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Gifs in Episode 15(?

Vlado Vladimir

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So I finally finished getting every single GIF image for each pokemon, I decide to start a new save file (Episode 15), to see if there is a poke that looks weird (flying or something), lags, or anything...and I find out that the gif just won't appear...does anybody knows why does this happen? I started the same file in episode 14, and it works!, Chimchar looks cute as hell, but I still don't get what's the matter with episode 15...can somebody explain that to me? and if there is a way to change that...I'd really appreciate it.

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The problem is that you also have the static sprites in their that are dominant which pretty much cancel any of the gif Pokemon. delete them and it should work. I know Amethyst is working on an animated pack for the next episode, but I highly suggest NOT using them in reborn in its current state. I haven't tested reborn in its currents state but Ep 13 crashed a lot for me with them in previous releases.

They were available back in Ep VII and it really slows down your game (and crashes once in a great while...usually in the PC). Yeah, they were kind of neat tbh, but I've learned to live without them. It's honestly not worth the hassle.

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The problem is that you also have the static sprites in their that are dominant which pretty much cancel any of the gif Pokemon. delete them and it should work. I know Amethyst is working on an animated pack for the next episode, but I highly suggest NOT using them in reborn in its current state. I haven't tested reborn in its currents state but Ep 13 crashed a lot for me with them in previous releases.

They were available back in Ep VII and it really slows down your game (and crashes once in a great while...usually in the PC). Yeah, they were kind of neat tbh, but I've learned to live without them. It's honestly not worth the hassle.

I'm pretty sure that's not my case, I deleted every single png file, except for those badass Eggs (Man I love them) and a couple of pulses... and as said before, it works on episode 14, so I really don't think that's the problem, I'm going to check again tomorrow... and thanks!

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I tried pokemon gray topaz and it lagged with b/w sprites so I hope they make it an alternate options to use them but I hate that in zeta/omicron when you have delta they would like static and rest cool and I kind of hate that aswell so I guess pokes under control by meteor machines won't get that.

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I know Amethyst is working on an animated pack for the next episode,

I'm what?

Nonono, the animations up on the block for 16 are attack animations, not animated sprites.

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I'm what?

Nonono, the animations up on the block for 16 are attack animations, not animated sprites.

Oooh :o

So you would replace animations like "Ancientpower" and "Sand attack", and "Screech"? When the opponent uses them, they are way off.

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