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F.E.A.R strategy?


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Just finished ep 15, 38:10, and now I'm going to breeding phase. Anyway, this topic is about using F.E.A.R in Reborn, especially in battles against overleveled mons (I tried to save Kiki, but but but .....).

I caught Aron in Peridot, and for quite a long time I stored him. Then yesterday when I faced Terra, she crashed my lv.70 team nearly 10 times. I decided to teach Aron Endeavor through Move Tutor, and then resorted to FEAR (Cotton Candy to pull that off several times). And today, although I beat Seel's (yet another overleveled mon!) Mega Altaria without stooping so low like the last time, I still think that using FEAR will lower the difficulty Ame wanted us to suffer from.

What do you guys think about this?

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I've successfully used a F.E.A.R. Ratatta against the Solaris Garchomp, but it required a lot of set up and luck to pull off successfully. It's a pretty uncommon strategy and not easy to do, so I don't think any changes to the game are necessary.

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I'll agree here as well…aside from things like Solaris' Garchomp, the field effects and other entry hazards in place in most major battles help cripple the FEAR tactic. The amount of effort/luck required to pull it off in ANY situation is enough I don't feel it's something that's going to break the game. I'd compare it to a lucky crit right when you need it most, or something like the first Cradily you face never using recover for whatever reason (how I managed to beat it finally)…it can work at times, it's definitely a strategy you can use/rely on, but it's not gamebreaking.

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Issue with F.E.A.R it is 1 time only. The amount of effort that must be put in to use it to take down a single mon... is pretty steep.

Because of a few key things. This is in general, there is some clear exceptions. ((Such as F.E.A.R Kangashan as it has Scrappy.))

-Without Scrappy Ghosts are entirely immune to the strategy.

-Non-Sturdy users require the use of a Focus Sash. As Sashes are used up when they activate.. it is veeeeeeery hard to replace them as they are somewhat rarer items.

-Weather Effects, hazards and other indirect damage tend to mess up the strategy.

-Black Sludge, Lefties, or a similar item will restore the HP of the opposing mon which renders the F.E.A.R Mon unable to properly deal with it afterwards.

-Opposing Priority moves on the enemy allow them to dispatch the F.E.A.R mon before being defeated themselves. This allows them to possibly have a move against and Opponent.

-Multi-hit moves.

-Mold Breaker ((and those fancy ones Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyu-W, and Kyu-B have even if you won't come across them most likely.)) negates the strategy for Sturdy Users such as Aron.

AI's might not be the best at countering F.E.A.R however as they can never know the strategy. However, F.E.A.R is pretty much a 1 time deal. At most you can remove 1 of opposing Leaders mons while also dedicating an entire slot of your own team towards a F.E.A.R mon with have little use outside of removing 1 thing from play. It pretty much more useful to run something with Destiny Bond instead as it can have much more use than removing one mon but still gives you the instant kill switch button. While F.E.A.R could be helpful it has plenty of things that hold it back it keep it from being the most viable thing out there. Giving up an entire slot in your team is the biggest example of why it is a very rare strategy as it is not usually worth that entire slot to killing one mon on the enemy team and then nothing else.

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More to the point, I don't think there is a way to get the shell bell yet.

The only teams that are really vulnerable to F.E.A.R at this stage of the game is Samson. Serra has hail/hax, Noel has healing from the field, Randomus is a doubles fight, Luna has sableye/SR, Samson can potentially be beaten with it although you need shell bell. Not possible for Charlotte. Terra has sand immunity and ciel you need to remove both togekiss and talonflame before F.E.A.R has any likelihood of working.

So as long as there is no shell bell before samson, it is fine.

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Well, I did have to sacrifice 5 slots for this strategy (1 Spinner, 3 Priority User, and Aron). I didn't pick up Shell bell so I used Potion and Cotton Candy instead. This was my whole process of defeating Terra:

Rapid Spin SR


Potion (Until she used up all 3 HPotions)

Sacrifice Aron, then switch in a Priority User to revenge kill

Revive Aron by sacrifice the Priority User, then use potion on him, and repeat the process.

By using this, I managed to kill off 4 of her mons before using my last Mon to kill off the other 2.

I wasn't so proud of using so much Potions and Cotton Candies like that, but it was last resort. However, this strategy did me a huge favor of getting rid of Leader's Hyper Potions. Just need to waste 3 or 4 Potions.

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Iirc, it was said that Cotton Candies are only supposed to heal by half, but were accidentally set to be like Max Revives, so that's another deterrent to FEAR strats, with how rare actual Max Revives are.

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FEAR and such is only viable against single strong minibosses, imo, like Solaris, Ditto-Arceus, PULSE-Abra and the E15 PULSE. I prefer the Counter / Mirror Move / Metal Burst method, my unsashed Vanilluxe has oneshoted with MC both Arceus and the E15 PULSE.

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Alright I'll give what does F.E.A.R stand for?....

You can just Google this kinda stuff, but it's Focus Sash, Endeavor, Quick Attack, Rattata, cause Rattata was teh first thing people did this with.

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You can just Google this kinda stuff, but it's Focus Sash, Endeavor, Quick Attack, Rattata, cause Rattata was teh first thing people did this with.

: s I'm at work tho, but thank you

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Technically, if you want to sacrifice a Sash, Dunsparce has the potential to run a FEAR-like set, with Yawn/Protect/Endeavor/(attack, for example Ancientpower). Use yawn, then use protect if no switch (for one mon: use protect). The rest points itself out. This thing doesn't work in competitive due to obvious reasons, though. (Perhaps in AAA with Shadow tag/Arena trap...) I didn't use this in practice yet, but in theory it should work.

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You can just Google this kinda stuff, but it's Focus Sash, Endeavor, Quick Attack, Rattata, cause Rattata was teh first thing people did this with.

We all know it actually stands for Frikking Evil Annoying Rodent! :P

Edited by Busti
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