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Gay Marriage declared legal across the United States in Supreme Court ruling


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This is such a progessive step forward in society. As a heterosexual man, this excites me to no end. The possibilities that this could herald are endless.

This is a huge, complete victory for the homosexual community. Anyone who knows the stigma of being a victim against "traditional values" has been vindicated.

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This is a huge, complete victory for the homosexual community. Anyone who knows the stigma of being a victim against "traditional values" has been vindicated.

this isnt the end but a step in the right direction. a lot more needs to be done. however, this is still something to be celebrated :>

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I'm a bi black guy.

I don't really know if I'll get married in the future but if I do it's super nice to know that I can no matter who I fall in love with. Although I'm more glad this is out of the way. There are still pressing issues that need to be addressed (racial inequality and the like). This isn't the end to lgbtq discrimination either, people are still going to say things, but it was big step in the right direction that HOPEFULLY will continue to move forward and not backward with the coming of the 2016 presidential elections.

TL;DR I'm happy but let's keep workin on other stuff. Still got lots more fights!

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I'll give my two cents; I'm seeing it from a logical perspective, so male & female is the only true relationship imo.

I would suggest running before the wolves get to you

*Goes to the corner of homosexual people who really don't care either way*

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I'll give my two cents; I'm seeing it from a logical perspective, so male & female is the only true relationship imo.

Not trying to dump a bucket all over your opinion, but any relationship is a true relationship if the feelings of love are mutual between those in it, regardless of the genders that make up that relationship.

This truly is monumental in my opinion, and I'm glad to see that the world is slowly growing to accept. We've still got a long way to go before there is equality for everyone, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.

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Can we now put Obama in the top ten presidents? Cause I think he earned a spot up there!


you can't be serious.....He had nothing to do with this...he just happened to be in office when the SC finally decided to rule on it. For 20+ years the supreme court has be taking their sweet time with this.

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I'll give my two cents; I'm seeing it from a logical perspective, so male & female is the only true relationship imo.

I don't think you know what the word "logical" means, but to each their own. A relationship between two people that love each other implicitly shouldn't have to have gender taken into the equation.

With the Supreme Court ruling being close, I'd imagine the religious right are going to have quite the acrimonious reaction to it. During that, it's important to remember how this impacts you. Everyone wanting to "protect the sanctity of marriage" is full of shit.

Edited by Antilegend
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This is makes me so excited and happy to know that I can get married in my state or even the state I was born in finally!

I've always DREAMED of having a big, pretty wedding but for a long time, was really forced to not hope for it by people I know and even the more messed up sides of my family(certain cousins and relatives wont be going to MY wedding for sure) that I won't ever do that unless I 'stop being gay' and marry a guy.

But wow, this makes me happy and hell yes I'm going to watch more bridal shows and look at wedding dresses.

Allllll the pretty weddinnggggg and all the happy couples that can marry their loved one and legally be recognized as such.

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Anyone who knows the stigma of being a victim against "traditional values" has been vindicated.

Well, not really. People will still hate. It's hard to weed out generations of hate and stigma. It's been years since slavery was abolished in North America and some people still treat others without common courtesy because of their skin colour. The day non-heterosexuals aren't treated differently because of their sexual choices may be beyond our time.

I'll give my two cents; I'm seeing it from a logical perspective, so male & female is the only true relationship imo.

Love isn't bound by logic.

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I'll give my two cents; I'm seeing it from a logical perspective, so male & female is the only true relationship imo.

sorry let me just put down my homosexuality for a second i'm sure my girlfriend won't mind

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You know, I think this whole thing about "allowing homosexual marriages" is absolutely screwed up. In many countries, including my own, I see huge debates about whether or not homosexual marriages should be allowed (or, like in my country's case, if such marriages should have all the civil rights, including adoption and the possibility for a partner to keep on receiving the other's pension if he/she dies)... But you see, in order to "allow" something, the first requisite is that the something in question has to be forbidden in the first place. Has there ever been a law that specifically said "homosexual people cannot get married and/or adopt kids and/or access each other's pension in case of death"? If, like in my country, such an explicit law does not exist, then common sense demands tht we refer to the costitution. And the costitution explicitly states that all human beings are equal in front of the law, which implies that they should all get the same civil rights.

