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Are there any available X Attacks or Cheri Berries prior to Julia?



I'm brainstorming ways to reliably Combusken solo the Julia fight and I'd like to know if either of these items are available as hidden items.

If not, what's the most easily obtainable Pokemon before Julia? I think it's Kricketot; it requires neither a battle nor PokeSnax and it's a single talk event that's not too far out of the way.

Edited by dondon151
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pre julia, there are alot off good event mons too get! such as:

Yes but which of these involves the least amount of time? I just need a fodder Pokemon so that the game won't cause me to lose when Combusken suicides from Aftermath.

I fought julia just with my Combusken lvl 15 and i won without any switching of pokemon but getting that kricketot really helped later on

The battle is hard enough as is with a L19 Combusken that has 31 atk IVs and a +atk nature. Combusken loses half of its HP from OHKOing Julia's Voltorbs and her Emolga has Nuzzle, Acrobatics, and Static to screw things up.

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Yes but which of these involves the least amount of time? I just need a fodder Pokemon so that the game won't cause me to lose when Combusken suicides from Aftermath.

When you mean fodder, do you mean something that will just go in and die?

Or like, kill the Emolga for example, then die?

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The plan is that Combusken sweeps all of Julia's Pokemon. Her final Pokemon is her Electrode, and Combusken will faint to her Electrode's Aftermath. So I need another non-fainted Pokemon in my party in order to not black out.

Alternatively I can set battle style to shift, switch in fodder vs. Julia's second Voltorb (which she sends out third to last), get a free Potion heal, and then send Combusken back in. I'm not sure if L19 Combusken can outspeed a L13 Voltorb, though.

Edited by dondon151
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It turns out that a side benefit to sacrificing Kricketot for a Potion heal during the Julia battle is that if I leave it fainted through the Obsidia Slums, the Pokemon Gang fight is a single battle (I'm pretty sure), which is good.

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Yeah, I know it's a double battle, but in previous runs it would be a single battle because I would normally only have Combusken at that point. I'm assuming that if Kricketot is fainted and I have no other Pokemon aside from Combusken, it would still turn into a single battle.

Also, the Scraggy and Scrafty have randomized abilities. This is yet another really annoying thing about speedrunning Reborn; many enemy trainer Pokemon will have randomized abilities that can significantly affect the outcome of battle. Even some important trainers such as Victoria and Fern have random abilities, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Edited by dondon151
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