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Well, I recently thought about getting a Swampert, but then I thought there could be better choices to complete my team. So, I want you opinion on who I should add. Additional advice about movesets is good, too.
Team (they're all above level 50):
Asura (Blaziken), adamant, speed boost (I got a bit lucky there)
-Hi Jump Kick
-Blaze Kick
-Brave Bird
-Bulk Up

Noivern, Timid (fully EV trained in SpA and Spe)
-Air Slash
-Super Fang

Assilent (Greninja), Lax
-Smack Down
-Surf (This girl's coverage really helped me in some tight places)

Roserade, Hasty, Poison point (it was Careful or good offensive IVs...He's fully EV trained in SpA and Spe)

-Petal Dance
-Giga Drain
-Toxic Spikes

Meowstic(female), Quirky, Keen Eye (This girl saved me against so many bosses...Fake Out beat Mewtwo, go figure)
-Fake Out
-Sucker Punch

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I think pokemon with super effectivie against dragon and flying typing.

None of your pokemon have much against that, only greninja with smack down.

Dragon is still no attack, unless if you use a heart scale for dragon pulse.

I recommend a mamoswine. Ice and ground typing fits well. Your pokemon can cover it's typing as well.

It's fits well with 50/50 psycial and special.


Earthquake - Always have that move with it.

Ice shards - For mamoswine may have the lack of speed. And it's really good against weakned pokemon.

Body slam - Which is breeding, but based of your roserade, breeding should be fine. Torkoal or Spheal, which both of them is catchable learn body slam and can breed with swinub evolution.

Optional - Sadly, the useful breeding such as icilce crash and curse isn't breedable for the pokemon is not available.

Nature is jolly or adamant.

Ability is thick fat.

And change meowstic ability to competivie(HA). You can find ability capsule and change ability into hidden ones.

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With an Adamant SB Blaziken you don't need any other Pokemon.

Buuuuuuut if you really want a new addition then I'd suggest getting Dusclops.

Dusclops @ Spell Tag
Ability: Pressure
- Curse
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Some Other move
Dusclops is great defensive Pokemon that destroys physical threats with Will-o-Wisp and walls with Curse.
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With an Adamant SB Blaziken you don't need any other Pokemon.

Buuuuuuut if you really want a new addition then I'd suggest getting Dusclops.

Dusclops @ Spell Tag
Ability: Pressure
- Curse
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Some Other move
Dusclops is great defensive Pokemon that destroys physical threats with Will-o-Wisp and walls with Curse.

As for the moveset, i think take away shadow ball.

Shadow ball isn't really a good move for dusclops that is more near in psycial attack.

Cofagrigus do fits more in that for being near special attack.

Hax would do more than shadow ball since with will o wisp, it will make a ton of hitting the opponent.

As for moves, keep will o wisp and curse(maybe). But have shadow sneak for fast attack.

Confuse ray works well too. Or the elementral moves.

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Fake Out beat Mewtwo...

You are all the way there and you still haven't got the 6th member? damn

With an Adamant SB Blaziken you don't need any other Pokemon.

Of course he doesn't....

Anyway let me break it down for you:


-Flare Blitz

-Hi Jump Kick

-Baton Pass

-Swords Dance

* These are god like moves on Blaziken. You'll need to breed it though to get Baton Pass and Swords Dance


-Dragon Pulse

-Air Slash/Hurricane


-Super Fang

* I never use this Poke but I believe these moves will do more justice. Boomburst is okay but you want to get some STAB moves. Tailwind and Super Fang IMO is better than Boomburst.


-Surf/Hydro Pump


-Ice Beam

-Grass Knot/Dark Pulse

* How did you get X-Scissor on him? Did you derp? Extrasensory is good on him because when the enemy sends out a Fighting-Type Poke, you most likely

will go first. Not only you'll super effective it, the enemy will use Fighting move and your Greninja should be able to take the hit due to the fact is Psychic-Type now.

Ice Beam is paramount for it. You can go Grass Knot or Dark Pulse for him, I'll recommend Dark Pulse on your team.


-Sludge Bomb

-Giga Drain


-Stun Spore

* You should had breed it with Sludge Bomb too man. IMO Giga Drain is better on Roserade rather than Petal Dance. Stun Spore is better status move than Toxic Spikes.



-Fake Out

-Light Screen

-Shadow Ball

* I use this fella before until I got my Misdreavus (damn you Ame for making it more difficult on getting it). Although, he's more like a support Poke than anything else. Fake Out is good on Double Battles. Psyshock > Psychic, you don't need Psychic on him when you have Roserade with Extrasensory already (and Greninja if u plan to get it for him too). Light Screen is good.

