in itself, and is not to be overlooked.

For the item hunting run, as it usually is (main file is the sole exception), my ace is my starter, Blaziken. I would say this even without the deadly Speed Boost + Bulk Up combo. (Although I honestly... can't remember the last time I needed to use Bulk Up- he hits plenty hard enough without it.)

Those aside, let's see... Swampert in the main file has quite a bit of bulk and is no slouch when it comes to hitting hard, and then there's Gardevoir... who has gotten me out of a fair share of tight spots.

Item hunting run... Gourgeist is my boss slayer with his dreaded leech burns (Leech Seed + Will-o-Wisp), but Escavalier most certainly can't be overlooked.

...like I said, it's hard to pinpoint just one, everyone puts in work~

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My ace had always been Weezing until I first played through Reborn. I decided to give Armaldo a try, and...holy Arceus did I grow to enjoy this monster. It's a shame since you don't see it used too often, but it's one hell of a powerhouse, and has served me ever since. :)

Granted, I of course still use Weezing, it's just my silver medal these days.

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