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Stat Masters: Interesting new challenge run


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Stat Masters is a pretty interesting type of challenge run i thought up with only a few fairly simple rules:

  1. At the beginning of the run, choose a stat. This stat will be the stat you are a master of and determines what niche most of your team will fall into.
  2. Also at the beginning of the run, choose a value between 100 and 130. This will be the baseline that your team will have to meet and can be adjusted based on availability. As a general rule, 100 to 110 gives you some diversity, 110 to 120 is mostly specialized pokemon with almost no diversity, and 120 to 130 is only specialized pokemon.
  3. All pokemon you use on your team must meet or exceed the baseline stat in the stat that you chose when fully evolved (not including mega evolutions). HM slaves are allowed, but only if completely necessary and can not be used in battle under any circumstances.
  4. If a pokemon you have on your team is not yet at or above the baseline stat, you must evolve it to get it above the baseline as soon as possible.

For example, in Omega Ruby, I choose to master in attack with a baseline of 110. As a starter, i choose mudkip because swampert's base attack is 110, and I catch a shroomish and slakoth early on because breloom's base attack is 130 and slaking's is 160. You get the jist.

This challenge forces you to use only pokemon that usually only have one or two workable stats and makes you have to find a way to work around your team's weak points.

You can combine this challenge with other kinds of challenges such as nuzlocke or monotype (consider possibly lowering the baseline for this one because of the already limited pool of pokemon). Another variant of this challenge is the complete opposite where you can only use pokemon with stats below a certain value (you'll probably have some NFEs on your team).

Here are some lists of fully-evolved pokemon for each stat (not including legendaries and megas):


100:Braviary, Jellicent, Tangrowth, Honchkrow, Relicanth, Swalot, Swampert, Tyranitar, Dunsparce, Azumarill, Noctowl, Aromatisse, Audino, Skuntank, Exploud, Darmanitan, Exploud, Conkeldurr, Kangaskhan, Muk, Hippowdon, Garchomp, Stunfisk

110: Mandibuzz, Reuniclus, Excadrill, Emboar, Mamoswine, Lickylicky, Walrein, Whiscash, Gastrodon, Amoongus, Rhyperior, Musharna

120: Throh, Aurorus, Gogoat, Lanturn

130: Vaporeon, Lapras, Wigglytuff, Hariyama, Drifblim, Slaking, Snorlax, Alomamola, Wailord, Wobbuffet, Blissey


100: Dusknoir, Klinklang, Scolipede, Rapidash, Camerupt, Sudowoodo, Seviper, Carnivine, Zebstrika, Ambipom, Tauros, Sandslash, Sawsbuck, Flygon, Gourgeist (super), Goodra, Shiftry, Samurott, Tangrowth, Throh, Gogoat, Nidoking, Leavanny, Huntail, Infernape, Hitmonchan, Zoroark, Primeape, Barbaracle, Octillery, Aerodactyl, Victreebell, Floatzel, Feraligatr, Hydreigon, Muk, Toxicroak, Chesnaught, Carracosta, Durant, Torterra

110: Dodrio, Leafeon, Lucario, Aggron, Trevenant, Stoutland, Arcanine, Bouffalant, Beartic, Swampert, Snorlax, Hippowdon, Kabutops, Banette, Cacturne, Zangoose, Unfezant, Eelektross, Avalugg, Krookodile

120: Hitmonlee, Crawdaunt, Weavile, Sharpedo, Druddigon, Luxray, Blaziken, Golem, Staraptor, Donphan, Granbull, Hariyama, Tyrantrum, Electivire, Braviary, Emboar, Golurk, Pangoro, Bisharp, Mienshao, Pinsir, Gallade, Sawk, Armaldo, Heracross, Gyarados, Honchkrow

130: Kingler, Breloom, Absol, Flareon, Scizor, Ursaring, Machamp, Garchomp, Mamoswine, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Escavalier, Metagross, Gigalith, Salamence, Excadrill, Archeops, Darmanitan, Conkeldurr, Rhyperior, Haxorus, Slaking, Rampardos, Aegislash (blade)


100: Pelipper, Meganium, Blastoise, Feraligatr, Bisharp, Pinsir, Armaldo, Scizor, Slaking, Vespiquen, Mandibuzz, Escavalier, Wormadam (sandy), Torterra, Gorebyss, Huntail, Claydol, Miltank, Kabutops, Rotom (any form but normal form), Spiritomb

110: Glaceon, Drapion, Tyranitar, Umbreon, Marowak, Slowbro, Sandslash, Durant, Barbaracle, Klinklang, Scrafty, Magnezone, Sudowoodo, Kingler, Bronzong, Hippowdon, Tyrantrum

