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Sexism Announcement?

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Hello Reborn. I want to talk about this thing. (I'm making this user anonymous to avoid conflict and other reasons)

[17:52:10] ???: I think no one battler female is able to beat me

What's with the sexist remark? Was it really necessary to add female to that sentence? No. Dude could have just taken out that part, and could have just been known as "that cocky player". Cocky players don't really phase me. What bothers me, is that their are some people who like to think there is a significant skill difference between gender. Females have just enough skill level to make teams, make plays and win games just as well as a male can. I don't see why some people like to place females in a weak category. Same thing for males in different situations, work, or abilities. Pokemon is not even 100% skill. Why did sexism spread to a entirely luck based game? lol

This doesn't apply to just Pokemon. Sexism has impacted society quite a bit, so it's been around for a while. Yes, I seem to only be mentioning about one time and one person, but it seems this kind of activity has been recently increasing. As a community, can we encourage anti-sexism or something? I don't think that's exactly what I want, but I would like to be in a more friendlier atmosphere, despite our best efforts to do so. I wish for the server to be a enjoyable place for casual talk and for people to have fun.

Finally, I wish to not be approached about some guy who wants to lure females to battle him. While I do appreciate the people who have confidence in me beating opponents like the user in that spoiler, I don't really care for a battle against people like him. I won't give into his act of self promotion. Also something I want to clear before any misunderstandings happen, females are not the only victims. Males too, can and are affected by sexism as well. I want to make this topic fair for both sexes. Feel free to discuss about this topic, pokemon related or not. Thanks for reading.

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I can't say for fact, but from my experience with things like this, it's usually an attempt to rile people up about the sexism and get women to interact and battle him. Though since I don't know the user, maybe it's a woman? Doesn't make it less 'wtf dude' and still a challenge. Sexism is messed up and while things are getting better for the most part, there are two extremes still making it pop up, the ones not caring and some purposely making sexist comments and then the extreme left side that just makes things worse for many people, almost encouraging the sexism at times.

TL;DR I think it's a challenge using sexism as bait and things be F-ed up.

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[17:52:10] ???: I think no one battler female is able to beat me

So like, someone said this a couple weeks ago. And I'm P sure it was Hori who said it at the time (and also refused to battle anyone, which I found quite frustrating but was funny in hindsight knowing who it was)

Beyond that, this is like a freakishly volitile topic and I'm in a pissy mood over five seconds of a song so I'll withhold from actually saying anything right now

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Honestly, I really don't understand why there is sexism. Women and men and non-binary people are all equal. For instance, look at the old Reborn Online/Showdown League; there's plenty of great female Gym Leaders there, along with male and non-binary ones. A girl can do whatever a guy or non-binary person can do, whether it be about Pokemon or something else in life, like you said, Skitty.

And Hana, that's an interesting way of looking at it. But yeah, it's safe to say that sexism really shouldn't be a thing, just like racism and other forms of rudeness to specific groups of people.

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i saw this too on showdown. honestly we all shouldn't hate on this person. maybe they don't know about all this controversy about sexism and they just mentioned women by accident. all we should do is just warn him about it and hope this doesn't happen again... i am way too lax with people :P

... but if they said females intentionally in that way, then by all means hate on him. he deserves every bit of it!

just my two cents in on this matter~

Edited by Sinikuro013
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Hello Reborn. I want to talk about this thing. (I'm making this user anonymous to avoid conflict and other reasons)

[17:52:10] ???: I think no one battler female is able to beat me

you did kick his ass right?

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So like, someone said this a couple weeks ago. And I'm P sure it was Hori who said it at the time (and also refused to battle anyone, which I found quite frustrating but was funny in hindsight knowing who it was)

Beyond that, this is like a freakishly volitile topic and I'm in a pissy mood over five seconds of a song so I'll withhold from actually saying anything right now

Ummm. No. It wasn't Hori. And even if it was, Hori does that shit as a joke, that's how Hori rolls. Also it was a troll. As Skitty wants it, this person should remain anonymous and spouting out names like this is hurtful and just downright rude. Falsely accusing someone is awful. Don't do it.

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Ummm. No. It wasn't Hori. And even if it was, Hori does that shit as a joke, that's how Hori rolls. Also it was a troll. As Skitty wants it, this person should remain anonymous and spouting out names like this is hurtful and just downright rude. Falsely accusing someone is awful. Don't do it.

I wasn't pointing fingers. The point I was making is that they were probably just trolling and either trying to be funny (like Hori was previously) or trolling and trying to be get attention by causing someone to battle them

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I though you encounter someone being sexist (IRL) and you probably wanted to pimp that person in the face. A comment on a internet make u post all this? a random, troll or someone being butth*le from a lost could of post it that. It's the internet, what can you do. This is not the first time you will see it nor the last time either.

I agree with everything you said OP but u can't get salty over internet comments. I know, if I did care about internet comments, I would rant about how humanity is doom for life and write 28 pages of essay of reasons why. Let it go...

There are always keyboard warriors. Live the bullsh*t, embrace the bullsh*t ;)

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I though you encounter someone being sexist (IRL) and you probably wanted to pimp that person in the face. A comment on a internet make u post all this? a random, troll or someone being butth*le from a lost could of post it that. It's the internet, what can you do. This is not the first time you will see it nor the last time either.

I agree with everything you said OP but u can't get salty over internet comments. I know, if I did care about internet comments, I would rant about how humanity is doom for life and write 28 pages of essay of reasons why. Let it go...

There are always keyboard warriors. Live the bullsh*t, embrace the bullsh*t ;)

Best advice, I agree. Also, it helps to find the humor in it all and just laugh at it.

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There are some topics that people can't joke about. I make jokes about all sorts of subjects that would upset a lot of people here, but I too have things that I will never find funny.

