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About Taka.... (SPOILERINOS)


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At the Water Treatment Center he asks you to fight him to make team meteor think he failed his mission rather than betraying him.

If you fight him, you have no choice but to win, Solaris, later says this, "his incompetence will be shortly remedied."

If you choose not to, Taka gets irritated and leaves. Solaris then says later, "His disloyalty will be shortly remedied."

Which did you pick? Because of the risk of cold hearted Solaris killing Taka, I chose to fight him.

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I don't really think Solaris' would be willing to kill his own son.

Then again, he is a Meteor.

I chose to fight Taka because I think that if we don't fight him, something bad might happen to him, may it be getting killed by Solaris, or anything.

It at least seems less worse than not fighting him. The difference between incompetence and disloyalty is at least noticeable.

He might go Eclipse on us in the latter. @_@

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I don't really think Solaris' would be willing to kill his own son.

Then again, he is a Meteor.

I chose to fight Taka because I think that if we don't fight him, something bad might happen to him, may it be getting killed by Solaris, or anything.

It at least seems less worse than not fighting him. The difference between incompetence and disloyalty is at least noticeable.

He might go Eclipse on us in the latter. @_@

Titania is right, we can't enable him. He has to be a man and see that he has to make his own choices.

I feel like a jerk though saying no....

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Titania is right, we can't enable him. He has to be a man and see that he has to make his own choices.

I feel like a jerk though saying no....

That is very true too. I wish there was a "Wait, I should explain..." option.

But for now, who knows? Who knows what will happen to Taka. One thing's sure though, he'll get punished no matter what.

I think there's not much changes though, it might just be a few pieces of dialogue.

Speculating with the Meteors is hard, because they're not based on the league, so they can die for unforeseen circumstances depending on how the plot demands it. :C

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That is very true too. I wish there was a "Wait, I should explain..." option.

But for now, who knows? Who knows what will happen to Taka. One thing's sure though, he'll get punished no matter what.

I think there's not much changes though, it might just be a few pieces of dialogue.

Speculating with the Meteors is hard, because they're not based on the league, so they can die for unforeseen circumstances depending on how the plot demands it. :C

Very good points there

I do like how reborn has these choices and changes.

For example, beating solaris back at pyrous nets you some florinia and... fern development. Though he is still not likable, his psychological motivations are becoming clear. I you did not know i will speak no more about it

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I chose to fight him, because I was frustrated with the tedious jump-puzzle and then searching for that last room with dirty water, which took me 20 minutes to realize that they all had to be filled with water, not just cleaned and then drained again to avoid surfing. Also the new, made-up Pulse=mega outsped my Camerrupt which was the only poke with Ground moves on my team, so that was another frustrating battle.

I wanted to finally have a proper fight with someone, so I did.

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Pretty much copy/pasted my response from another similar discussion and I still stand by it personally - the long and short of it is that you shouldn't jump to conclusions when you have very limited information about a situation and shouldn't assume that you know better than Taka even though he likely knows much more about the situation than you do (at least, given that there's virtually no risk to you involved and that Taka appears to be helping you)

I think it makes a lot more sense to fight him personally (at least in the context of the game saying that fighting him is essentially covering his betrayal for him - realistically this doesn't make much sense but that's what the game is saying it is)

First off, if you think about it strategically, you're helping keep someone friendly towards you at least somewhat in charge of Team Meteor - it would be a horrible waste to just let Solaris know that Taka is betraying him when Taka could help you more down the road - if they know he's a traitor he's not going to be in any position to help you in the future.

More importantly, you have next to no knowledge of the situation, and you should give Taka the benefit of the doubt that he knows more about what's going on than you do, and that if he says you should beat him you should at least trust him a little that if he thinks he needs to fight you that he does need it, given that you risk almost nothing and that he's clearly been trying to help you. Besides, do you know what punishment Team Meteor has for traitors? For all you know not fighting him would be a death sentence for him.

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He's pleading the character to battle with him- and he's just the nicest guy working with the not-nicest people. Plus, as it turns out, Solaris notes his incompetence rather than his disloyalty; it would be easier to get away with being too weak than disloyal. Disloyalty is a sign of weakness anyway, so if Taka is punished for his weakness, in theory, it should be less severe than for disloyalty. Look at the grunts: they're all relatively weak, but they don't seem to be replaced an overwhelming amount. Many new names come up during each encounter, but old names have remained. For Solaris to take note of Taka's failure, that may signal the final straw, though.
Pleaaaase don't kill Taka. He's got a cool scarf.

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I actually believe that choosing to not fight Taka will lead to some sort of strife within the Meteors. Whether or not that will mean Solaris will split from Meteor because of his kid's disloyalty or that he will abandon his own son is to be seen... Most likely if you fight Taka then it will be a better time for everyone.

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I fought Taka in fear of his safety but that dialogue between Blake and Solaris made my heart sink so now I fear the worst for him. Solaris might end up killing him as an example to his grunts. I get where he's coming from in terms of family

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Chose not to fight him. It was between being an enabler to something disgusting, but having an inside man, or not being an enabler, but potentially losing that inside man.

I figured if Taka failed to stop us so many times, his usefulness goes down, he gets less info, we don't benefit much, and he's still stuck where he doesnt wanna be.

Not fighting him forces him to make a choice: Fight Back against the Meteors, run away from them, or take whatever they dish out. 2 of those 3 means that meteors are down a solid player. the last option would hopefully be scary enough to force Taka's hand, I guess? Idk, if he stays, he does it to himself, he'd more or less know what's gonna happen.

Just my opinion, anyway.

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I fought him out of pragmatism and a return of all the favors he's been doing me though that Chatot is a horrible demon, as he does give great experience in an area of the game where that's in short supply and I'd rather not lose out on my inside man.

But looking at how things are going and how cold Solaris is towards everyone, I don't think he's going to hesitate to take down his own son, possibly via death by example via Chandelure, similar to Eclipse went down (or was it Aster?).

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Call me crazy, but part of me is getting the feeling that if we choose not to fight him, then Solaris will strip him of his title as a Meteor Admin.

And with a vacancy in the ranks, Meteor Admin Taka will be replaced with...

...Meteor Admin Fern.

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Call me crazy, but part of me is getting the feeling that if we choose not to fight him, then Solaris will strip him of his title as a Meteor Admin.

And with a vacancy in the ranks, Meteor Admin Taka will be replaced with...

...Meteor Admin Fern.


the horror. :o

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the horror. :o

But we finally have a legit reason to beat him into the ground. Think about all the possibilities! He's never been that hard, we just wreck his face (again), take him prisoner, and torture him for information that he may or may not have. IT'S FOOLPROOF!

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I saw it as a favor for a favor. He helped me out of the Nuzleaf cage. I help him out in the water treatment center. Next play-through, he won't be as lucky!

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I fought him because having an inside man helping us against Team Meteor is pretty helpful. I'd be surprised if he gets severely punished for losing to us, since basically every meteor before him has lost as well.

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