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Tantacool location



hello there, does anyone know where I can get a tantacool? I saw a link saying that it isn't available in gen 1, but when I look under obtainable pokemon, it seem to said that it's available via event.

I am trying to beat the fire type gym leader, but haven't had any luck.

My starter is a blazaken, speed is decent, att is good, move is awesome . It can take out the fire/bug type, but it is slow compare to everyone on the gym leader team and isn't helpful much.

I have 1 water type, a blue lobster pokemon. It have decent special defend, good special att, and decent water move. It does most of the killing here, but water pulse is just not good enough. their ghost/fire type seem to have a really good special defend, and the field effect is just too much.

Also i found out using rain dance is useless because the field seem to just negate it completely.

I thought my Rhyhorn was going to do the killing, but with it slow speed, and low special defend, it just get KO by the field effect/sunny/ fire moves.

I never thought that a tantacool is useful, until now. It's speed, special defend, and moves could be quite useful here. Thought hydropump have such low accuracy, so its going to be a gamble. Still, It would be so helpful to have it if I want to beat this gym leader.

My usual fav; excadrill, Rhyhorn, blazaken,ampharos , the blue lobster, and noivern( weak, but prove useful again't the fighter gym, and super fang to capture wild pokemon and not having to worry about killing it).

I will have to take out the first 3, and add something with good special defend, speed, and good effective moves.

Milotic is on my mind, but finding it may be impossible,

tantacrool(I really hope its possible for this one),


either vaporeon or remoraid.

Also I was wondering if dive would be able to change the field. I was thinking to testing it with my kinglar, it have an awesome melee attack, but weak speed, and special defend, so the risk is quite high. I would have to bring it up to lvl 70 if the dive work, and I decide to include it in the team

Edited by bluebird
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If you're talking about Charlotte then open the spoiler. If not, just say it and I'll try to give more valuable advice.

I haven't made it to Charlotte on my main file, mainly because Meganium - which can still be very useful - and a team that has been put together without any thoughts and needs to both rework and grinding, which I'm not willing to do, but I think I can help with your questions.

So, let's start with tentacool. I won't spoil it but just forget it : you cant do it.

From what I know, you also can't have a milotic. I may be wrong about it though but I don't think that the item needed is something you can find - or have found. Hell, I don't even know where feebas is but you can always search the forum if you want to know.

Charlotte's field effect is truly something that weakens water. Some attacks may lower the accuracy of her pokemons though, which may be good. It's up to you but I would rather use ground/rock for this fight.

Let's see your team. You want to take out excadril, rhyorn and blaziken. I don't really think it's a good move. Blaziken is a fire type. As you have seen, fire types are boosted on this field and you could very well fight fire with fire without much problem. Of course your Blaziken won't solo the fight but it may be of use, especially if it has speed boost. As long as Charlotte doesn't destroy him on the first turn, he'll probably be the fastest on the battlefield. If it doesn't have speed boost you may want to use an ability capsule. For rhyhorn, why hasn't it evolved in a rhydon yet ? If his level is low, then you may want to level it.

I've got two question for you, though. If the problem is your defence and your speed then wouldn't using a trick room user for this fight prove to be more useful ? Using it you'd be able to sweep her mons with enough damage and it would really decrease the difficulty of the fight. And what is the hidden ability of your excadrill ? If it has sand rush and is able to sweep while outspeeding Charlotte's pokemon then you might want to set up a sandstorm and see if it changes things for you.

For changing the field effect, the options are here : http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/fields.html

I don't think dive would do anything but you could always try, I guess.

Those are my two cents and they may not be really helpfuf but I try. You can also ask for advice - or see what have already been given - there : http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13527

[EDIT : Thinking about Cal even though it's probably not Cal you're talking about with your team but whatever - Problem with my spoiler tag]

Edited by Fournaise
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Tentacool is obtained via a 1/18 chance when you trade a Growlithe Egg to the police officer at Beryl Police Station (you get an egg for tentacool) the egg you get is pre-determined so Soft Resets wont make your odds any better, Assuming the Blue Lobster is Shiny Crawdaunt that poke is a very Physical Attacker so moves like Razor Shell and Night Slash benefit it more, the Fire/Bug is Volcarona and Ghost/Fire has to be Chandelure and im assuming it has max hp evs.

