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Anti-climactic Rematch [EP 15 SPOILERS]


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Is it just me or did anyone else find the re-match with Solaris really anti-climactic?

First of all, you fight him in a double battle with some other random from Team Meteor, which just made zero sense to me, why can't we just fight him alone like we did on Mt. Pyrous? And he doesn't even get paired up with anyone worth a damn like Sirius (that would have actually made some sense), it's literally just a generic Meteor grunt.

And by this point in the game Solaris is much weaker than you, making the fight really disappointing overall, I was expecting Solaris to be the strongest opponent we've fought so far. The fact that we just got done fighting a Garchomp stronger than his (Terra's) doesn't help at all.

I get that by this point in the game we know there's someone higher up on the food chain than Solaris, but let's be real, we know very little about Lin so far and her screen time is basically non-existent so it's really hard to give a damn about her as a villain right now.

Lin is like the Emperor from Star Wars and Solaris is like Darth Vader. Lin outranks and (probably) is stronger than Solaris but she's mostly behind the scenes while Solaris is the guy causing shit to hit the fan on the front lines, and is therefore the antagonist that the player is more intimidated by and at the same time intrigued by, at least from my point of view.

It would have been pretty upsetting to have had Luke go in there at the end of Episode VI and just kick Vader's dick in from the start along with some random Imperial commander after everything we knew about and had seen from Vader wouldn't it? That's kind of how I saw this battle with Solaris in Episode 15.

Solaris is imo one of the more interesting characters in Reborn, and ever since I first battled Solaris on Mt. Pyrous and got my ass beat I've been looking forward to the eventual, climactic rematch with this ruthless yet oddly sophisticated, Giovanni-like villain in which I would be his equal in strength, and that battle was only the beginning of the buildup of this character as we kept seeing him in the game after that, which ultimately amounted to this curb-stomp double battle.

I guess the most upsetting thing is that there were better opportunities earlier in the game to have had this re-match with Solaris and it would have been so much better, the one that stands out to me the most was when we fought Blake in Ametrine and Solaris just takes off with him in the chopper.

Why couldn't we have fought Solaris there and then right after defeating Blake? It's specifically mentioned that he was there and he had plenty of reason by then to try and kick your ass again, and he'd be much closer to you in terms of level at that point in the game and would have presented a legitimate challenge. Fighting Solaris at Ametrine wouldn't have been any harder than some of the other bullshit Amethyst has put us through tbh.

Finally, this isn't me trying to call out Ame on what I think was a mistake or screaming for some kind of change in the game, what's done is done and Reborn is still an amazing game (thanks based Ame), but I just had to vent about this because I'm a Solaris fan.

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Anyways, I agree with you that the rematch could've been a lot better. Due to this episodes shortness and the only new place was the water treatment plant, there wasn't a proper place to fight Solaris. In the situation we were in at Amaria's house, Solaris would not have said, "No green one step aside, I know *main character* wants a rematch". Everyone would've been like "NO, GTFO & LEAVE!" The plan was to protect the house, not settle the score (which we will we probably do in a later episode). Had Sirius replaced Solaris and joined with new world orderly #47, I would've been contempt knowing that Solaris would be waiting with stronger PKMN. And about what you said about the situation w/ Blake. That would not have been the ideal place to fight Solaris. To me, it would'nt fit in with the plot and and if you lose, you gotta climb back up that mountain and you gotta fight Blake again (Blake and that damn Walrein were a pain in the ass) just to get to him. And IIRC, Cal and Heather were trying to take down the helicopter with Solaris in it, so him battling us woud've gave us all time to take down Solaris and bring him in to Reborn. That just doesn't sound right. If Solaris is one of the higher ups of this notorious Team Meteor, he would know better to let his hate towards *main character* get in the way. Although it was somewhat underwhelming, I think Ame did the right thing with the whole *main character* and the Onyx Ward lackeys Alumni vs. Team Meteor. The only complaint, switch Sirius with Solaris. Other than that, there's nothing we can do. Now, all we can do is train up some PKMN and wait patiently for E16

Edited by TRHStatement
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Despite the fact that i felt good after beating Solaris (again ^_^) with his full team i have to agree that i thought he would train more and become stronger (like the Gym Leaders did) and..well...actually be a challenge (i also thought we'll fight him one on one not in double battle) but if he was much stronger the three double battles would probably be frustrating for some players or maybe he was just "used" to demonstrate the players how much they "improved".

