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Your reborn gym difficulty


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I'm guessing I'm supposed to vouch for just my main file so...

Keep in mind that most of these were when I was quite new to Reborn and didn't know what I was doing. Some that gave me difficulty back then wouldn't so much now.

~Episode 10~

Julia: Two tries. I actually ended up defeating her with the most ridiculously gimmicky Double Team strategy- it's kind of nice not to have to resort to that anymore. (Not that I could, since Ralts got pushed back a while ago.)

Florinia: Two tries, I believe? The Cradily did not give me nearly as much grief because I'd started with Tepig and used Pignite's Defense Curl to counter Curse boosts.

Corey: I'm... pretty sure this was two tries, that Crobat was tricky to deal with. I don't remember exactly how it went off the top of my head though.

Shelly: One try, due to a lucky Power Gem crit on Yanmega. Heat Crash also smashed Volbeat and it was clean up from there.

Shade: Three tries. I'd get to Chandelure and then it'd smash my face in. Finally defeated it with a lot of help from Azumarill and a finishing hit from Persian.

Kiki: One try. Dusclops and Gardevoir were both very useful for this battle.

Aya: I'm... not sure how many tries, being honest, definitely more than three though. I also don't recall how I finally managed to beat her, although I'm sure that Marowak I caught just for her was involved. Tl;dr yeah pre-E11 Aya was a nightmare OTL

Serra: One try. Drought Ninetales. Need I say more? (I also got pretty lucky in that no one missed even with Brightpowder spam, so... there was that, too.)

Noel: Three tries, I think? I do believe I used Cofagrigus to take Swellow's ability to hit so hard away from it, and Emboar did a good job smashing through Cinccino and Clefable (mind you that this was before Gen VI retyped it to Fairy).

Radomus: One try. I got reasonably lucky with a Focus Blast miss, but other than that... and the AI being a bit wonky (yes pls Surf on my Roserade), not too bad.

~Episode 11~ (from here, should be the episode that Gym leader was introduced, by the way)

Luna: One try, narrowly. Honchkrow nearly ended me, thankfully Skuntank was faster and took it down with Explosion.

Samson: One try. Noivern did a lot of the work here, Boomburst being buffed by the field + Air Slash for Chesnaught. Gardevoir took down the Conkeldurr pretty easily.

Charlotte: One try. Courtesy of my new favourite gimmicky Rain Dance + Skill Link Rock Blast strategy. (This was when she still lead with Drought, mind you, so Rain Dance turned the field to Rainbow.) Basically used nothing but Meowstic and Cinccino for that battle, yeah.

Terra: One try. Although Swampert had his work cut out for him taking that Garchomp down... Draco Meteor hurts.

Ciel: One try. Although I had more difficulty with her the first time around in beta- still didn't take me more than one try there. If the AI had been a bit less silly, she might have given me more grief with that Altaria, though.

...I don't know if this means I've wisened up across episodes or that my team has gotten better. Actually, it's probably a bit of both.

P.S. His name is not Randomus. Gdi how many times do I have to say this?

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Julia: 1 Try. Combuskin + espurr made short work of this gym.

Florina: 1 try. Combuskin kinda wrecked.

Corey: 1 Try, Meowstic handled everything save for Skunktank, which Combuskin took care of.

Shelly: Idk, like 5 tries, maybe? It was super infuriating, I went out of my way to get a graveler just to help with this gym lol

Shade: 2 tries, wasn't ready for the Chandelure.

Kiki: 1 Try, Blazekin is broke.

Aya: 1 try, my whole team came in hot. Was pretty nice.

Serra: 1 try. Golem, Magneton, Blazekin. Too easy.

Noel: 1 Try, Blazekin + Magneton made this gym easy.

Radomus: 1 try. Almost dropped the ball, luckily Weezing + destiny bond exists.

Luna: 1 try. Florges + Blazekin

Samson: 2 tries, that hawlucha got the drop on me.

Charlotte: 1 try, golem and blazekin made quick work of this gym.

Terra: 2 tries, didn't expect that monstrosity of garchomp.

