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AbilityDex Correction


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[quote]As with the MoveDex, I'll be making a page to report any errors- such as typos, Pokemon missing or included in the wrong category. For any error reported, I will reward $R 50 (!). So if you're broke... Get huntin'.

Post away, everypony~

[u]Fixed so far:[/u]
Mime Jr in Multitype
Sawk in Sand Force
Hustle typo
Sand for Snow warning
Sticky Hold typo
Iron Barbs typo
Breloom in Pressure
Magnet Pull typo
Color Change accent glitch
Slaking in Sap Sipper
Truant typo
Iron Fist clarification
Added Golurk to Iron Fist
Added Vanniluxe to Weak Armor
Kangaskhan in Flash Fire
Simisage in Rivalry
Zoroark in Magic Guard
Wonder Guard typo
Suction Cups/Own Tempo navigation error
All ending punctuation fixed
Battle/Shell armor grammar
Clear Body accent glitch
Lugia in Swift Swim
Chlorophyll typo
Klang added to Plus
Air Lock capitalisation
Unburden capitalisation
Dry Skin clarification
Download grammar
Anticipation typo
Filter/Solid rock spacing
Overcoat sprites
Swarm in-game description
Seismitoed sprite in Water Absorb
Psyduck and Golduck sprites in Cloud Nine
Synchronize ending punctuation
Compound eyes ending punctuation
Lightning Rod clarification
Swift Swim punctuation
Huge Power puncuation
Magnet Pull grammar
Early Bird sprites
Hyper Cutter capitalisation
Clear Body clarification
White Smoke clarification
Tangled Feet sprites
Weather naming
Honey Gather puncuation
Pickpocket possession
Defeatist grammar
Telepathy correction
Lightningrod Capitlisation
Swift Swim capitalisation
Chlorophyll capitalisation
Thick Fat diction
Trace clarification
Flower Gift shortcut
ALL the in game descriptions
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I lol'd


Sawk's not Excadrill!

loe lolol << >>






Admittedly, Maxium is a really cool sounding word.


There's a large gap between this and the error, but Breloom doesn't get pressure.


*Shed Shell


Again, too big a gap, but Vanilluxe also gets it.


Trying to use an é down there?






A couple things here. One, Golurk isn't included. Number 2, you may want to mention that Meteor Mash gets the boost too, seeing as it's called Comet Punch in Japanese. [Even though I don't think anyone actually has the combination, yet.]
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Okay, I'm just starting a new post >_>


I don't think so, Tim :c


I don't have a sarcastic comment to put here QQ


That's a pretty strong illusion!


*Pikmin << >>


Wrong Order, Ikaru.
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Shouldn't it be "Critically" or "Land a critical hit on?" Same on Shell Armor.


There's that pesky é again.
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I'm too lazy to let the editing go through.


Admittedly, Lugia should get swift swim.


To keep with patterns, Sunshine should be capitalized. Also, "Pokemon's"


Punctuation was handled during the "nothing" turn.


Needs moar Klang


Needs moar period not escaping either. Also, to point it out, there's a few of them that end with % that are punctuated, and some that aren't. I'm not sure which is the mistake and which isn't so.. yeah.


Period again QQ


Period againnnnn (even though it's not a sentence so I guess it really wouldn't get a period)
Also, I don't think "This" should be capitalized.


Going with the pattern, Speed should be capitalized


You get it by now.

Also, going with pattern, shouldn't it be "Heavy Rain" and "Bright Sun?"


"Opponent's" for both, and SpDefenses kinda looks derpy to me. Not really an error I guess but Special Defenses would look better to me. (But who cares about [i]my[/i] opinion anyway?! << >>)


Even I'm annoying myself with the whole period thing >_>
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I wish I hadn't found all the fun ones the first time :c


Selfdestruct is a single word move.


You have the right to kill me a this point.


Inb4 you don't even care about period lacking


Yay something that seems legitimate!


Now I'm worried that the space isn't a mistake.
... This is supposed to be for Solid Rock, which also has that space in super-effective
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Here's a new space for the lack of a period, that's exciting, right? RIGHT?!


Sigh :c


1, obviously the period.
2, Sometimes that happens with Shellder and Cloyster, it happened on Skill Link too, I think. But sometimes they show up, so I'm not sure what's up with them.


275th verse, same as the first. >_>


.. Q
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While everyone else is enjoying their family's existence tonight, the advantage of having Thanksgiving Celebrations at noon makes me do this instead! << >>


Too many backspaces << >>


On Water Absorb


I do wonder if this is just on my side but eh.


Field Effect ಠ_ಠ


Please make this the last time I have to hit something for a period. The field effect needs one. [Either that or you have a lot of period removal to do << >>]


Slight clarification. If the Pokémon is already immune to electric-type attacks, the Sp. Atk boost won't occur.


