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Charlotte team help


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team is:

Magnezone 65- discharge, thunderwave, metal sound and flash cannon

Donphan 68- earthquake, rollout, giga impact and assurance

Gengar 65- shadow ball, hex, curse and dark pulse

Charizard 69- flamethrower, wing attack, slash and flame burst

Ampharous- discharge, confuse ray, power gem and thunder

Houndoom 63- flamethrower, dark pulse, embargo and foul play

I use houndoom because it has flash fire making her fire attacks useless against it and i start off the battle sending both magnezone and donphan out because they both have sturdy and it usually guarantees donphan gets off an earthquake to take out typhlosian and darmanitan. but after this I get destroyed. Volcarona`s hidden power destroys charizard and houndoom and since all of her team members are faster then mine event though my gengar has a hasty nature I can barely get off an attack against her. Im thinking about training one of my pokemon in the pc up. Some of the pokemon i havethat used in earlier gym battles are muk, fearow, floatzel, rhydon, heracross, drudiggon, quagsire and magcargo.

ANy suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thank you

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You have to think outside the box, the answer isn't always to train 1 specific Poke for 1 specific battle. U CAN win with that team really....Trick Room; teach it to Gengar:

Lead with Gengar and Donphan. Your Gengar should be able to outspeed Typhlosian and Darmanitan, so use Trick Room. Now Donphan should be able to outspeed everything, spam Earthquake....Gengar should be immune...

If u still need further assistance drop a reply.

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Trick Room has a -7 priority, so it will always go last! If you want to set up TR and sweep with Donphan better give you Gengar a Focus Sash so it can survive the 1st turn. Although I suggest to get a bulkier pokemon to set it up. The most easy available pokemon at this point is Heatproof Bronzong! Other pokemon that were available before Agate and you might have in your pc is Dusclops/noir, Claydol and Thick Fat Grumpig.
Also you can catch a Sturdy Graveler at the nearby caves and evolve it to Golem. It will know naturally Stealth Rocks and Earthquake that can help you a lot with Charlotte

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