Oh of course, I agree. There are a few topics that are always serious to me as well and that I will fight over always due to personal experiences and such if the person won't stop when I ask. I meant more towards internet trolls that make comments such as what this topic was about, to just laugh it off, or all the 'Americans are fat and stupid' comments on the internet. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it seem as 'laugh at all it, laugh at everything!'

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I can't say for fact, but from my experience with things like this, it's usually an attempt to rile people up about the sexism and get women to interact and battle him. Though since I don't know the user, maybe it's a woman? Doesn't make it less 'wtf dude' and still a challenge. Sexism is messed up and while things are getting better for the most part, there are two extremes still making it pop up, the ones not caring and some purposely making sexist comments and then the extreme left side that just makes things worse for many people, almost encouraging the sexism at times.

TL;DR I think it's a challenge using sexism as bait and things be F-ed up.

Quoting this becase it's a accurate description of what I thought. It's annoying seeing trolls or some random making posts just for the sake of attention seeking or building up ego. I'd probably should have ignored it like some people do, but I didn't, which kinda makes me act like the bait, I suppose.

you did kick his ass right?

I wasn't on the server, so no.

I though you encounter someone being sexist (IRL) and you probably wanted to pimp that person in the face. A comment on a internet make u post all this? a random, troll or someone being butth*le from a lost could of post it that. It's the internet, what can you do. This is not the first time you will see it nor the last time either.

I agree with everything you said OP but u can't get salty over internet comments. I know, if I did care about internet comments, I would rant about how humanity is doom for life and write 28 pages of essay of reasons why. Let it go...

There are always keyboard warriors. Live the bullsh*t, embrace the bullsh*t ;)

You're right about the trolls. It is just the internet and all, but I still would have posted a topic about this sooner or later. If something bothers me, I'm going to speak my mind about it. I don't think it really matters where the topic origins were from in real life or internet though. I just happened to find a example on the server.

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Obvious troll is obvious. And yet is somehow beneath my notice. Is it even worth it to acknowledge their existence sometimes? Clearly, you can't take this person seriously.

Ironic shit posting is still shit posting. Someone being a walking joke doesn't make their ideas any less harmful.

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Ironic shit posting is still shit posting. Someone being a walking joke doesn't make their ideas any less harmful.

Yes, because if we hear it, we'll begin to believe it and it'll make us all sexist as a result.

Well, you may have a point. Theists still try to argue the case that creationism is a legitimate theory and scientist won't even talk about it or debate it because it clearly isn't science and shouldn't be treated as such... and people still believe them.

Hopefully someone was around to slap em with a mute or a boot out of the lobby. The 'harm' happens when you let little shitheads like that goad you and get you frustrated. Which is what they want... so in that respect, you're letting 'em win.

In the great email box of life, you get a lot of spam. So when you see something stupid like that, it goes in the spam folder and the sender is put on the blocked list. If you think someone like that is actually persuading anyone to believe something like what he's suggesting, then there's a problem with you.

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I though you encounter someone being sexist (IRL) and you probably wanted to pimp that person in the face. A comment on a internet make u post all this? a random, troll or someone being butth*le from a lost could of post it that. It's the internet, what can you do. This is not the first time you will see it nor the last time either.

I agree with everything you said OP but u can't get salty over internet comments. I know, if I did care about internet comments, I would rant about how humanity is doom for life and write 28 pages of essay of reasons why. Let it go...

There are always keyboard warriors. Live the bullsh*t, embrace the bullsh*t ;)

"It's the internet, what can you do"

I'll tell you what you can do. You can tell me so I can punch him in the face and ban his ass.

Or tell another staff so they can handle it in a more responsible way than I would.

But where's the fun in that.

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Rule 1 - Be respectful...

As Ame pointed out - there -are- things that can be done in -our- community about sexism. Sexism isn't respectful in any case, and therefore if it's happening -here- rules are being broken.

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Something I have had on my chest for a while and I need to vent: every time someone does or says something that might even remotely sound sexist, discriminatory or otherwise related to issues involving the relationship between genders and/or gender identity and/or sexual orientation, a huge fuss inevitably is made around it, even with topics like this getting started. Which is not to say that this topic was unnecessary, uncalled for or exaggerated btw: the person who said that to Skitty is an idiot who needs to be dealt with as per the rules of this place. I am simply stating that you are all very sensible when it comes to this kind of issues.

What bugs me is that in this forum there is a member who, with his very nickname and avatar, continuously mocks and insults black people (you all know who I am talking about), and no such big fuss is made about it. A certain mod (whom I would like to thank for the time they took to discuss such matters with me privately, although I think it is better not to name them directly) explained to me that, because of a technicality, this person cannot be prosecuted by the mods, yet I find it jarring that not a single topic like this one has been started on the matter. I believe all kinds of discrimination and slur should be equally despised, and it disappoints me to see that some issues receive more attention than others.

As a heterosexual male, I cannot stand to see homosexuals (or females) being discriminated and insulted, so I am happy to see that you guys are sensible about these matters.

As a white guy, I cannot stand to see black people being discriminated and insulted, so it disappoints me to see that you guys are not as sensible about these matters.

And I know that by saying this I am overly generalizing the matter, I know that probably some of you did feel offended by the whole thing just like me and did try to do something about it, and I know that the aforementioned mod will probably be mad at me for bringing this up publicly, and I therefore apologize in advance to all the people towards whom these words could be unfair. But I really really needed to get this off my chest.

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I'm so terribly sorry but

To actually make this a relevant post and not a little bit of shameful self indulgence to post this video,

I gotta wonder what the hell goes through the head of people who try to bait like that. What good can it do and why try t hurt people like that? It's ridiculous.

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