"Pokemon's speed in Rain"
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Can we get a ghost up in here, we need some possession :c


Will confirmed for Steel Type?






Wtf is that effect? Just use White Smoke's description.

Speaking of, White Smoke needs to be changed

"No other Pokemon's moves may lower the stats of this Pokemon." Abilities can't either.
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Change to Heavy Rain

Similar Changes:[list]
[*]Swift Swim
[*]Solar Power
[*]Leaf Guard
[*]Flower Gift

Hyphen in the top box in Normal-Type


You'll still miss during an opponent's Fly, Dig, or Dive turn, unless using a move that can hit one of those. [Stone Edge, EQ, etc.]


Period plz




Needs moar bottom box agreement


Poke wars 2.0 << >>
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[quote name='Inuki' timestamp='1322200729' post='21063'][img]http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/8248/50d7209666f3418791de03f.png[/img]

Hyphen in the top box in Normal-Type


You'll still miss during an opponent's Fly, Dig, or Dive turn, unless using a move that can hit one of those. [Stone Edge, EQ, etc.]

Normal-type is an adjective. Normal type is a noun modified by an adjective.
And No Guard hits through Fly, etc
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Ohhh, I get it, kay.

And it does? o.o

Huh, okay then.


"electric" should be capitalized


Rain top box needs to be uncapitalized


Same with Sunshine.


They Hyphen DOES go there, however:



Yours says "the foe's"

Also capital on Ability.

So yeah, gonna start from 1-162 on ability text correction. AWAAAAAAAAAY
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It begins.


Yours says "the foe"


[b]In-Game Text[/b] Strengthens moves when moving last


Yours says "Raises" and "Upon"

(I can tell now this is gonna be a really long and anal post >_>)


Yours says "the foe's"


The only words you even got correct were "Speed" and "Defense" lol << >>


Yours was just worded differently.


Yours says what it does.


Definition'd again :c


inb4 you used some 4th gen definitions and I'm just being a ditz


2 Define-y again << >> [I'm just gonna say "definion" for the rest that you defined too well]




Not enuff wurdz.


See previous.


Pokemon is Anti-Commaunist.


I end this one with a picture as well.


That ends the first rotation of my boxes.. which have 30 Pokemon each..

This is gonna take a while << >>
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Rule of Thumb: If you have a "%" in the box, it's wrong << >>


Lol Feraligatr Syndrome.


Second rule of Thumb: If you use "Foe," there's a 66.6666666666666666666666666666666666667% chance that you're wrong << >>


Maybe I should just stop clarifying

Oh ho! I was hoping I'd find one of these.

While you got the text from Flower Gift right, if you go to [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/flowergift"]http://pokemonreborn.com/flowergift[/url] it derps :c


^Extremely important clarification in the fact that the ability will [i]only work[/i] with Castform, even when it's traced. (Also to be a bitch, seeing as Castform is a Gen 3 pokemon, it also doesn't change when the weather is "Shadow Sky" << >>)


Again, Too many words << >>

I could totally be at school right now, you know. This is so much better <3


Where are you getting your information? .-.


..You put more words in the in-game than in the actual effect info lol.


You were close!


Needs less math.


Definition :c


You had quite the streak going!




This deserves the bowser picture again lol .-.


See abovveeeee.

Second rotation finished!
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Like Hyper Cutter


lolol contractions


This is really Pokémon's derp but, meh, accuracy :C


What's a grammar?!


You wouldn't believe how sleepy I am right now

I'll do the next half later, have to go with my mom and do stuff.



2manywords :c


Needs less Grammar.


Less Grammar and the adding of Minus to the effect [Which is dumb seeing as they repel and should like.. increase evasion with fancy repulsion dodging but whatever]


Again with more in-game words than actual effect lol


Smallerwords :c


...That's new, but, you didn't capitalize "Abilities"




Yours seems better but eh.






I hate telling you to edit clarificational grammar :c


Spell it out, lazy bones!

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TOO.... not enough words? What.


Exactly the same as Minus.


Attacker, not foeeee.


Needs less math.


Fun fact: The lack of specification here made me think it was EXACTLY like Poison Point until working on this abiltydex >_>




..Needs less math.


Yours is slightly inaccurate!


Foe is so 2007. >_>


You forgot the PICKLES.

Or, rather, the a.


Needs less definition and math.






..You didn't get a single word right except speed and move.
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Hyphens are for noobs!


[No comment]


math :C








[i]ALL[/i] the moves!


You just didn't capitalize Speed :c


Needs less "on"




Also, for the in battle effect, "Cannot" because "May not" kinda seems like "It might not eat it." Just a thought, feel free to laugh in my face.



One more half box to go!
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Same as TerraVolt [Don't care if it's only one r, I'm always gonna spell it like that >_>]






The one on yours is actually the misleading one!


Stop being confusingggg!


Spaces are ALSO for noobs!

I'm done <3

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