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Rate my team of 6 (Again)


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Okay hi guys. I posted this topic in Grand Hall (I know, I'm dump), so I'm going to do it again (just this time right place and I'll add Natures, Moves and EVs). Also I made little exchanges:
1. Blaziken (Nature: Modest)
Flame Charge /
Blaze Kick
Brave Bird
Sunny Day / Swords Dance
4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 Atk
Ability: Speed Boost

2. Sharpedo (Nature: Careful)
Ice Fang
4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 Atk
Ability: Speed Boost

3. Lucario (Nature: Jolly)
Swords Dance
Aura Sphere
Close Combat
4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 Atk
Ability: Inner Focus

4. Nidoking (Nature: Timid)
Sucker Punch
Earth Power
4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SpAtk
Ability: Poison Point

5. Alakazam (Nature: Timid)
Calm Mind
4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
Ability: Magic Guard

6. Ursaring (Nature: Lax)
Aerial Ace
Feint Attack
Swords Dance
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Ability: Guts

So, this is my ''Dream-Team''. Rate it from 1-10, say if I need to exchange something.
Thanks and goodbye ! :D

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1. Blaziken: Horrible Nature, change that to Adamant...

*Where's the HJK?

*Flare Blitz?

You lacking son, work on it

2. Sharpedo: Change Nature to Jolly

Moveset perfect

3. Lucario: hmmm....why do you have 2 Fighting-Types? Nonetheless change Aura Sphere for something else.

IDK much about Lucario because I never used it but Aura Sphere needs to go. SD doesn't help boost Aura Sphere

4. Nidoking : this is my Nidoking set up 685ae5ffc8.png

Give it Sheer Power also....

NOTE: how did you get your Nidoking with Earthquake?

5. Alakazam: Take out Psychic for Shadoll Ball. Recover is meh, you can use recovery items. Breed it with Energy Ball

6. Ursaring: Replace Feint Attack with Thrash. 120 Power with 100 Accuracy? Plus STAB? why not. Yeah, being confuse is meh but Ursaring is all about power

Rate 7. Fix the Nature of some Poke. You need more verticality; just because your Poke type is Psychic Type, it doesn't mean all it's moves should be Psychic.

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Sunny Day is completely pointless, your entire team only has one move that gets boosted. And unless that / is just a typo of some kind, you only listed 3 moves. If it isn't, why the hell Flame Charge on somethign with Speed boost? Run HJK, Flare Blitz/Blaze Kick, Brave Bird, SD.

EQ on Sharpedo is unobtainable unless you're cheating or something. Give it Destiny Bond.

Special Sheer Force boosted attacks are stronger than physical ones, despite it's Sp.Atk being lower (and there's also a Life Orb in the game, so you can a huge boost for free). Go to the breeding guide here and see how to get it Thunderbolt and Ice Beam (and of course Earth Power and, via TM, Sludge Wave).

Recover is pointless since we have healing items, Calm Mind is bad on something that frail, no reason to have 2 Psychic STABs. Give it Charge Beam instead of CM, Shadow Ball instead of Psyshock, HP Fighting/Energy Ball.

I'd say switch it, it's terrible. It can be made a bit better if you give it Quick Feet as ability, a Toxic Orb, and Facade from the Game Corner. Also give it Brick Break, Normal+Dark+Fighting is perfect neutral coverage.

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Use Shadow Ball over Recover on Alakazam, since it will most likely get Ohkoed every time, and otherwise Psychic types will Wall you.

Flame Charge is not needed and High Jmp Kick is. Blaze Kick or Flare Blitz fit that move spot way better. Swords Dance or even Bulk Up is a better set Up move than Sunny Day. When available, consider Knock Off or Earthquake over Brave Bird.

On Nidoking, you should go for a Sheer Force one, with the Life Orb it should be pretty powerful. Sludge Wave over Megahorn, Flamethrower over Earthquake and when available, should consider Ice Beam or Thunderbolt over Sucker Punch, Or use Shadow Ball instead.

Lucario is an awesome mixed attacker, but since you are using Swords Dance, I think Iron Tail or Bullet Punch if possible, would fit better than Aura Sphere.

Edited by Vlado Vladimir
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weeell whats your way to fight? are you a staller? or you just go and look for the KO?

Probabily the second, so...

First, you need a balance, alakazam is your only decent sp attacker, maybe a suporter work good too.

