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is this team good?


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Not to put salt in the wound, but Damp wasn't really necessary for Marshtomp. There's not many fights in this game that will have your opponent exploding besides the first gym. Torrent would have been better because it boosts Water type attacks by 50% when it's health is below 1/3, especially since Swampert is slow, it would have worked out a bit better.

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eh, not a that bad, I can always buy them once they start being sold, abilities have not made that big of an impact. I find myself using Marshtomp's ground moves more, I only have water gun right now and it does so little damage, even to fire types.

Edited by Shirokiba
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True, you don't get a decent water-type attack until I think level 38/39, and it's Muddy Water. Even still, it's really inaccurate and still isn't great. Just keep in mind they aren't that cheap when you come around to buying them; start saving early. :P

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We did get a good HM for Water attack(Waterfall/Surf) :v

some other pokemon that can help is Carvanha(high speed+speed boost+high attacking) and Houndour(Flamethrower is really late, but its OK pokemon)

Also, you can easily got Inkay, Skorupi, Zubat and Mawile when you're at Poison gym(not trying to spoil you), so yeah, lots of good pokemon you can get

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Grimer, that I fished up, it also helps to have butterfree in the lead (fainted) so you can benefit from compound eyes.

How I NEVER tought about this?

Sir, you're my new hero.

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