Now for 6th Poke.....Mamoswine, Galvantula, Durant, Ampharos (you can use Tailwind to help this Pokes speed) and Magnezone (Tailwind for speed).

*Mamoswine would be the best member:

-Icicle Crash

-Ice Shard


-Rock Tomb

* You can also use Tailwind to speed this Poke up


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Smoke. Just something, did you know that this was rejuvenation related, not reborn?

He got x-scissor because that froakie was a shadow pokemon.

In this game, if you "puritfy" the pokemon, you can get moves that was purity from the shadow moves.

These moves can be anything, and i mean anything after purity moves.

The moves so was froakie contained 3 shadow moves. After purtify you get:

- Bounce

- Smack down

- X scissor

Hope that explains everything.

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Smoke. Just something, did you know that this was rejuvenation related, not reborn?

OMG...I need to start reading more often


EDIT: He can still use my advice though....so my time at least wasn't wasted xD

Edited by Smok3iT
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OMG...I need to start reading more often


EDIT: He can still use my advice though....so my time at least wasn't wasted xD

Yes, but not exactly because some of the breeding pokemon isn't available.

Roserade's sludge bomb may be one of them and definetly mamoswine icilce crash.

I made a bit of moveset myself, so don't worry too much.

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Well, I recently thought about getting a Swampert, but then I thought there could be better choices to complete my team. So, I want you opinion on who I should add. Additional advice about movesets is good, too.

Team (they're all above level 50):

Asura (Blaziken), adamant, speed boost (I got a bit lucky there)

-Hi Jump Kick

-Blaze Kick

-Brave Bird

-Bulk Up

Noivern, Timid (fully EV trained in SpA and Spe)

-Air Slash

-Super Fang



Assilent (Greninja), Lax



-Smack Down

-Surf (This girl's coverage really helped me in some tight places)

Roserade, Hasty, Poison point (it was Careful or good offensive IVs...He's fully EV trained in SpA and Spe)


-Petal Dance

-Giga Drain

-Toxic Spikes

Meowstic(female), Quirky, Keen Eye (This girl saved me against so many bosses...Fake Out beat Mewtwo, go figure)

-Fake Out

-Sucker Punch



Ok so your team already looks pretty fast atm with blaziken and noivern and everyone having speed ivs. So I would say take out tailwind or super fang for a special move like flamethrower or dark pulse(whatever is available in rejuvenation) My reborn noivern moveset is as follows:

Flamethrower(tm and covers the 4x weakness to ice)

Hurricane(has a chance of missing but powerful and has a chance of confusing)

Air slash(just to make sure i can get the hit without risks)

Dragon Pulse( why not )

I do have some slow pokemon and some fast pokemon in roation and main squad so what i usually do is pair the slow pokemon with dusknoir and give him the trick room tm i have or i will move in different pokemon and maybe put dusknoir in with a different tm then trick room.

Also for greninja, the moves I have on my greninja that i suggest are,

Hydro Pump(God damn the power)

Surf(hm and like noiverns air slash/hurricane i want something that will probably hit)

Night slash( why not )

Extrasensory(covers the fighting weakness)

Edited by foovy10
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He thought it was Reborn

i just used those 2 as examples cuz i dont know what u have in rejuvenation as i haven't got that far into it yet.

EDIT: If u guys know whats available as of tms then u can suggest that but if flamethrower becomes available at some point that imo is highest priority.

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Well, for any enlightenment: my 6th member was a Sharpedo, but realizing it became pretty much useless (It always dies before it can attack...), I decided to retire him, and get a better mon that complements my team better. Hence the topic. (I also have a Vileplume in cas I have to Toxic-stall stuff.)
The Extrasensory breeding on Roserade had a reason: I was really, really unlucky in catching a female of a decent natured Budew, so I wanted more punch for all the effort I put into catching one. And since I already had Nuzleaf, which raised pretty quickly to its desired level...it took me way less time for breeding on a move than actually finding the ****er.
Quick calculation, and a lack of dragon-types makes Boomburst pretty equal to Dragon Pulse, but perhaps I should ditch Super Fang.
Also, even though my team is pretty fast, the bosses are even faster than my max speed Noivern (31 Spe IV). I really need Tailwind sometimes.
Well, Mamoswine seems to be pretty interesting, just have to catch a female one...and it easier to raise than something that can mainly take hits.
Thx for the responses, feel free to add if desired.

EDIT: Instead of Body Slam, wouldn't it be better to breed it Icicle Spear via the Vanillite-line? The power-output is on average close to that of Icicle Crash, is multi-hit, and gets STAB...

Edited by laggless01
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