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Let's share strange things that happen in your life

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Well, since I've been wanting to share this, I think that "hey, why not start a tread for this", which bring me posting this here

Now let me start:

You ever felt of being looked by someone?

Like, I mean, being glared like that

Call me paranoid, but I've been getting that feeling for long time, and much worse, in the bathroom

In my house, we got 2 bathroom to use,

one that I usually use didn't have shower, instead we have bathtub. this one's located on the 1st floor

the second one is newer, having shower and stuff, yet because of it being in 2nd floor, I rarely use them

now let us start the weird happening

I think it happen 6 years ago, maybe longer

I'm doing my business in the 1st floor bathroom, while reading some manga when it happen

I heard a laughing from behind, and the laughing is not your usual laugh. I can say that it sound like those on ghost movie, ya know? that high-pitched laughing that stays long and loud, meanwhile staying at "eerie" place. It shock me enough that I throw my manga up from the shock

Well, at first I kinda thing its nothing but my imagination. I love reading occult stuff, alongside back then I have some "chuunibyou" case, I throw that memory away

At least, until it show itself back the next night, the laugh is still heard even until now.

And you wanna know what's so disturbing?

My Grandpa is found dead in front of the bathroom, and my Grandma once fall on the bathroom, displacing her left arm while doing so

That's all for my experience, maybe a bit hard to understand/read, but trust me, this actually happen, long enough that I got used to the laugh(hearing it each time you go to the toilet at night helps), anyone care to share their own experience?

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Mine also happened in the bathroom. Before my family moved into our new house, the old house seemed a little strange. Everyone at my school thought our neighborhood was built on Native American burial ground, so strange things are likely to happen. But nothing outta the ordinary, just middle school rumors. But, whenever I was in the bathroom alone, I heard a strange quiet knocking. Whenever I would brush my teeth or drop a duece, there would be a silent knocking on the other side of the wall. I always thought it was someone on the other side of the wall, but seeing this was an exterior wall, that would be impossible. Just a really quiet knocking coming from different parts off the wall. Not just in my bathroom, but in my parents and in the downstairs bathroom. Always thought this was weird. I don't believe it was rats because if that was the case we had an infestation, but we had signs of rats in the house. Strange...

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One time, when I was waiting at the bus stop to go to my college, there was a man who looked in his mid 50s sitting next to me. Randomly, he asked me to scratch his back. I looked at him, disgusted. He looked unkempt and no way was I going to touch him for any reason. There's one thing to know about me. I highly value my personal space. I don't like people I haven't even met for two seconds walking up to me and hugging me out of nowhere. I become tense. I wouldn't willingly touch someone when commanded to do so.

The man, disgruntled, said, "Why not? You don't scratch your family's back?"

I replied curtly, "No." I don't scratch my family's backs. That's what those wooden back scratchers are for. I was thinking if I don't scratch my family's back, why should I scratch a stranger's back? Especially an unhygienic one at that.

The man ignored me then. A few seconds later, he started scratching his back like crazy. He wouldn't stop. I got up and moved away, not caring if it was not socially acceptable. The man took off his jacket and shirt. He got out his beer and poured it on his hands. Then he rubbed his back, as if that would stop his itching. Sadly, I couldn't leave the bus stop. I had to get on the bus because my school is almost an hour away by bus. If I skipped it and went on the next bus, I would be an hour late for class. My college has a very strict tarty policy. Late more than once and your class will be dropped. I was already late once and I was not going to let this creepiness make me pay more for another class.

Edit: so yeah, it was creepy and disgusting.

Edited by Fantasy Warlock
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This happened in my dorm this year. 1st incident I locked myself out of my room when I took a shower... luckily I am not one of those people who decides it's okay to walk out of their room with just a towel and bathing supplies. Version 2 of this story I got up to use the restroom at like 4AM and locked myself out of my room again... That was a fun phone call

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puppies being ran over by cars, at least once every month. no idea why I see this so commonly, but I don't even get surprised anymore. only managed to save one, all the other times I was already hearing them screaming as the car wheels were going against them. most of the drivers actually stop and nothing happens, but some times all that remains is a bloody mess, which can take up to 3 days to get cleaned *sigh*.

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Random mass bug invasions.

Within a period of 3 years:

I've had flies come from the AC and just land and die on my sink without me ever seeing them alive.

I had a tick invasion when I was bedridden. THAT was fun. I had another one when I was living at my uncle's for a time.

Ants and termites decided to invade my second bathroom a little bit ago.

Note that these were all in different buildings; hell, while the first two were in the same city, the third was in a different state and the fourth was in a different nation.

