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HELP: Encounter Rate

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Hi, guys. Don't forget tl;dr on bottom. Long story short; for some mathematical coursework I'm doing I need to know how encounter rates work. Read bulbapedia article and searched around but still no avail. Also made a thead on /vp/ (check spoiler) but still don't really understand it.

Pasting basic here for those who don't want to get on the 'chan:

Only concept that I can't really figure out how it works. Someone please explain with example? Like is there an x% chance each time I step/rotate on tile to get x% chance of a certain Pokémon? Equations would be helpful too.

Meaningful responses:

1. You have a % chance upon moving to a new tile to encounter a pokemon. If the game selects 'encounter', it then rolls on a list of possible encounters, with different pokemon having different odds of being selected.

2. First the game rolls to see if you'll even get an encounter based on speed and location and then it checks from a different table to see what it will be. Dunsparce for example has a 1% in gen 2 has 1% encounter rate in Dark Cave so that means that every time you battle a wild poke there it rolls hundred sided die, and every time it rolls it rolls a 1 that poke will be a Dunsparce.

My response:

Any calculations for determining whether "encounter" or not? Also is the calculation on bulbapedie P=x/187.5 correct for determining the Pokemon encountered?

3.Assuming Bulba's formula is correct, every step you take you have a x/187.5 chance of getting a wild encounter, where the value of x is determined by the particular area you're at. So in an area with a 'common' encounter rarity (x=8.5), every step you'd have a 8.5/187.5 = 4.53% chance of finding a wild pokemon

I also remember reading somewhere that running increases the encounter rate

The thread:

Furthermore does anyone know how exactly running affects it more? I'm planning on running on the grass ingame as trials for primary data. Also items and abilities I'm taking into consideration. My question about those is WHEREABOUTS does it calculate it?

tl;dr: don't understand encounter rates after reading bulbapedia or thread, probably better you read long tbh

Thanks and sorry for sh*t formatting

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Only concept that I can't really figure out how it works. Someone please explain with example? Like is there an x% chance each time I step/rotate on tile to get x% chance of a certain Pokémon? Equations would be helpful too.

The simplest I can explain this as right now is that your encounter rates per map have to total up to 100%, short example;

Map name: Opal Ward

Meowth - Level 2,3,4 - 5%

Pidgey - Level 3,4,5 - 5%

Caterpie - Level 3,4 - 4%

Weedle - Level 3,4 - 6%

Bidoof - Level 4,5,6 - 10%

Rattata - Level 4,5,6 - 40%

Ekans - Level 5,6 - 30%

First line being the Pokémon available in the map, second line the levels you'll encounter them as, third line being the %chance you'll run into them when you step on a tile and actually encounter something.

That's unfortunately the most I know about encounter rates (setting them up is something I have some knowledge of as well, but I'd rather save that because it's basic Essentials stuff)

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