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Battle Frontier

Leader Asson

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Im trying to become a battle frontier, But there isnt a command, Can someone make /battlefrontiers real?


#1) [open]
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#3) Leader Asson-Groudon (City Plaza)
#4) [open]
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And I need a badge. The Fraiter Badge. Please reply. I need help.
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The command isn't the important thing, Asson. As I was telling you last night, you need to think about exactly how to run this thing. When, who, what Pokemon, etc. You told me you already had it all figured out, but it's all that that I was saying you should put in a post.
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Im kinda going klol at this.
Though this is possible, to create [i]a whole command [/i]is quite beyond my capacity. Its easier to write it in a server script.

Second. I see one thing that you'll need to do.
[quote name='Amethyst' timestamp='1320337081' post='20543']
You need to think about exactly how to run this thing. When, who, what Pokemon, etc.

You need to find people interested in this. THEN work out the details. I know this because I made a little "Reborn Battle Subway" that never lifted off because [i][u][b]I never had the time to tend to it. [/b][/u][/i]
If you truely want to make this you need to be willing to put the time out of your life to make this, go ahead, but this will be something you will truely need to be commited to.
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I remember talking something like this over with Ikaru once...

It was all like we'd have random users fight challengers in certain ways with groups of three or four /roulette'd Pokémon to simulate parts of the frontier with the random trainers. At a certain amount of wins, say 21, you can fight the Frontier Brain, someone who's superawesome at battling and with a leader-like persona (and possibly some dramatic relations with other brains/leaders) of your sector to attempt at a silver symbol and after 42, you can try for the gold.

Each sector would have different ways to play, like one could be straight up battles, one could be, like, a multi-battle sort of thing where you and another random trainer face the trainers and be able to work it around with our current tourney, one could be a straight up single-elimination tournament, and we could probably think of more, too.
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Actually, on a side note, just making a basic html command would not be hard; I make those all the time for things such as rules, etc, and they're easily removed if the scripts allow Owners to input commands such as /writesgcmd rules*html here, and /deletemsgcmd, things like that that are basic in some scripts.

And on the BF, it would be cool if that was something implemented after you beat the League. I mean, come on :3
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Cuz the idea of a Battle Frontier is still interesting

I, for one, would be interested in seriously discussing such a thing. Granted running it would be a bit of a problem since my schedules are derp.

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