Second, the type of your mons, weakness and coverage. Half of your team is weak to fighting and ground moves, also you dont have coverage against fairys, flyings, dragons and ghost with high speed like gengar.

Now, lets see you team.

Blaziken is a superpokemon and using it eliminates the difficulty of the game greatly (this game is what it is cause that), change him for infernape, is a great lead and also is better as mixed sweeper (thats what you looking for with the modest nature i guess).

Infernape- Lead

focus sash/naive/blaze/252atk,252spe,4spdf

Close combat, Overheat, Stealth rock, Fake out or Match punch

No need a high defense, put the rocks and take the damage, then hit with two good stabs moves: Close combat bossted by the evs and blaze increase the fire attacks so overheat do a decent damage too. No need use taunt, this is a game and the IA rarely use spikes.


life orb/jolly or adamant/speed bost/252atk,252spe,4hp

Protect, Waterfall, Crunch, Destiny bond

No need much explanation, use protect and hit hard. The high speed in the nature and ivs is for outspeed dragon dancers, destiny bond if you feel you will not achieve the KO.

The nidoking of Smok3it is awesome, also a set with Assault vest/calm/sheer force/252atksp,252dfsp,4hp or 252atksp,128dfsp,128hp... maybe work, you need a mon who can tank spatk... this set probabily work, but be aware with fast ground types.

Alakazam is ok, just, like the others say, change recover for shadow ball, and psychic for energy ball

And... I suggest these changes:

Pinsir (mega)

classic set

pinsirite/jolly/hypper cutter/252atk,252spe,4def

Sword dance, Return, Stone Edge or Rock Slide, Quick Attack

Just mega evolve, do a sword dance and destroy every. You no need a bug type move.

And finally, you have many options to strengthen your team, the last members need to be the one who aport the strategy factor, thats allow you to defeat mons pretty much strongers than yours with team work.



Cotton Guard, Leech Seed or Stun Spore, Tail Wind, U turn

First and principal candidate. A pretty nice suporter with prankster, also can learn Tail Wind and help you team (specially nidoking) doubling the speed; Cotton Guard, rise up the defense 3 stages and with Leech Seed or Stun Spore will allow you to heal the other team members if you need.



Calm Mind, Substitute, Batton Pass, Hyper Voice

Is a great special ataker and a set with Calm Mind and Batton Pass also it helps you a lot. Sylv has a very decent amount of hp, so u can pass the sustitute and use it to boost your mons or just prevent the damage and counter attack.


leftovers or Big Root/Careful/Natural cure/252hp,252spdef,4atk

Substitute, Leech Seed, Will o Wisp, Horn Leech

Will o Wisp reduce the attack of the oponents mons and Big root rise the heal rate of Horn Leach and Leach Seed, but leftovers heals you after use the Substitute.

Damnt, it took me longer than I thought to write all this, I hope you appreciate XD

Sorry my bad english and have fun making ur team!! ^_^

Edited by Giuvia
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Haha, of course that I appreciate your, but not just your comment, I also appreciate comments from everyone. Okay, now Sharpedo learns EQ via TM (bulbapedia). I wanted to use Flame Charge to boost speed of Blaziken, lol I see right now that Flame Charge is not the move I need, because of his ability, my bad. And one more thing, THERE ARE MEGA EVOLUTIONS IN THIS GAME ?!

Thanks for your reply one more time. ^^

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Haha, of course that I appreciate your, but not just your comment, I also appreciate comments from everyone. Okay, now Sharpedo learns EQ via TM (bulbapedia). I wanted to use Flame Charge to boost speed of Blaziken, lol I see right now that Flame Charge is not the move I need, because of his ability, my bad. And one more thing, THERE ARE MEGA EVOLUTIONS IN THIS GAME ?!

Thanks for your reply one more time. ^^

Yes, Sharpedo learns EQ via TM, but we don't have that TM and Carvanha doesn't learn EQ, so you have no way of getting that.

Also, um, disregard Giuvia's post, as it seems she'a thinkong this is for competitive? Sincw you can only get Infernape as starter, we can't mega stuff yet, Stealth Rocks are pointless in-game, etc, so that advice doesn't apply to in game

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Is a team for the future u.u (he say he looking for his drean team)
mega evos is a fact in this game soon (also pinsirite is available in the game now), and steath rock helps a lot against some gym leaders like shelly (the girl of the bug tipes). I forget thst chimchar isnt avaible.. well u can start from 0 or wait the next chapter, a starter is always released.. or do a change

Edited by Giuvia
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