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AMV Contest


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[A]nime [M]usic [V]ideo Contest!

Get those Video Editing programs going!
On your time stamp.
Get set.

Reborn's First AMV Contest is underway.
This post is to tell you the rules and regulations of this contest..

The Rules:

1. Each Video has to be at least [color=#ff0000]1:30[/color] minutes long but no more than 10 minutes long.

2. You may work on an AMV as a group or as an individual. Each group/person can enter 2 entries if they wish.
Example: A and B work on a video. B and C work on a video. B can not enter anymore videos A and C can.
Or A and B work on a video. B works on a video alone. B can (again) not enter anymore Videos. A can.

3. When entering, please only enter the pure VIDEO. No Credits. If you post it on youtube with credits that's okay. But when Submitting it to this contest no credits. If you want to put a water mark on the corner that says your SN that's find just nothing obstructing.

4. Please make sure the quality is good. Example: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV7AzNYh5bo"]Soul Eater: This Is Halloween.[/url] Must look at least that nice. If it looks fuzzy in like 5 seconds it's okay but if it's constantly fuzzy and just doesn't look appealing it will be disqualified. If you want, you can upload a preview onto youtube and let us look at it for an OK.[color=#ff0000] Okay, I should talk about this because our first entrant brought this up. Since this isn't an "official" AMV contest it's okay if you have subtitles in your footage. It would obviously make your AMV look better if it doesn't have subtitles, but if that's all you can get, then it's fine. [/color]

"5. Each video submitted must contain at least 75% Japanese animation. This is not a "live" video contest, nor is it for U.S. or other animation originators, but these formats may be included in the video."- This rule I got from AnimeExpo AMV rules.
We had some discussions a previous night about Pony Videos. No You CANNOT do a pure pony video. But you can have 25% of a Pony video in your AMV if you'd like. Or anything else from CN and stuff. This rule will not be motified, no exception will be made. To clarify if your AMV is the minimum of 2 minutes that means 1:30 must be Anime and 30 seconds can be anything your pretty heart desires.

6. No Picture Videos will be accepted. (Silly to say this I think but I want to make sure we're all on the same page.)

7.Each video must contain at least 90% music to video footage. Meaning 90% of your video must have must have music playing with it! The last 10 percent you can have dialogue or weird noises I suppose. Or just silence. I guess.

8. All Videos must conform to standards of decency. Videos containing explicit sexual behavior, or excessively explicit lyrics will be disqualified. Reasonable violence, brief nudity and adult language are allowed in context and moderation. For example you can use the Panty and Stocking Transformation scene or that [url="http://youtu.be/5KN0_-HgWNo?t=3m47s"]Part in D-City Rock where they are basically naked, but not [/url]. That's basically the limits, but if you want to PM us a link to the scene you want to use we can okay it cause I mean, we're a pretty understandable group of individuals.
Whether you're editing using Adobe Premiere, Sony Video Edit, or just plain Windows Movie Maker. You're welcome to enter. Even our judges can enter if they wish. We promise to judge each video on quality. So please give it a try! Edited by Stein
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[*]Turning in a finalized AMV: $400 (This will be handed out on the deadline.)
[*]Judge's Choice:$4000
[*]People's Choice:$4000

[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Deadline: January 1st, 2012[/color][/size][/b][list]
[*]To submit a [i][b][u]FINALIZED[/u][/b][/i] AMV to the contest please upload your file to a host like: [url="http://www.megaupload.com/"]MegaUpload[/url] or [url="http://www.mediafire.com/"]MediaFire[/url] and send me the link to my e-mail(saya_mononoke@hotmail.com) with the Title: [u]Reborn AMV Contest.[/u] Along with the link to your video you must have this information in the e-mail as well.

Song Title Used: _______________________________________________________
Song by:______________________________________________________________
Anime Series Used: _____________________________________________________
[*]NO PLAGIARISM! This is to test your skills.
[*]ALSO! Once you submit it to my email, you have 2 chances to tweek it before I won't accept anymore modifications on THAT AMV. So look it over before submitting it.
If you want to put it on youtube and share it with everyone else go ahead and post the link here. I will re-upload the finished products on to youtube when the voting/judging process begins.

Any questions?
Post it here.
E-mail me: saya_mononoke@hotmail.com
PM me here.
(though it might say I'm online in PokemonOnline unless you actually see me speak. I'm not there.)

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You can't put the deadline more early? can't be december first? e.e

By the way...Here Another AMV!!!!


Hope you guys like my second AMV :D
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