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what is the chance that numel come with heat wave?



So I was looking for a pokemon to over come zel tangrowth (it seem to have hp and defend) and that other guy with the over power chatot and it chatter move -.- (it got speed and special att). The part where they both team up on you before you face corey.

So I found numel to solve my problem, this is too late because i already save the file, but i was wondering if anyone know what is the chance of it getting heat wave.

I found numel near the abandon rail place during a rainy night. i retried about 7 times and the best that i got was with iron head move.

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Because Numel has 16 Egg Moves (none of which he can learn himself), there is (probably) a 1/16 chance to get Numel with Heat Wave. Though not as good, if you don't manage to get a Numel with Heat Wave, he still learns Flame Burst and Lava Plume by himself early on (levels 15 and 22).

I got through the Tangrowths using Numel too, though I used one with Amnesia, Growth (the egg move it came with) and the ability Simple, which made the fights relatively easy.

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Actually, as far as my softreset told me, Numel doesn't get Heat Wave by event Egg Moves (His four moves are Body Slam, Iron Head, Growth and Stockpile).

In my case I softreseted about 30/40 times for a good IV's Growth Numel and only those four moves appeared, so I'm pretty sure that's all.

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