120: Donphan, Magcargo, Weezing, Gourgeist (all), Chesnaught, Crustle, Gliscor, Tangrowth, Omastar

130: Gigalith, Leafeon, Rhyperior, Metagross, Relicanth, Golem, Ferrothorn, Dusknoir, Carracosta, Torkoal, Skarmory, Forretress, Cofagrigus, Probopass, Carbink, Bastiodon, Aggron, Cloyster, Avalugg, Steelix, Shuckle

Special Attack:

100: Accelgor, Beautifly, Seviper, Emboar, Mr. Mime, Victreebell, Milotic, Arcanine, Venusaur, Starmie, Dragonite, Slowbro, Greninja, Sigilyph, Infernape, Honchkrow, Sunflora, Mismagius, Manectric, Sceptile, Heatmor, Camerupt, Octillery, Eelektross, Rotom (all forms but normal form), Maractus, Musharna, Samurott, Heliolisk, Pyroar, Typhlosion, Charizard

110: Houndoom, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Sylveon, Goodra, Blaziken, Lilligant, Salamence, Vanilluxe, Vileplume, Tangrowth, Empoleon, Archeops, Florges, Delphox, Gorebyss, Jynx, Cacturne, Lucario, Amparos, Omastar, Yanmega

120: Zoroark, Clawitzer, Togekiss, Roserade, Gardevoir, Magmortar, Beheeyem, Reuniclus, Exeggutor, Hydreigon

130: Espeon, Gengar, Glaceon, Magnezone, Alakazam, Volcarona, Porygon-Z, Chandelure, Aegislash (blade)

Special Defense:

100: Gyarados, Muk, Ninetales, Meganium, Ludicolo, Politoed, Bellossom, Tyranitar, Venusaur, Dragonite, Delhox, Empoleon, Vespiquen, Escavalier, Altaria, Wormadam (plant), Jellicent, Blastoise, Cofagrigus, Mismagius, Roserade, Volcarona, Cradily, Rotom (any form but normal form), Spiritomb

110: Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Ledian, Snorlax, Grumpig, Flareon, Gothitelle, Slowking, Scrafty, Gallade, Hypno, Togekiss, Gardevoir, Ferrothorn, Bronzong

120: Kecleon, Claydol, Tentacruel, Mr. Mime, Dragalge, Milotic

130: Umbreon, Sylveon, Dusknoir, Blissey, Cryogonal, Bastiodon, Mantine, Carbink, Probopass, Goodra, Florges, Shuckle


100: Staraptor, Dodrio, Linoone, Fearow, Slaking, Miltank, Flygon, Salamence, Typhlosion, Charizard, Ninetales, Volcarona, Tentacruel, Simipour, Simisage, Simisear, Dedenne, Pidgeot, Garchomp, Furfrou, Emolga, Meowstic, Delphox, Mienshao, Manectric, Zoroark, Rapidash, Lopunny, Mismagius, Cryogonal, Liepard, Pyroar, Galvantula, Infernape, Durant, Heliolisk

110: Archeops, Tauros, Froslass, Gengar, Raichu, Jumpluff, Espeon, Purugly, Scolipede, Serperior, Swoobat, Floatzel, Cinccino, Persian, Ambipom, Starmie, Zebstrika, Whimsicott, Hawlucha

120: Dugtrio, Sceptile, Alakazam, Greninja, Noivern, Swellow, Weavile, Talonflame

130: Aerodactyl, Crobat, Jolteon, Electrode, Accelgor, Ninjask

Edited by Alozan
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I like this idea!!! It can become very challenging in Reborn since most easy available pokes have low stats.
Also for more challenge, you can add a rule that you can use in the current team of 6, one pokemon for each stat (for example you can't use both Wigglytuff and Hariyama for the HP stat)

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I like this idea!!! It can become very challenging in Reborn since most easy available pokes have low stats.

Also for more challenge, you can add a rule that you can use in the current team of 6, one pokemon for each stat (for example you can't use both Wigglytuff and Hariyama for the HP stat)

This is a pretty cool idea, and it makes playing this challenge with higher baseline stats much more possible (there is literaly only one possible team of 6 for speed with a baseline of 130). With this rule, you could raise the baseline even higher without making it almost impossible. Also, it makes the challenge a lot more interesting. As far as more challenging, i'm not so sure. It can make it a lot harder to get a team of 6, especially if you play with higher baselines, but once you have all 6, you'll have a fairly balanced team. But this is definitely a cool variant i'll probably try out eventually.

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