Edited by Rezilia
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Well, weird situations....I have had one, but it might have been more of a child's imagination rather than anything else. To this day I'm not sure XD. Anyways:

So yeah picture that I'm a kid. Okay, that was easy. Now is a friend's b-day, but because of the way we celebrate some b-days in muh hood country, the kids were inside playing with toys in a room and the parents were chatting outside in the backyard. This was at night, like, when there's no sunlight and stuff. So yeah me and 3 other kids were playing inside, and I was entertained with some dinosaur toy I think it was, and I was also just next to the only window that room had (it was an average sized room iirc). So yeah suddenly the other 3 kids get out to go get a specific toy to the room of my friend (the one whose b-day we were celebrating and such) and I'm alone in that room with the dinosaur toy but I don't realise because I was a kid, I ain't got time for that.

And so the window drags my attention for a second, because there's the shadow of a man projecting in the curtains (the window had curtains but there was light outside because backyards generally have a big lightbulb in the wall; my parents and their friends weren't talking in the dark lol). The man is walking from right to left, which if I remember correctly, was direction backyard-->street in that specific house. The shadow was laughing and moved its head, like, you could see the man's mouth opening and moving as he laughed. I actually DID hear that guy laughing. It was a bald man's shadow, I also remember that.

So then I wasn't really scared or anything because, hey, my old man is bald (and majestic!), some of my dad's friends were bald (but not as majestic tho), and well, I thought one of them just passed by the window and I saw their shadow, that's all. But I didn't know what he was laughing about, so when I went outside some 10 minutes later or so, I asked the grown-ups which one of them had passed near the window laughing like that. They, including my parents, told me that none of them had moved from the chairs they had put in the backyard that night, they hadn't moved from the chairs. And I was like "but that can't be, I saw one of you passing near the window laughing". They negated that again. They hadn't moved from the chairs.

So yeah I never knew who's shadow that was in the window, I never knew if it was just my parents and their friends playing dumb (which is unlikely as if they were to prank a little kid, they should have known I was near the window to begin with, and they must have also expected my question, which was unlikely because a) they weren't going to prank a little kid and b ) when I asked them their faces looked genuinely unaware). So yeah dunno that was one of the weirdest things I remember.

I still want to know who was that guy in the window tho.

EDIT: I just got curious about this shit again and went to ask my mom. Her answer was "why all that shadow thing so suddenly again? Go study math already and forget about that. It was probably just a ghost or something". Dammit mom. Well whatever.

Edited by zimvader42
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HEY you took my idea! I was the one who posted here my strange experience

well, you didn't say anything about sharing my friend, so fair is fair :P

This happened in my dorm this year. 1st incident I locked myself out of my room when I took a shower... luckily I am not one of those people who decides it's okay to walk out of their room with just a towel and bathing supplies. Version 2 of this story I got up to use the restroom at like 4AM and locked myself out of my room again... That was a fun phone call

well, at least you don't hear it every night ._.

I got so used to it I scold it now

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I'll throw in 2 fairly short ones.

1. Moth Invasion about 2 years ago.

Moths. Moths everywhere. It was worst at school. I don't think I can properly convey how many there were. I kicked the bleachers and there were so many you could barely see in the gym. In the lunchroom too. Dying in disgusting smelly piles in the hallways and in the vents and it was just disgusting. accurate video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvA4qMoIlyY

2. Birds

I used to live in N. Carolina. There was an incident where flocks of birds would just fall out the sky dead. There was no smog that anyone was aware of but it was extremely strange.

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I'll throw in 2 fairly short ones.

1. Moth Invasion about 2 years ago.

Moths. Moths everywhere. It was worst at school. I don't think I can properly convey how many there were. I kicked the bleachers and there were so many you could barely see in the gym. In the lunchroom too. Dying in disgusting smelly piles in the hallways and in the vents and it was just disgusting. accurate video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvA4qMoIlyY

2. Birds

I used to live in N. Carolina. There was an incident where flocks of birds would just fall out the sky dead. There was no smog that anyone was aware of but it was extremely strange.

about the Moth, that sounds really gross :s

the bird one, u sure its not occult stuff?

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There's a guy living somewhere around here who somehow made it his habit to wander the streets almost every night between 3 and 4am.

I don't know who he is or what's up with him, but pretty much every night I'll hear footsteps outside as he walks along the street, up our and our neighbours' shared driveway, and away again.

He never does anything else. Just comes and leaves. Been going on for years now.

I'm used to it now, but the first times I noticed, I found it to be quite scary. Thought he might try to break into our house or something.

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  • Global Mods

I doubt this compares to what most people put (I didn't really read the thread; I just skimmed the first post) but there are these what look like pencil drawings on one of the walls in my room. There are some that look like arrows pointing down, and one that looks like an iceberg. I don't know who put them there. No one before me lived here, and I'm not tall enough to reach the area of the wall where they are. They've been there for as long as I can remember.

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well, i have something else to share here

So being sick, I kinda spend my time staying on my house, like 2 days, before I feel better and think about going out

and the day I go out, I instantly saw someone got their item stolen


I think its a bad omen for me, maybe I should stay at home instead.....

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