Ciel: 1 try, stealth rock + golem + magnezone

By far and by large, Shelly was the toughest for me. No idea why lol

Edited by Don42
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I started back in ep 11, but I think that I can remember it from my original run:

Julia: 6 tries (what happens when you start playing pokemon not knowing how types or special/physical split of moves work; and even more, you choose reborn as your first pokemon game, you were destined to die to Julia's electrode every single fucking time)

Florinia: 1 try (without field effect, I didn't have any problem with her, not even with her cradily)

Corey: 3 tries (braixen with psybeam worked wonders before he got that nasty field effect; it took me a few tries to know all of Corey's team members tho)

Shelly: 2 tries (braixen and pyroar destroyed her; the first time I didn't expect her armaldo tho)

Shade: 2 tries (I don't really remember this battle, just that it wasn't really hard or anything; as usual, a first try to figure out his team, a second one to sweep)

Kiki: 1 try (easy as fuck; delphox, gardevoir, gourgeist and mawile OBLITERATE her)

Aya: 2 tries (similar to Corey, I don't remember her much as well, wasn't a difficult fight; I have too many good psychics I guess...)

Serra: 20 tries easily (I wasn't prepared for a combination of water, ice and speed at that point; she crushed my soul many times)

Noel: 3 tries (I fought this shy genius kid when Clefable was still on his team despite being a fairy, but whatever, Scrafty, Mawile and even Gourgeist with rock smash, surprisingly, took good care of him: I needed 2 battles to figure out his team tho)

Radomus: 2 tries (first one to figure out his team, second to anihilate it with SWAG Queen the Scrafty)

Luna: 25 tries easily, if not more (despite having mawile and scrafty, I wasn't prepared for the combination of bulk, prankster and offense capabilities her team had; Plumpoison the scolipede was the one that finally took me out of my despair, with a combination of steamroller and speed boost)

Samson: 1 try (just like Kiki, too many psychics and fairies for the guy to handle; this was the easiest gym in the game period)

Charlotte: 15 tries (her field and team completely walled mine at some point; I required the help of my Tyroar to finally overcome her with double resistence to fire and neutrality to energy ball and solar beam).

Terra: 6 tries (her field took me a while to figure out, as having too many fairies and dark types is not really good when all their moves suddenly turn normal type; the fact that her Claydol and Garchomp were so specially defensive for some reason didn't help much. I overcame her with a combination of stalling Gourgeist and luck)

Ciel: 1 try (easier than expected for a type that has proven to be one of my worst weaknesses over time; however, her gliscor's acrobatics, that has 110BP and receives STAB, just took HALF of my gourgeist's HP each time, that's how amazingly bulky Halloween is; with leech seed and a few hyper potions, she could wall Gliscor for days. Rest of her team falls surprisingly fast to Sparkiller the manectric, which is weird as I thought that her team would have plenty of ways to cover the obvious weakness to electric, but nope)

Edited by zimvader42
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Heh, my first playthrough was quite something, considering I didn't consult the forum until I needed to find 7th street. The Gyms are assumed from my first time playing on E13 exceptions to Terra and the new Leader.


Julia - 3 tries. As usual, I was like "bitch please" on the difficulty of the game like most of us were. Then I tried out the OP crap known as Kricketune and destroyed her up to Emolga. 3rd try checked her for good.

Florinia - 2 tries. If it weren't for sand hax and shutting down my Kricketune early, I easily could have won this. Haryiama + Kricketune = No chance

Corey - 1 try. Wasn't as hard as I thought considering his only real threat to me was Crobat, which was handily crushed by Manectric.

Shelly - 2 tries. Damn field did me no favors and Kricketune finally saved my life for the last time with Struggle Bugs to the max. Luck was the biggest win factor here.

Shade - 2 tries. A lack of items cut me short here. Toxicroak Sucker Punch and Hariyama Knock Off made pretty quick work of Shade when I got items.

Kiki - 4 tries. Her Medicham was freakishly quick for this early in the game and I got swept by it. After restructuring my team and strokes of luck, she got destroyed.

Aya - 3 tries. Brutally lost first time around, got myself a Donphan, and learned what didn't destroy Donphan and protected it while it EQ'ed.

Serra - 1 try. She was surprisingly weak for what I encountered so far. Hariyama and Toxicroak owned the match essentially, covering everything fine.

Noel - 2 tries. Stupid friggin Swellow and Clefable of his. Never mind everything else. The Clefable refused to die till Poison Jab from Toxicroak, and my new Excadrill took Swellow's hits like a champ.

