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Squirtle, Tepig and Mudkip (and TM flash)

Dr. Zexal


Hi people !! can anyone help me here? Ive completed the game up until ep15 and also have quite a few of the starters but im having trouble finding the following now: mudkip, squirtle, tepig and the TM flash (sorry im not sure if that's aloud to be here). Anyway I do know their supposed locations but I stil cannot find them.


It can be found in babyxion wasteland after a lot of searching which ive give up on. I know muudkip is only present in some of the older episodes and its been replaced now but I really cant find it and ive already found ghastly, misdreavous and the whole garbodor machine thing too and I also know you need to change the color of those rod things too but yea I cannot find it.


I know its supposed to be in that volcano on the island where u face kiki and witness her death. I also know that it runs away from you until your supposed to catch it at the top. Now the problem once again is that my tepig isn't there at all .. it also baffles my mind and I don't know what im missing.


I know it replaced mudkip but as before I cannot find its supposed location.

TM flash

the TM is supposed to be in the underground railnet in that mini maze where your supposed to change the rail directions. Your supposed to use rock smash on one of the walls there and in the one you find a pokeball with ralts and my other wall is empty where I believe the flash should be. can anyone shed some light on this please ?

ive also taken the weather into account and the different episodes.

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