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I think I understand why Solaris is so weak.

First, he don't have to fight a lot in general. The main character and his allies are always fighting Meteors, or simply trainers on their way, so their level increase. But Solaris probably moves from a Meteor base to an other, managing the Team and so don't fight a lot. He probably hadn't figth since Blacksteam Factory and Mt. Pyrous, against us, and beating 6 pokemons (at best) 30 levels lower than you isn't the best way to train (it may explain the one level increase of his Garchomp). During this time, you fought Meteors in Yureyu, Tanzan Mountain, 7th street (El's cultists), Calcenon, Ametrine. Meteor grunts leveled up too that way, but not Solaris

Second, the goal was probably to show how powerful we've become. At Mt Pyrous, we were struggling to defend Apophyll, we even lost (only Cal's betrayal saved us). In Tanzan Cove we were able to face them. They took Laura/the children by cheating, but still lost many grunts. Then we attacked their base, killed other Meteors, destroyed the base (mainly Sapphira's work, but with our help). Now we're so strong that they can't face us, even Solaris. In Pyrous, we were 4 vs 3 and failed, Solaris alone could have beaten the 4 of us. In Fiore Mansion, we were 3 (Titania was with Amaria) against Solaris, Blake, Fern, Sirius and several Meteors admins. And they lost. Team Meteor lose always more bases, always more members, surviving members betraying them (Simon, Eclipse, Aster, Taka). The end is near. Whether Lin comes to the light to save them, or they're dead. We're a wrecking ball, and now only Lin might stop us. The battle with Solaris showed it.

And last, after having been beaten so hard that even Cain would have found it painful, it was sooooo good to beat him !

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I think I understand why Solaris is so weak.

First, he don't have to fight a lot in general. The main character and his allies are always fighting Meteors, or simply trainers on their way, so their level increase. But Solaris probably moves from a Meteor base to an other, managing the Team and so don't fight a lot. He probably hadn't figth since Blacksteam Factory and Mt. Pyrous, against us, and beating 6 pokemons (at best) 30 levels lower than you isn't the best way to train (it may explain the one level increase of his Garchomp). During this time, you fought Meteors in Yureyu, Tanzan Mountain, 7th street (El's cultists), Calcenon, Ametrine. Meteor grunts leveled up too that way, but not Solaris

Second, the goal was probably to show how powerful we've become. At Mt Pyrous, we were struggling to defend Apophyll, we even lost (only Cal's betrayal saved us). In Tanzan Cove we were able to face them. They took Laura/the children by cheating, but still lost many grunts. Then we attacked their base, killed other Meteors, destroyed the base (mainly Sapphira's work, but with our help). Now we're so strong that they can't face us, even Solaris. In Pyrous, we were 4 vs 3 and failed, Solaris alone could have beaten the 4 of us. In Fiore Mansion, we were 3 (Titania was with Amaria) against Solaris, Blake, Fern, Sirius and several Meteors admins. And they lost. Team Meteor lose always more bases, always more members, surviving members betraying them (Simon, Eclipse, Aster, Taka). The end is near. Whether Lin comes to the light to save them, or they're dead. We're a wrecking ball, and now only Lin might stop us. The battle with Solaris showed it.

And last, after having been beaten so hard that even Cain would have found it painful, it was sooooo good to beat him !

came to the bottom to say what you said, well done on your analysis ^^

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The thing is, Ame wouldn't just limit Solaris to one singles battle and then one double battle, when the singles battle is supposed to be nearly unbeatable. We will most likely fight Solaris once more in a singles battle 1v1, and I can bet you he's going to be in the desert, where there is infinite sand. Why is the sand important reasoning for why he'll be in the desert? It makes logical sense. He has an advantage in the desert and so I can guarantee we will fight him again there.

The sand damages us, while his Scizor and Mandibuzz don't. His TTar is a backup if you get rid of the sand. However if the field is in the desert, he won't even need sand because the desert field already activates Sand Rush for Exca and Sand Veil for GChomp... But wait. His GChomp doesn't have Sand Veil. This leads me to believe that if we do fight Solaris once more in the desert, he will, HE WILL, have a mega Garchomp with Sand Force being boosted even if there is no sandstorm. Solaris has a lot of potential in the desert field. It's only a matter of time before we fight him again.

