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Owens Steel Monotype (Platnum)


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Kay kay kay! Steel types time to shine!
So yea. I recently sent all my Platnum pokemon to my White version! So what better than to do?
Starter=Piplup since It evolves into a unique Steel/Water Typing!

Kay so we begin like usual with the same damned tutorials, thrashing the rival with a level 11 Piplup after thrashing a lot of wild Pokemon and then I come to the Oreburgh Tunnel.... Come here Onix, I would really like to have you... Aha! There you are!
PIPLUP! USE POUND! itsnotveryeffective. AGAIN! notveryeffective. AGAIN! CRIIIIIIIIT! FUUUUUUUUUU-- owait its still alive (insert Portal song here) POKEBALL GOOOOOO!!! ... ... ... Dirge the Onix was caught! (lvl 7) Nature check.... Bold. Awwww yea Wall tiem. Level up more on the route east of Jublife... Kay thats enough for today

Prince (Piplup) Lvl 12
Dirge (Onix) Lvl 9
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So, I'm guessing you'll be going for empoleon, steelix, bronzong, lucario, magnezone, and scizor? Seems like a reasonable team to have on Platinum, given the gyms and league system. Skarmory's your only option for flight, though.

Otherwise, nothing much else in the way of steel save for maybe probopass, bastiodon, and aggron (which needs that damned Poke Radar to get caught).
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Now for the Desired team. Empoleon, Lucario, Bastiodon, Magnezone, Bronzong aaaand Scizor. Trading between my SS version for the trade evolutions.

LASST TIEM we left off in Oreburgh City. We meet Mikey (My annoying Rival) and he brags as usual and tells us where the Leader has gone to. So we go there, beating up on every trainer, level up a bit... There ya are Roark. GtfbacktoyourgymsoIcanpoundyourass. kthnx.
NOW e go to the gym, after buying some potions.
We let Dirge pound on the two Jr Trainers, and here goes Roark.
GOOOO DIRGE! Use Screech! The foes Geodude takes a heavy loss in defense. GOOD NOW USE THE ULTIMATE POWER OF... tackle. Only does about 30% :I. AGAIN! another 30%. ONE MORE TIME! Lucky Crit KOs Geodude! Wewt.
Roark Sends out Onix!
Hmmm Needs moar Screech. So we use it twice. TACKLE GOOOOOOOOoooooooo.... wat about 20%. Thats not good. Heal up Dirge after taking a crit. TACKLE!....20% AGAIN. (Insert Tackle spam here.) Roark used a Super Potion! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
(Insert Tackle Spam with one potion) Onix goes down.
Dirge! Come back! Go Prince!
Roark sends out Cranidos! I say... Lets not jump to concussions.
Bubble! 75%

Phalanx has defeated Leader Roark!

Dirge(Onix) lvl 12
Prince(Piplup) lvl 14
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Alright sooooo.... >><<
Last time we defeated Roark.
Go back to Jubilife, and head north and... ...
We find two subdressed scacemen harassing Prof. Rowan and Other rival person. "We are Team Galactic!"
I say, "NO ME... wait wut? ...ANY WAY Y U HASSLE PROFESSOR ROWAN! YOU LOOKIN FOR A POUNDIN? CAUSE YOU GOT ONE COMING RIGHT UP! Mulit battle! Which was easily beaten with Dirge.
Nothing worth highlighting.

ONWARD TO THE TOWN! On the way there, we smash up some trainers, nothing other than a few level ups. I probably wont be getting any more pokemon any time soon :I . We talk with some people and then head East, where we meet a little Girl who wants us to rescuse her dad from a group of shady people... so we go to the Windworks and find...
G!G4PH4L4NX IS READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! TEAMGALACTIC MUST DEEEEEEEIIIIIIIno. We thrash the grunt , but then he locks himself inside. COWARD! COME BACK AND BECOME A LUNCH FOR DIRGE! But no Now we have to pound on a pair of grunts in Floromora town... Nothing special. After beating them we gots a key. Zo now... BACK TO THE RAMPAGE!
We come stomping in to the Wind works and work our way to the Stange Teamgalicticlady.
A battle between Team Galactic Admin Mars and Phalanx has started!
Mars Sent out Zubat!
Phalanx sent out Dirge!