Radomus - 1 try. I won't give Radomus a badge for a lack of effort, which he sure did try. My Gardevoir with Calm Mind and Shadow Ball essentially swept his entire team. He did a good job taking out all of my other team members.

Luna - 1 try. At this point, with my current team fleshed out, I made quick work of Luna. Calm Mind Gardevoir with Moonblast just wrecked her entire team.

Samson - 1 try. Calm Mind Gardevoir, again for the win until damn Hawlucha. Stupid Circus field made it nearly impossible to combat, but my Noivern outspeeded it, and Air Slash.

Charlotte - 6 tries. What I expected from Amethyst as difficult. This was the double Ninetales shenanigans, but Sableye Rain Dance and Gardevoir Trick Room finally put me ina suitable position.

Terra - 2 tries. It took me some reading on her stupid field to formulate a good strategy, and it paid pretty quickly.

New Leader - 1 try. Considering I made 4 reserve teammates to blow time, 3 of the reserves swept the Leader by themselves.

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  • Veterans

Julia:First run through I had a Charmeleon with Dragon Rage and then the Deadweight Ralts.....yeah....took me 3 tries since her Chinchou was a dick and parahaxed me :[

Florinia:Pre-Nerf Flobot.....oh god that UNHOLY Cradily......not even Scraggy could save me,Charmeleon got 1 shot,Dragon Rage didnt 2HKO,it eventually came down to me catching a Venonat to use poison powder on it so Scraggy could wear it down. Current Flobot just isnt the same man...though she still puts up a fight.

Corey:I'll post 2 versions of this fight(The original and the Misty one) since facing Corey is actually one of the more enjoyable gym battles in the game...which is quite weird considering what happens right after......

Original;FUCK SKUNTANK,Seriously,that bitch had Flame Burst/thrower back in the day and was generally a dick,he also had a Haunter with Venoshock....the tears that were given back in those days....and then came the unholy beast named Corey's Crobat.....lemme tell you about this;Nasty Plot,Roost and then Dual Stab with Air Cutter and Venoshock,if Trubbish got off the toxic spikes,this thing was near guaranteed to destroy you,not even my own Golbat managed to save me from THIS.....eventually,my Kirlia became a Gardevoir and beat it for me(No Poison Weakness in E10 ;))

Corrosive Mist:Most of his team is rather underwhelming but it's once more the Crobat that poses the greatest threat,it no longer has roost since that'd give it the ability to stall the player out in combination with the mist but has Venom Drench to pretty much fuck over all offensive potential the user has and Nasty Plot+Auto Venoshock due to the field and Stab....Air Cutter also has stab and a Field Boost....this thing hits wayyy tooo hard for this point of the game,usually I have a flame burst pokemon at the back to take THIS thing down as NOTHING else I usually bring except for Manectric can safely beat it.

Shelly:Original Shelly was a pushover,even with the Scyther,I had a Charizard that pretty much curbstomped it's way through her....not to mention my Golbat clearing out whatever remained after that. E13 Shelly was a NIGHTMARE though,this was before the AI went to hell and back and thus she managed to make me SR for the most amount of times any leader not called E14 Charlotte has ever done. Funnily enough,I managed to win due to Dual Screens,Toxic and Leech seed along with my Chesnaught using rollout to take everything down,HOORAY FOR HEALING ITEMS!

(This is an Incomplete list that will be added onto in the future)

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1. Julia-About 5 turns...

2. Florinia-3 turns

3. Corey-20 turns (stupid crobat...)

4. Shelly-10 turns (My team had one fire type and the rest were pretty much weak to bug)

5. Shade-5 turns (had to plan around chandelure, easy enough though)

6. Kiki-1 turn (Meowstic too strong!)

7. Aya-1 turn (Meowstic you gotta STOP!)

8. Serra-1 turn (Donphan EQ and then Infernape CC and Flare Blitz)

9. Noel-3 turns (Clefairy was a slight problem)

10. Radomus-1 turn (Honchkrow and drapion FTW!)

11. Luna-1 turn (Infernape CC)

12. Samson- 1 turn (Gardevior ate souls that battle)

13. Charlotte- 6 turns (Had to get to +5 on Gardevior to take her down...)

14. Terra-2 turn (Forgot to put grass knot on Gardevior the first battle...)

15. Ciel- Haven't fought yet...

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1.Julia - 2 tries (I had a little problem with her because of my Frogadier's frailness)

2.Florinia - 4 tries (no words needed right?)