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The thing is, Ame wouldn't just limit Solaris to one singles battle and then one double battle, when the singles battle is supposed to be nearly unbeatable. We will most likely fight Solaris once more in a singles battle 1v1, and I can bet you he's going to be in the desert, where there is infinite sand. Why is the sand important reasoning for why he'll be in the desert? It makes logical sense. He has an advantage in the desert and so I can guarantee we will fight him again there.

The sand damages us, while his Scizor and Mandibuzz don't. His TTar is a backup if you get rid of the sand. However if the field is in the desert, he won't even need sand because the desert field already activates Sand Rush for Exca and Sand Veil for GChomp... But wait. His GChomp doesn't have Sand Veil. This leads me to believe that if we do fight Solaris once more in the desert, he will, HE WILL, have a mega Garchomp with Sand Force being boosted even if there is no sandstorm. Solaris has a lot of potential in the desert field. It's only a matter of time before we fight him again.

This is pretty much spot on. This goes without saying, but I'd imagine Amethyst will include new fields once we're in the desert to further compliment sand teams, and having Pokemon that can take advantage of that (such as Garchomp and Tyranitar) are going to be an absolute nightmare to deal with should you not have a proper answer to the sand.

To remain on point though, I agree completely. Solaris' battle was supposed to be personal, I believe. From the moment you meet him underneath the staircase until you're pitted against his Garchomp when you're 30 levels below it on top of Mt. Pyrrous, there's an animosity and tension between your silent protagonist and himself. I'm also biased towards villains that don't mince words; Solaris doesn't fuck around. Having him teamed up with the New World Orderly (lol) did take away from the fight. Teaming up with Julia, while great, seemed slightly mismatched.

Also, I find it interesting that there might be some tension brewing between Sirius and Solaris. Sirius calls him an "old fool", and Blake asks how he can tolerate him. I've a feeling Solaris is going to meet a violent end sooner than later.

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I can agree that it was quite Anti-Climactic but remember one thing;the battle was a Double Battle so you had Flobot/Julia there to help you damage Solaris primarily and to sponge hits,continuing on with this,the AI for doubles is still pretty fucked up and so the battle is much easier than what it would normally be. It didnt have a field either so that takes away a bit of dificulty. Nonetheless,I know the fight is supposed to be personal but I have a feeling that the final showdown between the player and Solaris will obviously be in the desert with him having a Mega Garchomp so that his sand based team can essentially sweep the player,Sand Rush Excadrill with Life Orb spamming EQ while his Garchomp anihilates everything that cannot OHKO it...it will be glorious.

I can see Solaris eventually getting stabbed in the back though,Sirius already hinted at this but I believe that the main reason he tolerates Solaris is because he knows he is weaker than him,I mean,if Sirius attempted mutiny and tries to Kill Solaris,he'd get defeated pretty easily unless he does it the same way he killed Eclipse,otherwise,Garchomp would easily defeat him.

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The thing is, Ame wouldn't just limit Solaris to one singles battle and then one double battle, when the singles battle is supposed to be nearly unbeatable. We will most likely fight Solaris once more in a singles battle 1v1, and I can bet you he's going to be in the desert, where there is infinite sand. Why is the sand important reasoning for why he'll be in the desert? It makes logical sense. He has an advantage in the desert and so I can guarantee we will fight him again there.

The sand damages us, while his Scizor and Mandibuzz don't. His TTar is a backup if you get rid of the sand. However if the field is in the desert, he won't even need sand because the desert field already activates Sand Rush for Exca and Sand Veil for GChomp... But wait. His GChomp doesn't have Sand Veil. This leads me to believe that if we do fight Solaris once more in the desert, he will, HE WILL, have a mega Garchomp with Sand Force being boosted even if there is no sandstorm. Solaris has a lot of potential in the desert field. It's only a matter of time before we fight him again.

