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*wipes sweat from forehead* *walks into center of group* "H-hi!" *sips Mountain Dew*


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Hi I'm Nick but you can all call be Bruno! *tugs at collar and gulps hard*

I'm very kawaii (that is Japanese for pretty hehe) *blushes a little bit*

I like Anime Pokemon and other fun stuff! Yeah! *raises fist in air with determined face*

I love you all :) *a very hearty smile consumes my face*

Also looking for cyber girlfriend, but *blushes* we can PM about that hee hee *hides smirk and blushes visibly*

Nice to meet you all! *sips some Mountain Dew*

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*smashes cups* SMASHING!


Welcome to Reborn! There's cookies to your left and Yash's Snorlax feeding upon the sanity of our members to your right. There's cake too, but those are mine.

Don't. TOUCH. <3

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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