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A ghostly tail [Ghost monorun - Storified]


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As I was running around Beryl Cemetery with a cool-looking mystery egg in my party in order to hatch it, a Phantump came out of it. I then decided that I would do a ghost mono since I could have two ghost before Corey instead of just Shuppet. In fact, as it turned out, I can have a team with five Phantump and a Shuppet if I breed the two.

I'm not really sure that Phantump could really be that useful against Corey since poison is, welll... poison. But it seemed fun so here we go.

Before starting, I want you to know that I don't really know anything past gen IV that well and that I've - unfortunately - never played competitively so if you see something that just seems dumb, it probably is. And if that happens, telling me that you think that a move shouldn't have been deleted or that the role I've planned for a pokemon isn't something that should even be thought of - even in a normal game, - is something I welcome. Obviously the same goes for suggestions about anything, be it nicknames or grammar.

I'll try to actually write the things down in order to make it an enjoyable read to those who feel interested - which is why I thought of posting it in the creative writings session. I may rework it later and post it there once it's done but, for now, I would like to be able to discover my own run with my own tempo which is why I'm throwing it in the place where every other monorun I've seen is. Plus, it would feel kind of strange if a monorun weren't with the others so... If a mod feels like it should already go there, he can move it - I'll know where to look.

So let us start without further ado.

Preface : If you're reading this, just scroll down : it's on the same post.

Incipit : Not out yet.

Chapter 1 : Not out yet.

Preface : Weaving the veil.

Before spending my first night at Reborn city, I wrote that "The problem with the Reborn league is that, even though they try their best by ensuring that every challenger can choose from a large variety of starter, they seem to have forgotten that some people would rather stick to a type they like. That is specially true for those who aren't beginners - which is probably the case for most of the trainers taking this challenge". Now that I think about it again, I am kind of happy that I didn't get what I wanted on a silver plate. Instead, I got a Fennekin which still follows that fairy-tale like theme that goes well with ghosts. And I must say that it knows what it is doing and can really pull it's worth. After all, along with that Poochyena I caught, that Kricketot someone randomly decided to gave me and that Swirlix I won, he managed to defeat the first two gyms of the region without much difficulty.

Two badges and I can't find any ghost type pokemon, which is starting to get annoying. I already found friends to compete with and each one of them already has a team suiting them. Even that guy, Fern, which has the courage to go through the whole league by using only grass type pokemons, didn't seem to have any difficulties finding members for his team by himself. Because let's be honest here : with his personality, I really doubt that someone else decided to give them to him as gift. And since I somehow ended up in a fight in order to free the city from terrorists - Team Meteor, I think - I don't even have the freedom to look where I want. Not that I could if I didn't have to go investigate for the gym leaders since police officers are seemingly keeping every wards under a somewhat relative control and don't want anyone to go wandering here and there.

Speaking of police officers, I apparently became an honorary member of Reborn's police force but they still won't allow me to go to Lapis - I tried to no avail. In the process, I was able to gain an egg. They gave me a Growlithe as a proof of my membership even though one of their officers needed it. I would have given it to him without any question since I don't really need another non-ghost thing on my team but he was so sad that he couldn't hear me when I said it apparently. Even if I tried it more than ten times. Luckily, one of his colleague called me and told me that he would like to give him a Growlithe egg, asking me if I could breed my Growlithe in exchange for... something else, I didn't know what.

It seemed strange to me that he asked me even though he could have probably bred his own Growlithe but I still did what he wanted. It's not like he could afford to leave his own post long enough to do that, could he ? Finding the daycare turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would be but I was able to quickly get my egg. And another egg in exchange. Still, I think that I should really take the time to think about team Meteor one day. After all they've done - and all that I've done to them - slowing down to take the time to think about all of it should be mandatory. I was too caught into it to understand what they wanted. Because they did want something, right ?But not until I've found my starter. The third gym is near so I should definitely hurry if I don't want to look like an idiot that wasn't even able to find the starting line. Hell, even Fern could do it so I probably shouldn't do anything before finally finding that starter.

I could have stopped right there, hoping that the police could cope with Team Meteor but, instead, I decided to help a little more. From what I've heard, there is a cemetery in Beryl. And it's mostly destroyed and under attack, isn't it ? Which means that there may - finally be a ghost type down the road. After destroying yet another Pulse machine - why did they make so frail ? - I discovered that they even had a gym leader in their ranks, which is pretty surprising. If they managed to get one on their side they probably have a good reason for all this destruction. They may have already told it to me but I probably wasn't even listening. It's difficult to look everywhere for a pokemon you want and listen to a foe at the same time while also managing to defeat them in a battle.

