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Pokémon Reborn Hardcore!


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  On 7/4/2015 at 7:20 AM, Commander said:

Yes and no. Will it make your run a whole lot easier? Yes. Will it guranteed to sweep every leader in the game? No. Blaziken can sweep quite a few leaders. I mean I could design so that it'd be challenge for Blaziken, but that wouldn't be fair anyone who doesn't choose Blaziken. Almost any Pokemon can still be used, but you're probably going to drop certain Pokemon for certain leaders (I chose Venusaur who is a godsend against Corey). Hardcore is more to promote strategy than to pick the most powerful mon. And oh, don't worry Victoria shouldn't disappoint you later (or as Jamaka likes to call her Bitchtoria).

And as a quick note: Jamaka may or may not have forgotten to put in the correct Cain and Fern second fights in Episode 2 which the ones in it may or may not be slightly easier than the real ones. They should be added in the next release coming soon. In the ep 15 release, I'll make sure to go over the entire text file to make sure everything is correct and edit anything glaring.

I wish I could change all,of her dialogue to say bitchtoria as her name.... Yeah, I think I messed up a little bit. Also 100th post yay!
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  On 7/4/2015 at 7:29 AM, Jamaka2001 said:

I wish I could change all,of her dialogue to say bitchtoria as her name.... Yeah, I think I messed up a little bit. Also 100th post yay!

plz, you're already ruining muh immersion with poptart

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I believe it's up to Kiki (I know it at least goes up to right before Shade), but I know there's going to be a release up to Luna (maybe Samson) in a few days or so. It takes me a while because I have to use Pokemon that aren't super OP against every gym leader and boss and win the dang thing on their own field effect (or try to). If Serra's field effect wasn't destroyable, she'd definitely be nerfed (Glaceon gave me a lot of hell).

Luna is pretty much just back to her old difficulty, but Radomus got a huge buff (seriously, his levels were pretty much the same as Noel's outside of GG in 15). I really want to keep his trick room style since that's how he fought on league, but if people say he's too easy I may temporarily give him back his Calm Mind team (not sure if it'll be singles or doubles).

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  On 7/4/2015 at 5:49 PM, Sharu said:

mediafire is fine . thanks

Alright, it will be mon/tues when the media fire link goes up, not home this weekend.
  On 7/5/2015 at 1:37 AM, superiorserperior said:

What gym does the download link currently go to?

It currently stops you in the map you enter the boat to ride to go to the beach,
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I don't know if this bug is strictly a Hardcore bug or a bug for regular Reborn. But, my Thunderpunches are not super effective against Flying types.

Edit: Hm, my Rock Slide from Marshtomp wasn't super effective either against Honchkrow...weird...

Edited by superiorserperior
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  On 7/5/2015 at 3:30 AM, superiorserperior said:

I don't know if this bug is strictly a Hardcore bug or a bug for regular Reborn. But, my Thunderpunches are not super effective against Flying types.

Edit: Hm, my Rock Slide from Marshtomp wasn't super effective either against Honchkrow...weird...

Was it windy?
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  On 7/5/2015 at 3:34 AM, superiorserperior said:

Oh, that probably explains it. And also, I was allowed to enter the orphanage without going to see Shelly first...

Hmm... I'll have to look into that tomorrow... Noted, how is the difficulty so far, like Corey.
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Corey was okay. I think he would've been a lot more difficult if he wasn't switching as often as he did. I didn't get to see anything Beedrill had to offer because he switched into Beedrill and I knocked it out in one hit. Also, he switched into Swalot and took half damage, and since Meowstic out-speeds, I knocked it out and didn't get to see anything it had to offer either. Qwilfish's toxic spikes were absorbed by my Swalot so that wasn't a problem and also unnecessary since I fought in the mist field and I was already being poisoned at the end of each turn. Hm, oh and his Nidoqueen was okay, Crobat got knocked out in one hit due to Thunderpunch, and Skunktank was okay as well. Overall, a good fight.

Edited by superiorserperior
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  On 7/5/2015 at 3:42 AM, superiorserperior said:

Corey was okay. I think he would've been a lot more difficult if he wasn't switching as often as he did. I didn't get to see anything Beedrill had to offer because he switched into Beedrill and I knocked it out in one hit. Also, he switched into Swalot and took half damage, and since Meowstic out-speeds, I knocked it out and didn't get to see anything it had to offer either. Qwilfish's toxic spikes were absorbed by my Swalot so that wasn't a problem and also unnecessary since I fought in the mist field and I was already being poisoned at the end of each turn. Hm, oh and his Nidoqueen was okay, Crobat got knocked out in one hit due to Thunderpunch, and Skunktank was okay as well. Overall, a good fight.

