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looking for some roster changes


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I am playing this game for the 3rd or 4th time now and I am trying to change my roster into stuff I didnt use in any playthroughs. At the moment I am at Shellys gym and I am looking for Pokemon that I can find from the start to around Radomous and El (so all the way to around lvl 50 of my team). Now have in mind that I am not an extremely good player which can play hard stuff like nuzlockes, just a casual player which plays on ep12 and wants a bit of diversity, so pls without any really hard suggestions :)

Stuff I have in my team : ( red means that I would like to keep this in my team)







stuff in box: Pichu (I am thinking about going with Pikachu/Raichu for fun)

stuff I am thinking about using in the future: perhaps Zoroark or Cinccino?

And stuff I used so far in playthroughs and would try to avoid(perhaps I forgot something)

Arcanine (my big bro, sorry but I have to play at least once without you) ,Drapion,Seaking,Swellow,Delphox,Swalot,Garbordor,Zebstrika,Gigalith,Mienshao,Durant,Gardevoir,Ampharos,Hariyama,Torkoal,Meowstic.

Edit: woopsie,wanted to post into team showcase,someone pls move it there :)

Edited by CrazySheriff
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I recently trained a Zoroark and it is a special attacking beast, with a moveset like Nasty Plot, Night Daze/Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, and some other move (Grass Knot comes to mind), it hits quite hard.

Why do you want to keep vespiquen?

Edited by Oracle
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I've enjoyed using yanmega, either speed boost or tinted lens work well.

Yanmega hm? I do have vespiquen atm but I will keep Yanmega on my mind, thanks :)

I recently trained a Zoroark and it is a special attacking beast, with a moveset like Nasty Plot, Night Daze/Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, and some other move (Grass Knot comes to mind), it hits quite hard.

Why do you want to keep vespiquen?

Well I am using it atm to see how it is. And I quite like it. The thing is that Onyx is really falling behind after lvl 25, so Vespiquen kind of tanks physical moves for the team.

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How about Manectric, Pangoro, Meowstic, Primeape, Unfezant and the rattata which is in the top percentage :P?

Oh totally forgot to add Meowstic to the list of used Pokemon so far(damn good pokemon). I dont like Unfezant so ...yeah.

But I am interested in Pangoro and Primeape. What sets do you recommend? I really want to try Pikachu/Raichu in this one but I wil try Manetric in the 5th run :P

No I just cant beat Joeys rattata, it only belongs to him.

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I really don't know for Pangoro and Primeape (sorry I'm kinda sleepy right now :/) but you could always try out a Superpower set for Kung Fu Panda and Close Combat for that...King Kong...thing. Other suggestions are Scrafty, Heracross, Gothitelle, Lucario and Camerupt.

EDIT : Add Metagross and the top percentage Raticate to that list too. I mean, if not Rattata, then Raticate is always available :P.

Edited by BlackMage
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Well I always found Noivern and Krookodile pretty good. Krookodile for Foul Play/EQ/Swagger and either Moxie or Intimidate. Noivern for weird tanky support in Super Fang and Tailwind. Excadrill is also a solid option, because it has a decent speed, EQ, and Swords Dance. Almost anything you get from the Mystery Egg is worthwhile. Also if you feel like going back to E14, you can vouch for Azumarill.

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