Because of this, it makes no sense to debate over "allowing" homosexual people to have those rights: since there isn't, to my knowledge, a law that states that being homosexual caues you to lose your citizenship (not in my country, not in the USA and not in any other western country AFAIK), homosexual people should be automatically entitled to such rights, and merely thinking otherwise is absolutely nonsensical. There is nothing wrong in not liking homosexual people, heck I myself don't really like people in general, but personal likings have absolutely nothing to do with the administration of a democracy: in a democracy all citizens have some civil rights that are set in stone, homosexual people are citizens, so homosexual people are entitled to those rights like everybody else. It's that simple.

The fact that this is not the case, the fact that we need LAWS to FORCE people to recognize that yes, homosexual people should have the same rights as anybody else, says a lot about the level of ignorance and bigotry in the socalled "modern" democracies.

Which would lead me to tell you about what happened that time that I watched WWE with a gay friend of mine and we happened to see a Divas match, what he said in that occasion, and the massive critique of human society that one episode sparked... Which would result in an insanely long rant which I would rather avoid, so I better cut my blathering short here and now.

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Has there ever been a law that specifically said "homosexual people cannot get married and/or adopt kids and/or access each other's pension in case of death"?

I'm fairly certain several US states have adopted laws such as these

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I'm fairly certain several US states have adopted laws such as these

Well if that is the case, then the situation is even worse than I stated in my previous post: on what basis one could make a law that is blatantly in contrast with the most basic principles of the costitution?

Geez, my heart realy is glad that I am not american: certain things that happen in my country already piss me off to the point of worsening my heart condition, if I was american I would have gotten a friggin' infart by now.

I knew I shouldn't have read this topic, there is no chance in hell I can get some sleep now. Seriously, these are exactly the things that have the power to ruin my mood.

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Can we now put Obama in the top ten presidents? Cause I think he earned a spot up there!

This isn't really Obama's doing. Yes he picked some of the justices to replace old ones who retired, who would have likely voted the same way anyways due to their political affiliation. It's how the supreme court's always worked. 4 Liberal, 4 Conservative, 1 moderate. Even if many don't see that. I'm happy for all those this impacts in a positive light.

The only thing I still think needs to be resolved is a Church's right to refusal of holding a ceremony for a Homosexual couple. If it goes against their beliefs they should not be required to host a wedding for them. Separation of church and state and what not. There are plenty of Wedding services that can come with just as nice of an experience, WITHOUT it being held by a church and for it to still be legally recognized. As I said, I DO think this was the right decision, but lose ends will need to be tied up.

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The only thing I still think needs to be resolved is a Church's right to refusal of holding a ceremony for a Homosexual couple. If it goes against their beliefs they should not be required to host a wedding for them. Separation of church and state and what not. There are plenty of Wedding services that can come with just as nice of an experience, WITHOUT it being held by a church and for it to still be legally recognized. As I said, I DO think this was the right decision, but lose ends will need to be tied up.

I definitely agree with this, 100%. One of the largest arguments that I've seen from the opposition says something along the lines of "Well, what if our priest doesn't want to marry two people if such a marriage is against his affiliation?". To at least resolve this criticism, although it may be seen as slightly bigoted by some (and maybe rightfully so), the separation of church and state should be upheld. Since federally employed judges are capable of wedding people, there should be no problem then in a homosexual marriage.

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The only thing I still think needs to be resolved is a Church's right to refusal of holding a ceremony for a Homosexual couple. If it goes against their beliefs they should not be required to host a wedding for them. Separation of church and state and what not. There are plenty of Wedding services that can come with just as nice of an experience, WITHOUT it being held by a church and for it to still be legally recognized. As I said, I DO think this was the right decision, but lose ends will need to be tied up

With this passing in the Supreme Court, would it be fair to think that if the church is the last bastion of "morality" against homosexual marriage, the credibility of the church itself would be damaged? Pope Francis himself no longer condemns the homosexual people, as he's been quoted as saying: "When I meet a gay person, I have to distinguish between their being gay and being part of a lobby. If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them? They shouldn’t be marginalized. The tendency [to homosexuality] is not the problem…they’re our brothers."