Thats weird, never heard of Corey switching out so often.. We didn't touch his ai... Also, that Beedrill is a nerfed version.
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  On 7/5/2015 at 3:50 AM, superiorserperior said:

Oh? Was I not supposed to get Beedrill?

You were supposed to fight Beedrill... It's just earlier, it has a "special" item and has since been changed.
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If you can, I recommend fighting Corey again. I believe leaders will switch out Pokemon if another has a move better suited (at Swalot has a lot of special moves). He likely switched to Swalot and Beedrill due to coverage. Swalot knows Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, and Venoshock. I've even had leaders switch to their ace under certain conditions (this is due to how Essentials is built which would be easier to start from scratch than to try and fix).

But yeah, I guess the cats out of the bag. Mist Corey has Beedrill while Field only has Scolipede. I originally ran Drill Run, Poison Jab, Endeavor, and Xscissor, but it was way too strong and required a cheap strategy to win. But if Beedrill doesn't feel threatening enough, I may swap it with Scolipede since that thing is a threat even after I removed swords dance.

Edit: Qwilfish actually used Toxic Spikes. What is this madness?

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I think I'm going to respectfully pass on challenging Corey again, since I've already made a lot of progress in Lapis. His Swalot definitely had a good moveset, and in my opinion, swap Beedrill for Scolipede, or even replace Qwilfish with Scolipede? I don't know how difficult of an opponent Qwilfish is supposed to be though.

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  On 7/5/2015 at 4:12 AM, superiorserperior said:

I think I'm going to respectfully pass on challenging Corey again, since I've already made a lot of progress in Lapis. His Swalot definitely had a good moveset, and in my opinion, swap Beedrill for Scolipede, or even replace Qwilfish with Scolipede? I don't know how difficult of an opponent Qwilfish is supposed to be though.

I'll probably just remove Mega Beedrill altogether and have Scolipede on both teams. As for Qwilfish, I felt it was a good replacement for Skrelp as an offensive mon. The reason he has toxic spikes is in case the mist is removed. It's not supposed to be easy, but it's not supposed to be insanely hard because there are two other Poison Leaders (Cain and Aya) that are quite a bit more challenging. But don't get your hopes up for Shelly. If you turn her field into a burning one, she's practically done. If her AI was better she'd be one of the harder leaders.

But honestly, Corey is mostly designed to be a stall type team outside of Crobat (unlike the other two who are hyper offensive). I never thought the fight was too hard which was what I wanted. BTW, did the Taka and Zel fight have a total of 8 Pokemon (there should've been two new ones). The Taka fight before it should've had 5 Pokemon.

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Small update... Commander is almost done reworking all major fights!! :) He just got done with Charlotte, I will most likely just release it to Luna... Commander has the easy work... I have to edit every other trainer.... But yeah, it will most likely be Thursday when the new episode(s) get released.

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An update! I will be leaving this Sunday to go meet some new members of my family and will be gone for 3 weeks, so, there won't be a main release for about a month. Also, Commander won't be back until the 12th I think, so, the unoffical release might be out while I am gone. I will be able to access the forums through mobile, but I will not be able to access my desktop data. I am currently in the process of moving also, so that might be a hindrance Mega link should be up later today!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you haven't noticed, I'm back. As for progress, I picked up the game today and made it to Blake (Charlotte's Ninetales gave me a lot of trouble. I believe the soft cap for Terra is 72 so...Ciel is going to be one of those very tight level spots as well. Though I'm not sure whether or not the official release has Charlotte's badge raise the cap so you can guess what's going to change if it doesn't.

As for a release, don't expect one yet. Maybe in a couple weeks as I'll try to edit trainer levels to make grinding a bit easier. Since I'm so close I'm going to send it out in one full package.

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And if you haven't seen the status update, I'm finally all the way up to Ciel. And while that is still a big mileage marker, there's a few things I want to do such as tweak leaders like Florinia and Terra and test them. TBH, I managed to get through it faster than I thought so something should be up in a few days.

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