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So, Generation 7 (just to chat a bit about what ifs)


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It is mostly a forum to discuss you hopes, ideas, suggestions and other such things about the not yet announced yet inevitable Gen 7.

Any particular setting in particular? Any Pokemon idea? New mechanics? Anything can be put on there.

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Well, I'd like seasons to come back (mainly so that Deerling and Sawsbuck would recover their gimmick of changing forms) but, um, well I guess I'd like to see some new typings, and maybe some new transgenerational evolutions (let's see if GF finally gives Dunsparce, Smeargle and Farfetch'd the love they deserve). I'd also like to see some new eeveelution, some new megas (Flygon and Milotic anyone?) and I'd like a "darker" enemy team, and by that I just mean that they're not as flashy as team flare; their goal was sinister, but their outfits killed it a bit for me.

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Please god no. I don't want a gen 7. Sure gen 6 brought in some great improvements to the competitive battling scene with Fairy types and the 5 turn limit on weather. They also had a few good Pokémon in there that I liked, and not to mention that it was interesting to see 3D Pokémon. Megas were also a nice touch. However, I feel like all a gen 7 would do is clog up the Pokedex to an obscene level just to introduce some new Megas.

However, if a gen 7 were to come out then I'd want it to have excellent music and different music at night time than in the day time, just like gen 4.

Edited by DarkSpite
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I just want them to bring trainer customization, Pokemon following you, and a place of your own (Secret Base, Villa, etc.)

A Mega Flygon would be cool, too! I remember people saying M-Flygon was supposed to happen, but nobody could think of a good design for it or something. Maybe we'll get it this time?

Also, M-Grumpig will be appreciated.

Also, I hope they finish the Pokedex with a nice round number. If there are more Generations after Gen 7, 1000 Pokemon seems like a good place to stop.

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Also, I hope they finish the Pokedex with a nice round number. If there are more Generations after Gen 7, 1000 Pokemon seems like a good place to stop.

Stooooop :'( I don't want to feel the shame of not having caught 1000 Pokemon. After gen 3 it became such a hassle.

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Oh god I don't even want to think about Gen 7, we already have more than 600 of these little buggers. But yeah-- I'd really love the day/night music as someone said, and maybe megas for the legendary birds.

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Megas for all the starters, Flygon, Luxray, and some more legendaries AND MEGA BLISSEY!!!!.

The story needs to be well developed and there needs to be a post game adventure.

And pokemon wise, I hope there's a lot more new ones introduced than there was in gen 6

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I need a rival thats not my friend!!!!!!! want a evil team that has a women for its main leader, bring back customs, put in a true Red hair option, bring back the skates and more skateable objects, and plz let me get more that 8 badges.


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First of all, I just want to point out that there is leaked info saying that there will be 2 more games in gen 6 so it will be at least 1 or 2 more years before we might get a gen 7 game and there will probably be more new megas in these remaining gen 6 games.

Second, I need a mega flygon to happen. I NEED IT.

Third, I think Game Freak should explore some of the type combinations that haven't been used yet, particularly fire/ice, that type combo would be so amazing.

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If anyone is interested in pursuing this idea further, there's actually a metagame called "Gen-NEXT" in which the people who run the meta (generally top showdown peoples and such) design conceivable changes to existing Pokemon and add items and abilities. They don't make any new pokemon as that's what CAP is for, but it have some interesting twists to it compared to Gen VI mechanics.

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Pokemon won't stop until they are based off of every single thing in existence. By the time that happens, there will be so many Pokemon, people will immediately give up on catching them all.

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Pokemon won't stop until they are based off of every single thing in existence. By the time that happens, there will be so many Pokemon, people will immediately give up on catching them all.

Nah, never underestimate the will of a pokémon collector. If pokémon keep on being awesome, all of them deserve to be caught.

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My onlybiggest hope for gen 7: cross-generational evolutions! Some baby and/or final forms to those we already have.

Besides that, there's not that much needed for new game to be awesome.

Graphics of gen 6. Story of Gen 5. Difficulty of gen 4. (yeahIknow that pokemon games are easy, but it would be nice if they made them at least a little less faceroll then XY and ORAS)

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Expecting a Mega Celebi with a Psychic/Fairy type combination + an upgraded movepool with Fairy moves.

Expecting several new pokemon to seriously destroy Mega Gengar without any difficulties.

Expecting a gym leader who specializes in Dark-type pokemon.

That's pretty much all I can think of at the moment.

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The fairies became the new dragon this gen.

Type changes

Water weak to Poison

Psychic resisting Fairy

Fairy not resisting Bug

Pokemon that could use an Evolution














Pokemon that could use a Mega

Ursaring (bigger bear)

Seviper (snake with wings)

Raticate (those things were so annoying in dark souls)

Rapidash (pegasus b*tch)

Meganium (megamegamega soon...)

Luxray (say meow again)

Leavanny (slashy slashy)

Butterfree (but moooooom, beedrill got one)

Weezing (explosions!!!)

Sandslash (mah fav)

Golurk (punch o' death)

Cacturne (batman villain)

Flygon (fan favorite and long overdue)

Drapion (fan favorite and long overdue)

Yanmega (megamegamegamega)

Toxicroak (frog it)

Milotic (gyarados's special counterpart needs to have a reason to be considered for OU)

Machamp (no idea about its design, but the other traded ones - bar golem - got a mega)

Feraligatr (soon...)

Typhlosion (sooner...)

Staraptor (off chance, but a man can dream)

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The fairies became the new dragon this gen.

Type changes

Water weak to Poison

Psychic resisting Fairy

Fairy not resisting Bug

Pokemon that could use an Evolution














Pokemon that could use a Mega

Ursaring (bigger bear)

Seviper (snake with wings)

Raticate (those things were so annoying in dark souls)

Rapidash (pegasus b*tch)

Meganium (megamegamega soon...)

Luxray (say meow again)

Leavanny (slashy slashy)

Butterfree (but moooooom, beedrill got one)

Weezing (explosions!!!)

Sandslash (mah fav)

Golurk (punch o' death)

Cacturne (batman villain)

Flygon (fan favorite and long overdue)

Drapion (fan favorite and long overdue)

Yanmega (megamegamegamega)

Toxicroak (frog it)

Milotic (gyarados's special counterpart needs to have a reason to be considered for OU)

Machamp (no idea about its design, but the other traded ones - bar golem - got a mega)

Feraligatr (soon...)

Typhlosion (sooner...)

Staraptor (off chance, but a man can dream)

Wigglytuff will not get an evolution because its evolution line already has three Pokemon. Unless GF decides that we can have four Pokemon in an evolution line...

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