He's a politician in a lot of ways, so it's not certain if the catholic church's ultra-conservative ideology is truly reflected through him. However, should some of his influence ring true, it wouldn't be unheard of that gay marriage within a church could happen.

Truthfully, marriage at the hands of a representative of religion is an archaic rite of passage. I don't believe it'd be a total loss if it never happened.

I knew I shouldn't have read this topic, there is no chance in hell I can get some sleep now. Seriously, these are exactly the things that have the power to ruin my mood.

If you think that's bad, I strongly suggest you see how homosexuality in Africa is treated in today's world. It's utterly deplorable.

Edited by Antilegend
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With this passing in the Supreme Court, would it be fair to think that if the church is the last bastion of "morality" against homosexual marriage, the credibility of the church itself would be damaged? Pope Francis himself no longer condemns the homosexual people, as he's been quoted as saying: "When I meet a gay person, I have to distinguish between their being gay and being part of a lobby. If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them? They shouldn’t be marginalized. The tendency [to homosexuality] is not the problem…they’re our brothers."

He's a politician in a lot of ways, so it's not certain if the catholic church's ultra-conservative ideology is truly reflected through him. However, should some of his influence ring true, it wouldn't be unheard of that gay marriage within a church could happen.

Truthfully, marriage at the hands of a representative of religion is an archaic rite of passage. I don't believe it'd be a total loss if it never happened.

People will think what they want, who knows if the Church will maintain a strong enough presence for them to not be seen in such a negative light as a whole. I certainly don't blame them if they opt to not hold homosexual weddings. It does go against their beliefs. I've always been along the line of thought of 'You do you, and I'll do me.' You're homosexual? AWESOME, you go love your partner and get married and do your thing. You work for a Christian church and don't believe marriage is between two people of the same gender, don't want to let them marry there? That's fine, they can go elsewhere to get married and still be happy. It may be seen as a bad decision by others regardless of which side of the fence you are, but everyone should be free to make said bad choices if they so choose, so long as it's truthfully their own lives it's impacting. There are obviously instances you could nitpick, but you get the general idea.

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I would suggest running before the wolves get to you

*Goes to the corner of homosexual people who really don't care either way*

Not trying to dump a bucket all over your opinion, but any relationship is a true relationship if the feelings of love are mutual between those in it, regardless of the genders that make up that relationship.

This truly is monumental in my opinion, and I'm glad to see that the world is slowly growing to accept. We've still got a long way to go before there is equality for everyone, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.

I don't think you know what the word "logical" means, but to each their own. A relationship between two people that love each other implicitly shouldn't have to have gender taken into the equation.

With the Supreme Court ruling being close, I'd imagine the religious right are going to have quite the acrimonious reaction to it. During that, it's important to remember how this impacts you. Everyone wanting to "protect the sanctity of marriage" is full of shit.

Well, not really. People will still hate. It's hard to weed out generations of hate and stigma. It's been years since slavery was abolished in North America and some people still treat others without common courtesy because of their skin colour. The day non-heterosexuals aren't treated differently because of their sexual choices may be beyond our time.

Love isn't bound by logic.

sorry let me just put down my homosexuality for a second i'm sure my girlfriend won't mind

Well, I can't help the fact that I don't view LGBT as a true relationship pairing. I don't want to get religion involved into it though with sexual orientation preference.

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Well, I can't help the fact that I don't view LGBT as a true relationship pairing. I don't want to get religion involved into it though with sexual orientation preference.

It may be a flawed view according to many, but keep in mind people, that Sparky is entitled to his opinion so long as he remains civil, which to this point he certainly has done. I ask all of you who would like to see the world be more tolerant of such things, to lead by example. This is not a backlash towards anyone, but rather a pre-emptive safety blanket.

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Sparky, (should you read this) because I'm curious, what led you to believe that a non-straight relationship is not 'true?'

The same thing that lead people to believe that animals and humans is not a true relationship. Opinions. We all have different ones. Maybe his opinion is like that because of morals, religion, or just disgust, it doesn't matter. If you criticize someone, you're no better than those who criticize. Just speaking my piece tho, carry on thinking what you guys think, I'm just trying to help out someone who I feel is being attacked.

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