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Crutch Pokemon


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My pachirisu, as long as I had it, provided crucial hax against key pokemon (charm+T-wave+Sweet Kiss+Super Fang....crazy), but it kinda fell in less of use around that garchomp. Other than that, all my original team members still get on my team, even though I rebred some of them for better natures/stats, although space is getting crammed due to added Archeops, Metagross and Azumarrill.

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Have you tried the focus energy scope lens sniper combo? I have one of those trained up and while it's not the best thing in my box, it still hits reasonably hard.

That's what I've been using this ENTIRE TIME. If I'm up against something faster, I get 2HKO'd before I can set up and land a decent hit. If I'm against something slower, I set up, take a hit, and fail to OHKO.


That's my EV/IV spread. Not the best, but not bad either.

Edited by Foamy
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That's what I've been using this ENTIRE TIME. If I'm up against something faster, I get 2HKO'd before I can set up and land a decent hit. If I'm against something slower, I set up, take a hit, and fail to OHKO.


That's my EV/IV spread. Not the best, but not bad either.

Kingdra's always been one of those Poke's that rely on situational setups in order to be effective. With Focus Energy/Agility bogging you down before you can make an impact, you'd be better off going with Drapion for the Scope Lens/Sniper combo.

I'm starting to gear towards Milotic or Gorebyss as replacement now.

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That's what I've been using this ENTIRE TIME. If I'm up against something faster, I get 2HKO'd before I can set up and land a decent hit. If I'm against something slower, I set up, take a hit, and fail to OHKO.


That's my EV/IV spread. Not the best, but not bad either.

That's what mine looks like too. Like antilegend said its pretty situational and I don't use it too much. It does have some solid 4x resistances so I like to keep it around for those times.

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That's what mine looks like too. Like antilegend said its pretty situational and I don't use it too much. It does have some solid 4x resistances so I like to keep it around for those times.

Yeah, it requires the right scenarios in order to set up, but once it does, it becomes pretty dope.

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I feel like I'm the only person who's never used a rotation.

Don't feel alone, I am the same :P

I use 6 Pokemon. If one of them starts to suck, I replace it. I don't like having to switch them in and out, like what?

To answer the question, Meowstic Female is kinda a crutch. Charge Beam Espurr and Meowstic were great early game, but now in the 70's in level it's starting to lose its power.

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I feel like I'm the only person who's never used a rotation.

The only reason I have extra pokemon is that I got bored in between episodes. I usually just use my main 6, then replay the episode with some different members just for fun.

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I feel like I'm the only person who's never used a rotation.

Same here. I never switch any of my main team members (except for the battle with Solaris's Garchomp) - because even though its difficult, I always to manage to find a way to defeat tough opponents with my team of six.

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For me Beautifly was a beast in early game but after Noel she just couldn't cut it anymore and had to retire from active service, even with near perfect EV training. My Arbok and Simipour were starting to become this but after some solid EV training and moveset shuffling I was able to turn them into glass cannons and save them from having to retire. It was a similar situation with my pachirisu except I turned her into a tanky set up mon with T-wave, charm, bide, and super fang.

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