And then, I finally managed to reach Beryl and its cemetery, The city's smog was still there, making me cough like always but alas ~ I felt like I was at the end of my journey, like it could finally begin if I just waited until midnight. So I sat there, with those pokemons I didn't really want but came to love and with a mysterious egg whose colours I found relaxing. And, once again, I wrote in my diary, taking the time to recap everything that happened. Or, rather, writing in order to be able to remember everyone that seemed interesting. The rest may come later if I'm able to find the time for it but let's start with what is really needed, shall we ?

The Reborn League

In this league there are more gym leaders than in any other : there is one for each type there is. I still don't know if the true difficulty of this league is finding its way to the leaders since there are so many closed paths or if it supposed to be the leaders themselves, which would mean that I was only lucky for the first two gym battles. In this region, pokemons are more prone to disobedience, which means that you need badges if you want a pokemon to obey you. Even if you raised it from the egg ; the reality is harsh sometimes.

Amethyst is the person in charge of this league. She isn't a leader - at least I don't think so - but she's the one making sure every thing works as wanted around here. Which it sure doesn't but even that may be part of "making thins work ad wanted", right ?

Julia is the first leader of the Reborn league : a master of the electric. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a terrorist herself since she seem to love everything that can go ~kaboom~. I think that she even taught her pokemons attacks like explosion which always seemed so strange to me : why would a pokemon want to be able to explode ? I think I found an answer here : because they are like Julia but aren't able to drink coffee. Thus being able to go ~kaboom~ is a must if you want to be able to feel energised again.

Florina - or Flobot - is the second leader and specialized in grass type pokemons. She seems highly intelligent but doesn't seem to be able to grasp human emotions which means that her calculations will probably never be true - and she may not know why. That would make me feel sad for her if I didn't feel sad for Fern instead since he got stuck with such a sister.

Amaria is a gym leader that likes water type pokemons. I didn't understand why she didn't try to catch that Oshawott to free it later in a less poisonous environment but she was probably just confused and too caught into the situation to really think about it. She seems nice. Along with Florina, she got immobilized by Zel so I suppose that she can be quite frightening to fight head-on. Nevertheless, I'll have to try my best.

Samson isn't really a gym leader but, if you are to trust an interview I watched, he may as well become one one day, if the current leader for the fighting type disappears. He is a reserve leader. It seems like he doesn't like that strange Gardevoir reporter so I like him, as well as that other guy... What was he called already ?

Corey is the poison gym leader - but not for long. Since his affiliation with Team Meteor has been unveiled, they'll probably fire him quickly. I should hurry if want my badge but... But i haven't any ghost type yet so I'll wait. He has a daughter, Heather. She seems like a pesky brat which, at least, has some sense of Justice. Don't know who she got it from since Corey doesn't seem to be the answer.

Team Meteor

That's the 'evil organisation' that Corey joined. If my understanding of it is right, they want to destroy Reborn city. What for ? I don't konw/remember. But since I've fought them until now, I guess I'll continue. After all, I wouldn't want the league to be put on a halt, would I ?

ZEL is a seemingly high-graded member of that organisation. Or three, if we are to trust him. Apparently, he created a machine able to amplify a pokemon's power to beget various 'natural' disasters. He seemed strangely weak.

Taka is another member of this organisation. He freed me from that cage before I finished pondering whether starting a fire inside of it was a good idea or not. Hint : it probably wasn't. I don't really understand his motivations but he seems friendly, like if he didn't really care about all of this.


Fern. Fern is a friend. Fern is a friend. Fern is a nice person. Fern is caring and loving just like his grass-type pokemons. ... I can't write this, I can't do this. Fern may have excuses but he has a poison type pokemon as his ace. So he is more of a poisonous plant than anything.

Cain. He is a poison-type trainer but he is nice. He even saved that Oshawott and allowed it to be on his team, a thing I probably wouldn't be able to even if I wanted. It's a little heartbreaking but I'll have to say good bye to those guys soon. Oh well...

Victoria is cu... Euhm. Victoria is also nice. I don't really know how she thinks of me but at least, she thinks of me since she tried to stop me from going in those slums. It's a shame that she'll be kind of at a disadvantage once I start gathering a team to my liking but I can't really do anything about it, can I ?


Alright... Here is the preface, I'll start posting interesting things later. ie : after sleeping.
I will probably do an incipit to cover the egg hatching, catching that Shuppet and training for Corey - and maybe breeding a little - and then the first chapter should be Corey - which means it may or may not be interesting depending on the strategy I find for him. I think I'll go on pretty quickly - besides for the writing itself, maybe, since English isn't really my mother tongue - so pokemons, their natures, their ability, etc... will arrive shortly.

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