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team help


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I'm new to playing like this, used to just using what I like. Well, not working out like I thought it was, well, at least for some of my team.

Quilava Lv 27 IVs HP 25 Atk 25 Def 30 Sp. Atk 29 Sp. Def 31 Spd 20

Arbok Lv 25 IVs HP 20 Atk 28 Def 24 Sp.Atk 10 Sp. Def 22 Spd 15

Roselia Lv 25 IVs HP 31 Atk 0 Def 31 Sp. Atk 30 Sp. Def 0 (the pain.....) Spd 14

Goldeen Lv 25 IVs HP 17 Atk 28 Def 13 Sp. Atk 14 Sp. Def 22 Spd 11

Teddiursa Lv 17 (new addition) IVs HP 1 (UGH.....) Atk 29 Def 23 Sp. Atk 25 Sp. Def 10 Spd 30

Meowth Lv 11 (HM slave and has Pick Up)

these are only some of my favorites and the only ones so far I could find.

I have more preference towards Froslass, Glaceon, Abomasnow, Mamoswine, Aurorus and Hippopotas as my team and I am looking to get them, just need to get that far....

is there anyway I can make my current team better (other than leveling then up, which I am in the process of doing) are there other pokemon I may be overlooking that would do better?

Edited by Shirokiba
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Emolga is pretty damn good. you can catch it by lvl 20 I believe. This Poke is my clutch until like 9 gym. Espurr (F) is up there has well for me. Have offence and defense, the diversity is real with this cat.

Roselia isn't really that good, in fact, it's one of the worst Poke in the beginning of the game. Unless you breed it with the right Poke, it's only attack move is Grass-Type. I recommend you ditch it. Your team is good otherwise. Arbok is okay and Teddiursa is good.

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What would I need to Breed Roselia with, to get it some more moves other than grass? It's been one of the pokemon keeping me going so far. It's been helpful in all but the fights against the Pulse Tangrowth.

i do have an Emolga but I didn't think I was gonna use it, gonna have to check it's IVs.

Edited by Shirokiba
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What would I need to Breed Roselia with, to get it some more moves other than grass?

Muk>Stunfisk>Wooper>Snubbull>Roselia>Exeggcute>Roselia (if you evolve it at the level it gets E.sensory, Exeggutor can also get you Leaf Storm))(for the E.sensory and S.Bomb chain, the last product/egg gained has to be Budew, since E.sensory can only be gotten if it hatches as Budew)

Taken from Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets

Read the breeding part section. This game doesn't give you the good TM's, you'll need to breed to get the good moves.

In other words, you won't be able to breed Roselia with good moves until like after gym 8-9. Roselia is one of those Poke that becomes top tier later in the game but in the beginning is somewhat outplayed by other weaker Pokes.

I won't bother with IV's for Poke you going to re-place, unless you plan to have it has a permanent member. Just grab and go

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which depresses me that I can't get Shinx, it's easily my most favorite Electric type, too. I get why it costs 5k coins, though.

IMO Emolga still better than Shinx for numbers of reasons I won't spoil. Debatable really, but Emolga did save me from a lot of hell that I know Shinx won't be able to pull off lol

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well, it can get Fire, Ice and Thunder Fang which is nice. Though it requires breeding to do that. Emolga is likely still better but Luxray has a BST of 523 and Emolga has 428. Not bad, mind you, and it'll likely work just as good. Though, in the end, once I get all the pokemon for my ice team, hopefully I can get all the moves I want, I'll be using them instead.

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well, it can get Fire, Ice and Thunder Fang which is nice. Though it requires breeding to do that. Emolga is likely still better but Luxray has a BST of 523 and Emolga has 428. Not bad, mind you, and it'll likely work just as good. Though, in the end, once I get all the pokemon for my ice team, hopefully I can get all the moves I want, I'll be using them instead.

To get Fang moves you have to wait until later to breed.... Emolga have Nuzzle (causes damage and paralyze) and combine it with Electro Ball? that's 150 power; a Electric-Type Hyper Beam. Debatable like I said.....

Good luck

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Yeah, Electroball is nice, one of my favorite electric moves for Sp, Atk electric pokemon. Just comes down to what I need more, type coverage or insane offensive power, both appeal to me in different ways.

I guess the next thing I need to do is start figuring out a strategy. Right now it's just attack until the enemy stops moving.

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