I think the same way. He seemed really affected by his failure to "purify Reborn", so he will probably train hard. And since he's in charge of the Sapphire Bracelet, he will probably hunt Titania in the desert. So we'll fight him in the desert, stronger, with a field and a sandstorm boosting his pokemon

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Also, I find it interesting that there might be some tension brewing between Sirius and Solaris. Sirius calls him an "old fool", and Blake asks how he can tolerate him. I've a feeling Solaris is going to meet a violent end sooner than later.

What if through a "mind control" or "illusion" related PULSE, we fight "Lin" then the scene that played at Shade´s Gym happens only for the "mind control" and "illusion" dispel to show us that the person who blew up wasn´t Lin, but Solaris? (Mind control to battle us/illusion to look as Lin)

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I think the same way. He seemed really affected by his failure to "purify Reborn", so he will probably train hard. And since he's in charge of the Sapphire Bracelet, he will probably hunt Titania in the desert. So we'll fight him in the desert, stronger, with a field and a sandstorm boosting his pokemon

Now that's very probable. I'm sure the loss of Meteor would be more personal to Solaris now, as Meteor's taken quite the damage. I'm sure Solaris would bite our butt sometime in the future. It's too early to say that everything will be easier now. We still haven't fought Lin yet.

Inb4 Lin + Solaris Double Battle. Even though Double Battle AI is eh.. but imagine that after the AI gets finally tweaked at the end of Reborn. @_@

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Inb4 Lin + Solaris Double Battle. Even though Double Battle AI is eh.. but imagine that after the AI gets finally tweaked at the end of Reborn. @_@

Nah, it'll be a Solaris single battle immediately followed by a Lin single battle.

With no heal in between the fights.

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Nah, it'll be a Solaris single battle immediately followed by a Lin single battle.

With no heal in between the fights.

And even if you win Fern will arrive to stab you from behind
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So I'll probably be giving this battle some very small buffs (and possibly the one before it small nerfs to compensate) but I did have to hold back on this because of the point where it's at. As brutal as this attack is supposed to be, if the third battle was a brick wall it would get reallllllly annoying for players to have to sit through that giant cutscene + two battles every time to take a swing at it. If I'm able to get a text skip feature working, I can buff this encounter.

Aside from that though, as others have pointed out, the fight vs him -is- supposed to be subverted because it is doubles and at least in the particular 2v2 situation the odds are stacked in your favor. You've got a gym leader and he's got, well, Orderly John. When it's 1 on 1, it might be a different story.

That said, the orderly who fights with him isn't just a generic grunt. It's the first time we see the New World Orderly class, and if you've been paying way too much attention, you'd note John in specific was Sigmund's right hand man. He's the same orderly who you fight when you first visit the orphanage, and he's the mini-boss when you storm the place. He's also present when Sigmund makes the initial deal with Sirius. While he's not the most significant character, the point is that he's sort of kissing up to Solaris quite a bit here, and potentially double-crossing Dr. Connal.

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So I'll probably be giving this battle some very small buffs (and possibly the one before it small nerfs to compensate) but I did have to hold back on this because of the point where it's at. As brutal as this attack is supposed to be, if the third battle was a brick wall it would get reallllllly annoying for players to have to sit through that giant cutscene + two battles every time to take a swing at it. If I'm able to get a text skip feature working, I can buff this encounter.

If it made logical sense from a storyline perspective, would you allow the player to retry the battle that they lost without having to go through the previous battles again?

That said, the orderly who fights with him isn't just a generic grunt. It's the first time we see the New World Orderly class, and if you've been paying way too much attention, you'd note John in specific was Sigmund's right hand man. He's the same orderly who you fight when you first visit the orphanage, and he's the mini-boss when you storm the place. He's also present when Sigmund makes the initial deal with Sirius. While he's not the most significant character, the point is that he's sort of kissing up to Solaris quite a bit here, and potentially double-crossing Dr. Connal.

Ooh, juicy~! Makes me wonder what his own agenda is.

Actually, I've been thinking about the potential agendas of a lot of Meteor members, namely Blake and Fern. They joined Team Meteor to secure themselves positions "at the top" in the new world, but at what point are they willing to eschew common morals and tear this world apart to meet that end? Do they crave positions of power just for the sake of having power?
...Ah, sorry. More than anything else, these are just "rhetorical food-for-thought" questions.