3. Shelly - 4 tries (I wasn't just prepared for a double with a yanmega)

4. Shade - 2 tries (his rotom wrecked my team the first time)

5. Punk Aya - 1 try (Meowstic Prankster + Light Screen GG)

6. Serra - 3 tries (That Froslass and mirror field)

7. Noel - currently trying to beat him and now its my...7TH TRY!!!! (I hate his Porygon-Z with a passion!!!)

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Once upon a time when there was no gen 6:

Julia - around 10 tries (even with marshtomp, the rest of my team was kinda bad against sonicbooms and explosions)

Florinia- 3-5tries (kricket powa?)

Corey - 5+ tries (the crobat sweep was real back then )

Shelly- 5+ tries but no memory except that she was tough

Shade- 5+ tries same as shelly

Kiki- 5+ tries , no further memory

Aya- too many to count . No memory of how i won

Serra- ...........way too many to count. Won by some form of sheer luck

Didn't play further

Post Gen 6- Around Ep 11: New Playthrough with new team

Julia- 2-3 tries, felt the difference with a protean frog

Florinia- 2-3 tries, felt the difference with a protean frog

Corey- 2-3 tries, same as ^

Shelly- 1 try, having a lion and protean frog helped a bunch

Shade- 3-5 tries, nothing special , just not getting 1shot

Kiki- 3-5 tries until i realized I needed speed vs her

Aya- 2 tries, considerably nerfed

Serra- 2-3 tries, considerably nerfed

Noel- 6+ tries until I won via a stalling standoff between Luxray @ charge spam vs Clefable, stall and heal until the 'fable struggled and eventually killed itself

Radomus- 3-5 tries, no memory of details

Luna- 6+ tries until i decided to bring a fairy and finally managed

Samson- 3-5 tries due to being underleveled

Charlotte- ......a lot of tries, back then I got utterly destroyed by her and won by some sheer luck of not missing my surfs even when the accuracy dropped to the max for the entire field

Terra- 1 try. 5 jokes and 1 threat

Ep 13-14- New Playthrough, new team again

Julia - 2-3 tries again, nothing changed except that her team never used explosions vs mine again

Florinia- 1 try, felt nerfed

Corey- 2 tries , crippling his crobat with paralysis was enough

Shelly - 1 try due to involuntarily combusting the field

Shade- 2-3 tries, simply overpowering him worked enough

Kiki- 2-3 tries, felt nerfed somehow

Aya- 1 try, felt even more nerfed than before

Serra- 1 try, felt incredibly nerfed

Noel- 2-3 tries, overpowering him was enough

Radomus- 2-3 tries, ^

Luna- 2-3 tries - nothing of note here

Samson- 3 tries- nothing of note

Charlotte- 2 tries :| - didn't even have to dispel her field

Terra- 1 try- 5jokes and 1threat. Still.

Ep 15- Poison Monotype run

Julia- 1 try, toxic spikes did her in

Florinia- 5 tries- her ferroseed was nightmarish to my low-lvl poison team

Corey- 1 try- his field did him in vs mine

Shelly- 1 try- was close but ultimately my team prevailed

Shade- 2 tries- took wrong approach the 1st time, 2nd time was quite easy

Kiki- over 10 tries - psychic spamming lucario was bad for my team

Aya- joke. My poison > her. 'Nuff said

Serra- 1 try- joke...sigh (her son made way better use of the field and actually made me pull out my Crobat after getting rekt by his bugs 4 times)

Noel- 2 tries- nothing special

Dittoceus- 1try, stun spore + smokescreen+acid spray op

Radomus- 1 try- wellp, he would have won if trick room didn't fridge him over when he was down to his 'Voir :I sry but even if you run a team of slow mons, using trick room when you're down to your last 3 isnt helping your case <_> esp when 1 of those 3 is a 5 lvls higher Gardevoir

Luna- current progress stops here

Note: By "tries", I mean proper tries where I got to fight a leader fully and not counting random resets where I had a bad start and just hit F12

Edited by Masquerain
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On my main game all the gyms only took 1 try for me. After I beat Radomus( cannot remember the spelling of it) I IV bred my whole team and the gyms leader never had a chance afterwards.

