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Squirtle and Mudkip [on the hunt]



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I cannot confirm it but it was stated somewhere by another member the event is reset in EP 15 meaning you can go to Episode 14.6 get Mudkip then go into Episode 15 and get Squirtle although again I cannot confirm it

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i will wait more for more ansers anyway thnxs

Replacement in Pokemon in events are usually a reset of the event so you should be able to get both the pokemon as long as you have an older version of Reborn.

i have the episode 14 but if you can take bot the pokemon thats cool . one more question the weather when changing because in my save game is clear this week i need to rain already :P
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The weather is random and depends on the day and date. You can check what weather you will have on what day by interacting with the television. If you are really impatient, you can change the date on your computer clock but always change the date backwards. If you change the date forward, you will be stuck with that weather until that date.

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Since it wasn't really confirmed by anyone yet, yeah I got Mudkip by talking to the guy in storm and then getting Mudkip in clear weather. When updated to E15, I didn't have to talk to the guy; I just went to the spot in clear weather and Squirtle was there.

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