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If it made logical sense from a storyline perspective, would you allow the player to retry the battle that they lost without having to go through the previous battles again?

Skipping to each next battle would be rather ideal, but there's some issues with this when playing out the rest of the cutscenes. Long story short, that isn't practical to do because of how RMXP works and how I set it up. That was sort of poor planning on my part, admittedly, (although it would have been more unstable if I'd done it that way) but it's especially impractical to go back and fix at this point.

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Skipping to each next battle would be rather ideal, but there's some issues with this when playing out the rest of the cutscenes. Long story short, that isn't practical to do because of how RMXP works and how I set it up. That was sort of poor planning on my part, admittedly, (although it would have been more unstable if I'd done it that way) but it's especially impractical to go back and fix at this point.

At least we get healed in-between battles, so if you don't have any money, you can spam it for lvls! XD

Edited by Ace_Trainer_Vince
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That said, the orderly who fights with him isn't just a generic grunt. It's the first time we see the New World Orderly class, and if you've been paying way too much attention, you'd note John in specific was Sigmund's right hand man. He's the same orderly who you fight when you first visit the orphanage, and he's the mini-boss when you storm the place. He's also present when Sigmund makes the initial deal with Sirius. While he's not the most significant character, the point is that he's sort of kissing up to Solaris quite a bit here, and potentially double-crossing Dr. Connal.

Yeah, Solaris's team is actually pretty good in a singles match (I tested it in a 1v1). That Excadrill would've been a nightmare for me if I didn't abuse the glitch. Mandibuzz is the strongest on his team imo when you put him in singles. THAT. THING. WILL. NOT. DIE! I was honestly just thankful this was on the easy side because I didn't want to relive the whole F12 on Solaris's Garchomp back then.

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That said, the orderly who fights with him isn't just a generic grunt. It's the first time we see the New World Orderly class, and if you've been paying way too much attention, you'd note John in specific was Sigmund's right hand man. He's the same orderly who you fight when you first visit the orphanage, and he's the mini-boss when you storm the place. He's also present when Sigmund makes the initial deal with Sirius. While he's not the most significant character, the point is that he's sort of kissing up to Solaris quite a bit here, and potentially double-crossing Dr. Connal.

Ooohhhh ~

Spoilers? :3

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If the AI wasnt so wonky,that Mandibuzz would be an actual threat...i've seen that trash bag use Toxic+Roost and then Snarl to lower your special ttack...it also has Foul Play to prevent physical mons from setting up....jesus this thing is a stalling bag....

So I'll probably be giving this battle some very small buffs (and possibly the one before it small nerfs to compensate) but I did have to hold back on this because of the point where it's at. As brutal as this attack is supposed to be, if the third battle was a brick wall it would get reallllllly annoying for players to have to sit through that giant cutscene + two battles every time to take a swing at it. If I'm able to get a text skip feature working, I can buff this encounter.

Aside from that though, as others have pointed out, the fight vs him -is- supposed to be subverted because it is doubles and at least in the particular 2v2 situation the odds are stacked in your favor. You've got a gym leader and he's got, well, Orderly John. When it's 1 on 1, it might be a different story.

That said, the orderly who fights with him isn't just a generic grunt. It's the first time we see the New World Orderly class, and if you've been paying way too much attention, you'd note John in specific was Sigmund's right hand man. He's the same orderly who you fight when you first visit the orphanage, and he's the mini-boss when you storm the place. He's also present when Sigmund makes the initial deal with Sirius. While he's not the most significant character, the point is that he's sort of kissing up to Solaris quite a bit here, and potentially double-crossing Dr. Connal.

