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[Insert witty title here to make you like me maybe hopefully pls]


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Hi everybody, I'm Alozan, but you can call me Alozan... or maybe Shucklemaster Alozan or Alozan-senpai or -kouhai, whatever you want really.

I'm new to reborn (i actually just finished downloading the game) so let me introduce myself. I'm shy and awkward and not very good a introducing myself so this will be fun.

Here we go. As i said, i'm shy and awkward. I'm also an all-around nerd (gamer, math geek, weeaboo, you name it) and my favorite game series is pokemon (duh). My favorite pokemon, as you may be able to tell is Shuckle (I am the Shucklemaster). That's pretty much all i have to say about myself, and I just want to say something, but i don't know what... eh, whatever, I'll just say hi.

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It's nice to meet you Alozan! ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ GIVES HUGS

But u is not senpai, k? <3

Welcome to Reborn! There's cookies to your left, and Yash's Snorlax feeding upon the sanity of our members to your right. There's cake too, but those are mine.

Don't. TOUCH.

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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you know"dont fuckle with Shuckle"I hope I dont fuckle you

Ahem...welcome to REBORN!

From what you said above that mean you just start so I advise that you need more than Shuckle to beat this game.oh and good luck cause you need it :3

Edited by BBD
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The title didn't work on me.

The avatar however, that worked xD

Well met Alozan.

Welcome to Reborn!

oh no, all those names. Confusion. Meh, you're Person #9

Anyway, check the Community Rules to the left, and above that you'll find the search bar. And above that is the link to the Reborn server in Showdown! If you can, join us there. We're always looking for new people around the place \o/

Well, I hope you'll enjoy your PERMANENT stay here in Reborn! I'll see you around \o/


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From what you said above that mean you just start so I advise that you need more than Shuckle to beat this game.

I kinda wanna do a solo Shuckle run now just to prove you wrong but i know that i'll fail so i probably won't do it. XP

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Title was not witty enough. 0/10

I figured I should make it a point to link as many new members as I can to the important stuff. So here you go.

Anyway, I like to think we're a pretty friendly bunch, so you should have no problem finding your place here. I host "Who's that Character?" every day in my status update, so look out for that if you'd like to test your knowledge of random character silhouttes. Other than that, enjoy your time at Reborn!

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this sounds a bit like my insert witty sm4sh ref title but it's totally okay because I love witty things the more the merrier

Welcome to Reborn~! The insanity train that never stops. Ever! :>

i opened up the emoticons and i saw pepe the frog and i'm dying now omg

Also, I thought that 'Don't fuckle with shuckle' said 'Don't fuckle with Shulk' for a second and I was confused.

Edited by Audalis
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Hi everybody, I'm Alozan, but you can call me Alozan... or maybe Shucklemaster Alozan or Alozan-senpai or -kouhai, whatever you want really.

I'm new to reborn (i actually just finished downloading the game) so let me introduce myself. I'm shy and awkward and not very good a introducing myself so this will be fun.

Here we go. As i said, i'm shy and awkward. I'm also an all-around nerd (gamer, math geek, weeaboo, you name it) and my favorite game series is pokemon (duh). My favorite pokemon, as you may be able to tell is Shuckle (I am the Shucklemaster). That's pretty much all i have to say about myself, and I just want to say something, but i don't know what... eh, whatever, I'll just say hi.

Welcome to Reborn m8

as you can tell the forums are only for hardcore people...This harsh enviroment will burn you to the ground if you ain't prepared so prepare your shuckles...

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Welcome! As you can see, you're now part of a lunatic asylum, so have fun and make sure to watch how far down the rabbit hole you go.

Also, be careful of Shuckle, it may seem like a wonderfully unknown and powerful 'mon, but in reality it's an evil, soul stealing destroyer of life.

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You could probably solo Reborn with a team of Shuckles if you hacked one in with something like Recover or Roost. Then you could give your Shuckles a moveset of Recover/Infestation/Toxic/Protect to destroy literally everything.

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