That said getting Trick room off and spamming earthquakes tends to work. your Rhydon should be able to make use of a Trick Room in play and you can find some Heatproof Bronzong on Route 4 outside the city with the gym so I would get one, teach it trick room, do ya best to get the trick room out then spam Rhydons Earthquake if it has it or something similar.

Feebas is found in a particular area of

Ametrine mountain

not certain of how to explain exact location. and a Prism Scale should be able to be gained for it but I have yet to figure out how to reach it.

Edited by Lord Drakyle
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um bad on the infor, but my main team was Rhydon(67), excadrill(67), blazaken(68), clawitzer(67 at the time))(blue lobster), ampharos(68), noivern(69).

gym leader team ; typlosion, darmanitan, heat rotom, delphox, volcarno, ninetail

heat rotom is the only one that slower than my rhydon, everyone else on that team beat my excadrill and rhydon speed. when chosing my excadrill and rhydon, I selected the one with the highest att, I kinda neglect looking for good speed when chosing the best one out of the specie.

depend if ninetail haven't come out, rhydon can take 2 fire attack, excadrill will only take 1 hit KO, it can also give KO too(it can give KO on everyone except heat rotom and may be volvarno due to lavitate, don't remember if volcarno have lavitate), but with slow speed, it is useless.

without sunnyday, blazaken can take about 3-4 fire hit. Not a good choice because ninetail, and delphox can use psychic, KO it, and they have faster speed. Darmanitan might learned rockslide, i don't remember. It usually get take out by my clawitzer,

Blazaken can KO volcano, and may be darmanitan depend on who goes first. Its a bit of a gample. This gym seem to be program to make deathly effective moves only.

with clawitzer, it ability make it's waterpulse stronger, not sure by how much, but at lvl 67 it seem to always nearly KO everyone except heat rotom due to it's high special defend. It surf could steam and reduce everyone accuracy, so it was a bad idea, and i can't find a move deleter anywhere in the circut town and the fire gym city.

It can KO everyone except delphox, and heat rotom, but then it like the program notice it or something. So this is a double battle right, their team always team up on my clawitzer. ( thankfully it have decent special defend, I just have to take out the grass users 1st)

i don't remember, but ampharados seem to be able to do more than half the hp bar with gem power at 68 on most, and might KO some, probably the fire bug(quadrupal damage thing)

btw i got an azumaril from the egg that I got from the officer.

I think my only replacement for the 3 is mantine, kinglar, and my darmanitan (69)(it's stat wasn't that great, I got greedy and keep it bc it was shiny, but I should wait for a better stat, still powerful, I could try to thrash all of the low normal defend to death)

wait so you need a special item to evolve milotic in this game? o.o

my other option was barbaracle, even though it's stone edge have a low accuracy, it would only receive 1/4 damage from fire. All i would have to do is KO 3 pokemon that can use grass.

Edited by bluebird
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@swimmer I am currently stuck in the circut city, and the fire gym city. I don't seem to be able to find a way out until i beat the gym leader and continue with the story. So tyrantrum is not possible, but thank you. It's rockslide would be useful.

Edited by bluebird
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@fournaise , yes I think i am talking about charlotte, the female fire gym leader, the one that always asked for a smoke. thank you. your reply seem to answer most of my question, and the field effect link was quite useful.

Trickroom seem to be interesting. I do have an espeon, and an abra that I want to train. It just that with only psychic and shadowball, it doesn't seem tempting for me to train them yet.

I perfer a one hit KO style, so I probably have to do research for a bit, if I was to use move like trickroom.

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