To be completely honest,the battle with Fern and Blake somehow gives me far more trouble than the one against Solaris even though Flobot's team is technically working against the player. The Walrein is too tanky and Froslass is annoying,Fern's Krookodile always gets me into some kind of mind game:Is the AI gunna fuck up and misplay or is it gunna be smart and hit the right mon,get the moxie boost off and do some long term dmaage to my team? Aside from that,I've noticed that Fern doesnt have Ferrothorn anymore...most likely due to the huge Fire Weakness his and Blake's team would have if he still did(Heat Wave would do wayy too much)

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Actually, before Ame even mentioned him, I had been looking into Orderly John as we fight him the most out of every orderly and he's everywhere too! He even shows up to help storm Luaras house and is one of the front lines of attack. He certainly has importance somehow. I saw someone theorize that he may be Radomus, but I highly doubt this. For one they don't seem to have any knowledge of each others existence... Although this could lead some to believe they are the same people, of course one wouldn't talk about the other. However what really throws this theory off is hair color. Although maybe Radomus is wearing a wig. I believe if this theory is true (which it probably isn't) Radomus has been scouting out the orphanage and working on the inside. He could easily do it too. He did it with Elias and if he wanted to, he could slip on his team meteor uniform and chill with them. I see big things for Orderly John. I can imagine him being a final wall before we rematch Sigmund again. I can also imagine him sacrificing himself for the doctor when Saphirra tries to kill him. Would he do that? Probably not.

Anyway about the 2v2... Sirius was standing right there man. I think fighting John is ok, but on the "You beat Solaris route," Julia attacks Sirius for hurting Rini, so I honestly thought on that route we'd fight Sirius and Solaris, but no dice. I could imagine we didn't fight him because he needed his Chandelure, but if that's the case, well he could just not use it in battle. I mean, the Solaris beaten route should be tougher imo because clearly the player knows what they're doing if they beat Solaris. This is my opinion on the piece. While I would have loved for this to happen, I'm not the developer. Lots of this stuff happens for a reason too. Maybe he didn't fight because he hates Solaris. Hmm. Oh well. That's my two cents on Orderly John and Solaris 2v2

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Is it just me or did anyone else find the re-match with Solaris really anti-climactic?

First of all, you fight him in a double battle with some other random from Team Meteor, which just made zero sense to me, why can't we just fight him alone like we did on Mt. Pyrous? And he doesn't even get paired up with anyone worth a damn like Sirius (that would have actually made some sense), it's literally just a generic Meteor grunt.

And by this point in the game Solaris is much weaker than you, making the fight really disappointing overall, I was expecting Solaris to be the strongest opponent we've fought so far. The fact that we just got done fighting a Garchomp stronger than his (Terra's) doesn't help at all.

I get that by this point in the game we know there's someone higher up on the food chain than Solaris, but let's be real, we know very little about Lin so far and her screen time is basically non-existent so it's really hard to give a damn about her as a villain right now.

Lin is like the Emperor from Star Wars and Solaris is like Darth Vader. Lin outranks and (probably) is stronger than Solaris but she's mostly behind the scenes while Solaris is the guy causing shit to hit the fan on the front lines, and is therefore the antagonist that the player is more intimidated by and at the same time intrigued by, at least from my point of view.

It would have been pretty upsetting to have had Luke go in there at the end of Episode VI and just kick Vader's dick in from the start along with some random Imperial commander after everything we knew about and had seen from Vader wouldn't it? That's kind of how I saw this battle with Solaris in Episode 15.

Solaris is imo one of the more interesting characters in Reborn, and ever since I first battled Solaris on Mt. Pyrous and got my ass beat I've been looking forward to the eventual, climactic rematch with this ruthless yet oddly sophisticated, Giovanni-like villain in which I would be his equal in strength, and that battle was only the beginning of the buildup of this character as we kept seeing him in the game after that, which ultimately amounted to this curb-stomp double battle.

I guess the most upsetting thing is that there were better opportunities earlier in the game to have had this re-match with Solaris and it would have been so much better, the one that stands out to me the most was when we fought Blake in Ametrine and Solaris just takes off with him in the chopper.

Why couldn't we have fought Solaris there and then right after defeating Blake? It's specifically mentioned that he was there and he had plenty of reason by then to try and kick your ass again, and he'd be much closer to you in terms of level at that point in the game and would have presented a legitimate challenge. Fighting Solaris at Ametrine wouldn't have been any harder than some of the other bullshit Amethyst has put us through tbh.

Finally, this isn't me trying to call out Ame on what I think was a mistake or screaming for some kind of change in the game, what's done is done and Reborn is still an amazing game (thanks based Ame), but I just had to vent about this because I'm a Solaris fan.

True dat really..I found it really easy tbh OHKO his Garchomp with mah Arcanine (Outrage) why not why not why not

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