Dirge uses Screech!
Zubat uses Confuse ray!
Dirge uses Rock throw! Zubat goes down!
Mars Sent out Purugly!
Ugly used Fake out. Only did like 2% lol.
Next turn Dirge used Screech!
Paralized <_<
Rock throw! 27%
Repeat process...
and Victory comes.

More idle chit chat, go back to town and heal up. And Ill stop there

Dirge(Onix) lvl15
Prince(Piplup) lvl15
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I intend to evolve Dirge before Crasher Wake, Take off some of the weakness. For Gardenia its gonna be hell.
Roserade is so fast and hard hitting... @_@

Hell, I might even get a Shield fossil and go back to Oreburg and get it revived before I face her, Its gonna help a lot. Edited by Owen V. Seattle
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DAY 3!

Last time we thrashed Galactic commander Mars. And now we head north up to Eterna Forest. Nothing too notable. Once we get inside we meet [s]Laura [/s]Cherryl and her 4Chansey. We team up and enter the maze. Tons of multi battles. During this rampage Prince gains 2 levels and Dirge gained 1. Wewt, Progress! After awhile I get terribly bored and decide to get done with this, Cherryl parts and now we more on to Eterna City. We visit the Underground man and Get an explorers kit. Oh yea, Prince evolved btw

Now this may see confusing, but Im gonna go back to Oreburgh city. Why? You'll see~~~
We go underground. and Start digging fo treasure...... After about 15 minutes I finally find what I am looking for. I go back up above ground....
Stop by the museum and drop off the [b][i]SHIELD FOSSIL [/i][/b]I found. Oh yea. We go back in and Bastard the Shieldon is ready to rumble! (lvl20)
So now a long walk back to Eterna. We enter the gym after meeting up with the good for nothing Mikey.
Its a clock. 3 Trainers. Prince and Dirge are going to be in a living hell. However Prince has the move Peck so theres gonna be some make up...
We eventually catch up to Gardenia, and now we clash.


She leads with Tirtwit. I send out Dirge only to set up with Stealth Rocks and a Screech. While it sets up Sunny Day and Reflect. Crap. Not good. Keep on Screeching like a girl. Amazingly, we survive a Razor Leaf so now we throw a rock. 60%. Not bad. for having a reflect up. lol same speed. So now Dirge, ironically KOed Tirtwig. Out comes Cherrim. In the Sun. Shit. Uhhhhhhhhhh lets try a Screech. Nope not having it. Dirge goes down. Out comes Bastard. He takes those grass knots like a boss only taking around 20%. And dolls out some Take Down. Cherrim goes down after some healing. Here comes the pain in the ass. Roserade. Oh shit. Im going to use a X-Special Def now. Take Down here with the potion. [color=#FF0000]Suddenly Roserade scores a crit[/color].
Prince is last up. Now Peck it! Roserade goes down! GAME SET AND MATCH! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

We get the badge and go to a pokemon center and there, Ill call it quits.
Prince(Prinplup) lvl 21
Bastard(Shieldon) lvl 21
Dirge(Onix) lvl20
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This will be short.
After getting Cut, we stop by the team Galactic Base.

Nothing way to noteable. After rampaging and finding some Items, we find Jupider.
And the battle begins.
I lead with Dirge. Who Screeches like a girl and proceeds to throw rocks. Jupider's Zubat is gone on turn 3.
Then comes out a Skuntank with its [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbSrMDgI9xs"]farts[/url]...
Dirge Screams some more, and throws some more rocks.
However the Skuntank scores a crit.
Bastard got tis nao
Bastard uses TakeDown 40%!
Again! Skuntank Goes down.
More chit chat then we get our bike and off to Hearthome. Ill stop Here.
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