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Hey! I'm new to Reborn (started a file today). My starter is a Cyndaquil named King. I also have a Pachirisu, but I'm not really planning to use it once I get my hands on Tynamo.

My favourite type is Ghost, and my favourite Pokemon is Banette. I also like the Hoenn region the most.

Since I'm so new, I was hoping some of you guys could give me tips and tricks involving Reborn!

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welcome to reborn!

will edit later with baller tips on reborn~

for now ask the awesome people (including muah) on the reborn showdown server for tips! also battle us and chat ye!

remember the rules, which are located in your member info~

have a nice stay!!!

cee yoy round~


Reborn Showdown!

Edited by Sinikuro013
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Ah Hoenn…the generation that started my personal Pokemon craze, prompting me to go backwards down the gens for a bit before gen IV kicked off…it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Erm, I mean, welcome to Reborn! No one else has done this yet, do I actually get to? Rules are to your left, search bar the bar above the rules link, Showdown link above that, and status bar the bar BELOW the rules. Takes a small bit of getting used to, but once you do, you're all good to go! Just don't put search queries in the status bar, that's how jokes get started. In any case, have fun, and I'll see you around!

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If you're looking hard for a specific 'mon, look no further than this thread. I can tell you for sure that Tynamo is available before the first gym, that Shuppet is available before the third, and that you're going to have a great time.

Some advice for gameplay: try to use as much strategy as you can in your play whenever you're battling. Gyms are REALLY difficult otherwise. Sometimes you'll even find yourself training up a 'mon specifically to take on a certain gym. Wander EVERYWHERE, you'll never know what you'll find. Spamming Z on every rock that sticks out won't hurt either, as you'll pick up tons of shards, useful items like Ability Capsules, the occasional evolutionary stone, and other wonderful items. This is also the best way to encounter certain pokemon, as they might be hidden in back alleyways and running around the city.

But best of luck and have fun with your run!

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Welcome to Reborn mate.


Pretty much everything you need to know was said by the person above me. You can always ask for help if needed, but try your best to solve and find stuff on your own because thats what makes Reborn such a good experience :)

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Well met Robin.

Welcome to Reborn!

Freaking Sinikuro man. y u do this.

Anyway, tips for Reborn? Catch every single pokémon with a blue shiny cuz you're about to get converted.

WOLOLO \o/ bam

Or, you know, just catch the pokémons you like and do your best. Giving up is not an option.

Well, I hope you enjoy your stay. You're not leaving anyway. Even the ones that leave, come back. They always do.


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