Note: Leavanny did some damage to Charlotte's team lol

Edited by Ganolth
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All on Episode 15: (the joys of summer vacation)

Julia: 3 tries, it took a little while to figure out how to get around all the explosions.

Florinia: 2 tries. Chimchar is a useful starter.

Corey: 10 tries. This is the point in the game in which I discovered that my team was full of a bunch of crit magnets.

Shelley: 2 tries, Monferno really carried his weight.

Shade: I stopped counting. Golett is freaking sloooooow.

Kiki: 3 tries, that Medicham outsped my whole team.

Aya: 5 tries, all of those doubles attacks were hard to get around. Icy Wind...

Serra: 7 tries, shouldn't have showed up with half my team weak to Ice.

Noel: 2 tries. I played in an earlier chapter and ragequit because I would throw my whole team at that infernal Cincinno and lose. I assume he got nerfed.

Radomus: 2 tries, his Psychics were not prepared for the Emolga/Golurk Discharge/Earthquake double duo.

Luna: 3 tries, the trick was getting Infernape and Gardevoir to hold out.

Samson: 1 try. He only landed 2 hits in the whole fight.

Charlotte: 8 tries. Got bailed out by Trick Room Gardevoir, used Rhyperior and Golurk for a dual Earthquake (plus Rhyperior's Stone Edge) to clean house almost untouched.

Terra: 2 tries, would've been one if I'd had the foresight to grab something with an Ice-type attack.

Ciel: 6 tries, took me 5 to figure out I needed Durant at full HP to deal with that rotten Mega Altaria.

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Julia : 1 try. Combusken

Florinia : 1 try. Combusken

Corey : 1 try. Meowstic

Shelly : 2 tries. Didn't expect her Yanmega

Shade : 1 try. Blaziken and Meowstic

Kiki : 1 try. Meowstic

Aya : 2 tries. Wasn't able to stop her entry hazard the 1st time.

Serra : 1 try. Exploud broke her field and Pachirisu paralyze Froslass.

Noel : 1 try. Blaziken

Radomus : 1 try. Gardevoir and Mamoswine

Luna : 1 try. Breloom's Technician Mach Punch

Samson : 1 try. Gardevoir and Meowstic

Charlotte : 2 try. Forgot to teach Gardevoir Trick Room in the 1st try. Mamoswine's EQ rekt her team in the 2nd try

Terra : 1 try. Mamoswine handled Garchomp, while Breloom handled Swagsire.

Ciel : 1 try. Metagross's Bullet Punch 2HKO Togekiss and OHKO Archeops, while Magnezone OHKO her Altaria and Mamoswine 2HKO her Gliscor.

Edited by biboo195
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Julia : 1 try. Blaziken

Florinia : 1 try. Blaziken

Corey : 1 try. Meowstic

Shelly : 2 tries. Didn't expect her Yanmega

Shade : 1 try. Blaziken and Meowstic

Kiki : 1 try. Meowstic

Aya : 2 tries. Wasn't able to stop her entry hazard the 1st time.

Serra : 1 try. Exploud broke her field and Pachirisu paralyze Froslass.

Noel : 1 try. Blaziken

Radomus : 1 try. Gardevoir and Mamoswine

Luna : 1 try. Breloom's Technician Mach Punch

Samson : 1 try. Gardevoir and Meowstic

Charlotte : 2 try. Forgot to teach Gardevoir Trick Room in the 1st try. Mamoswine's EQ rekt her team in the 2nd try

Terra : 1 try. Mamoswine handled Garchomp, while Breloom handled Swagsire.

Ciel : 1 try. Metagross's Bullet Punch 2HKO Togekiss and OHKO Archeops, while Magnezone OHKO her Altaria and Mamoswine 2HKO her Gliscor.

Blaziken vs Julia, Florinia and Corey ?_?

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Blaziken vs Julia, Florinia and Corey ?_?

Damn, i was dumb. It was Combusken vs Julia and Florinia, and Blaziken vs Corey (i outleveled him a little bit so that he'll evolve). I'll edit that right now.

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I restart my runs, so they're sorta updated.

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being easy, 10 being hard....

Julia - 2

Florinia - 5

Corey - 6

Shelly - 8

Shade - 4

Kiki - 4

Aya - 7

Serra - 3

Noel - 7

Radomus - 3

Luna - 3

Samson - 7

Charlotte - 9

Terra - 4

Ciel - 5

....don't ask why....

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